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[Dupe Fix] Arma Cheats


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With Arma 2 came along the option for players to cheat by holding left shift and the numpad minus key. This can be abused as it is a backdoor to complete the backpack dupe, for which most servers have a fix for. To fix this, it's very simple:

1. Open up dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf

2. Find the following: 

_shift = 	_this select 2;
_ctrl = 	_this select 3;
_alt =		_this select 4;

And paste the following below:

if (_shift) then {
    if(_dikCode == 0x4A) then { 
        execVM "PATH\TO\ArmaCheatFix.sqf";
        _handled = true;

3. Create an sqf file called ArmaCheatFix.sqf to your specified directory and paste the following inside:

uiSleep 0.1;
disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;
(findDisplay 49) closedisplay 0;
closeDialog 0;
systemchat "You've been frozen for 20 seconds.";
uiSleep 21;
disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;

This goes along with:

I use this on my server and it works fantastically!


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On 8/19/2016 at 11:20 AM, Shawn said:

With Arma 2 came along the option for players to cheat by holding left shift and the numpad minus key. This can be abused as it is a backdoor to complete the backpack dupe, for which most servers have a fix for. To fix this, it's very simple:

1. Open up dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf

2. Find the following: 

_shift = 	_this select 2;
_ctrl = 	_this select 3;
_alt =		_this select 4;

And paste the following below:

if (_shift) then {
    if(_dikCode == 0x4A) then { 
        execVM "PATH\TO\ArmaCheatFix.sqf";
        _handled = true;

3. Create an sqf file called ArmaCheatFix.sqf to your specified directory and paste the following inside:

uiSleep 0.1;
disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;
(findDisplay 49) closedisplay 0;
closeDialog 0;
systemchat "You've been frozen for 20 seconds.";
uiSleep 21;
disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;

This goes along with:

I use this on my server and it works fantastically!



This fix is easily bypassable and was never meant to be a good fix. Just a temp fix to stop the little kids that seen a youtube video on how to do it.


Why do you keep releasing work I have done for you or other people as if YOU MADE IT????

Move this over to this thread.

At least at the bottom you have this giving some credit

On 4/17/2016 at 9:05 AM, Shawn said:

Please remember that all credit goes to the rightful creators of the scripts.

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For infiSTAR 
find to AH.sqf 

	if(_key == 0x19)then{['Shift + P to CombatLog'] spawn "+_randvar4+";call _fnc_punish_combatlog;_handled=true};

change to 

		if(_key == 0x19)then{['Shift + P to CombatLog'] spawn "+_randvar4+";call _fnc_punish_combatlog;_handled=true};
        if(_key == 0x4A)then{['Shift-Minus to Dupe'] spawn "+_randvar4+";_handled=true;true};

and all will be well! :biggrin:
frieze + logs = no dupe 

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