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Server Suggestions?


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I found your post, ok as far as your question on how to install new maps, i use playwithsix. Download play with six and search for the maps you want to play on and download them. It is a simple click to enable or disable them. As far as finding new servers, this forum is perfect for finding new places to play on. just go here: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/18-a2-community-servers/    if you have any problems, feel free to add me on steam. My Arma account is the Syrian_Soldier one. 

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I am really enjoying this server.

It is much more how Epoch was when i first started playing, tough.

I use DayZ launcher for Arma 2 download it from here. This little utility will tell you what you need to launch in way of mods and maps and then prompt you to download them once you have them you can launch straight into game.

Hope this helps, enjoy playing.

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