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[RELEASE] Build Snapping - Extended v1.6 (Updated 02/20/2014)


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So i installed the custom folder into the mission pbo; i used my custom compiles folder that is located in the mission pbo under folder "scripts" where i installed Self bloodbag. 

compiles.sqf looks like this.

fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\fn_selfActions.sqf";

if (!isDedicated) then {
	player_build		= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_build.sqf";
	player_buildControls	= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\player_buildControls.sqf";
	snap_object		= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\snap_object.sqf";

Then description.ext

respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission= "DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntro = "Road To Nowhere";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;
enableItemsDropping = 0;

briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;

onPauseScript = "";
loadScreen = "loadscreen.jpg";

class Header
 gameType = COOP;            //DM, Team, Coop, ...
 minPlayers = 1;             //min # of players the mission supports
 maxPlayers = 100;            //Max # of players the mission supports

aiKills = 1;
diagRadio = 1;
diagHit = 1;

class RscText
	type = 0;
	idc = -1;
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	h = 0.037;
	w = 0.3;
	style = 0x100; 
	font = Zeppelin32;
	SizeEx = 0.03921;
	colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
	colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	linespacing = 1;
class RscPicture
class RscLoadingText : RscText
	style = 2;
	x = 0.323532;
	y = 0.666672;
	w = 0.352944;
	h = 0.039216;
	sizeEx = 0.03921;
	colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};
class RscProgress
	x = 0.344;
	y = 0.619;
	w = 0.313726;
	h = 0.0261438;
	texture = "\ca\ui\data\loadscreen_progressbar_ca.paa";
	colorFrame[] = {0,0,0,0};
	colorBar[] = {1,1,1,1};
class RscProgressNotFreeze
	idc = -1;
	type = 45;
	style = 0;
	x = 0.022059;
	y = 0.911772;
	w = 0.029412;
	h = 0.039216;
	texture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";
// the loading screen itself
class DayZ_loadingScreen
	idd = -1;
	duration = 10e10;
	fadein = 0;
	fadeout = 0;
	name = "loading screen";
	class controlsBackground
		class blackBG : RscText
			x = safezoneX;
			y = safezoneY;
			w = safezoneW;
			h = safezoneH;
			text = "";
			colorText[] = {0,0,0,0};
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1};
		class nicePic : RscPicture
			style = 48 + 0x800; // ST_PICTURE + ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO
			x = safezoneX + safezoneW/2 - 0.25;
			y = safezoneY + safezoneH/2 - 0.2;
			w = 0.5;
			h = 0.4;
			text = "img\nicePic.paa";
	class controls
		class Title1 : RscLoadingText
			text = "$STR_LOADING"; // "Loading" text in the middle of the screen
		class CA_Progress : RscProgress // progress bar, has to have idc 104
			idc = 104;
			type = 8; // CT_PROGRESS
			style = 0; // ST_SINGLE
			texture = "\ca\ui\data\loadscreen_progressbar_ca.paa";
		class CA_Progress2 : RscProgressNotFreeze // progress bar that will go reverse
			idc = 103;
		class Name2: RscText // the text on the top-left
			idc = 101;
			x = 0.05;
			y = 0.029412;
			w = 0.9;
			h = 0.04902;
			text = "";
			sizeEx = 0.05;
			colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};
#include "custom\snap_build\points.hpp"

Now in game if i pull out a floor or wall it says across the screen "snapping not available for this object"

***NOTE that in description.ext the #include "custom\snap_build\points.hpp" line is not the last line, if i fail to include the };

I am left at waiting for host.

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I just tried snapping a wooden garage door to a small wooden wall and although it said snapping enabled, it wouldn't snap. Is this a known bug? Running Epoch Napf with snapping 1.5


Are you using large garage doors if so then then yes small wooden things won't snap to large I'm afraid.

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Awesome work man !


Could you do something to just snap edges, and allow to angle your walls around this edge.


Cause right now, there are just angles of 90° possible, but it could be awesome if we could do by 5° or 10°


What do you think about this ?


Thanks for your time

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running epoch 1.0.4 and have been noticing after all users log off the server, any building walls that have been snapped (wooden walls full size, some with windows or doors) end up either disappearing all together, or getting moved around in all sorts of ways after we log back in. the time period we leave the server doesnt seem to matter and we havent restarted the server so it isnt that.


Thanks for any help we can get :)

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Awesome work man !


Could you do something to just snap edges, and allow to angle your walls around this edge.


Cause right now, there are just angles of 90° possible, but it could be awesome if we could do by 5° or 10°


What do you think about this ?


Thanks for your time


Bump !

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