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[RELEASE] Huge Storage Boxes


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I've been struggling with storing all loot that my mates bring from AI missions and I decided to create bigger boxes that would be stored in the database as a storage unit. I took Shelf from Epoch client as an example. The new box can hold up to 10000 lbs of loot compared with 300 lbs of the Shelf. The new box may be built using 4 Large Corrugated + 4 Plank Packs. By using the larger boxes I also managed to remove 100 or so shelves and replace them with 10 boxes. I guess that may increase my server performance just a bit.


Check out this video and let me know what do you think.




Here's the link to the new extra_storage.pbo



You will need to put extra_storage.pbo into an existing or a custom @mod\addons folder on the server and on each client that connects to the server.


I also added this line into my mission.sqm:

addOns[] = { ...

You may also want to customize your cfgCrafting.hpp to include the recipes to build the Storage Box Kit:

class ItemCorrugatedLg : Default
	usedIn[] = { "VehicleRepairLg", "KitPlotPole", "KitStorageBox" };
	recipe[] = { { "ItemCorrugated", 3 } };
class PartPlankPack : Default
usedIn[] = {"KitStudWall","KitWoodFloor","KitWoodFoundation","KitWoodStairs","KitWoodRamp","KitTiPi", "KitStorageBox"};
	recipe[] = {{"WoodLog_EPOCH",2}};
class KitStorageBox : Default
	recipe[] = {{"ItemCorrugatedLg",4}, {"PartPlankPack",4} };

That's it! No more struggling with finding place to put that new sniper rifle, or 10 rifles :)

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Nice share! are these persistent?

If so fantastic job, I've had a craft able large crate for some time now for that exact reason.

I even have it set up to be able to move it around as well as load em into pickup trucks and large choppers


My new boxes are all of those things.

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It´s excactly the addon what i wanted to create too :)

Now, you are faster - Good job !


I still didnt checked your code until now, but isnt there any way to rework it for a "none-client-side" method ?

That the player doesnt have to download this addon for himself, u know...


anyway, nice at all !

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I kinda/sorta got it working via the mission file.  I renamed the config.cpp to extra_storage.hpp and moved it into the mission pbo.  Then I added an entry in description.ext "#include cfg\extra_storage.hpp".  It loaded up with no errors but when I went to craft it there was no picture that appeared in the crafting menu, likely due to an incorrect path, and when I tried to craft it I was told that there was insufficient space, meaning that it was too big to fit in my inventory, which makes sense.  Methinks there's more work that needs done to this to make it viable, but it should be possible to put it in the mission.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

So One is something similar... I added these classnames to halv's and suppe's black market and u buy them like u would vehicles... You move them with IgILoad. And they are persistent.


hi, may I ask how you did this, I am still learning so a bit confused.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

With the release of you need to put a copy of CfgBaseBuilding.hpp in your mission file, and add the following to it, otherwise you will not be able to remove the boxes once placed:


    class StorageBox_EPOCH : Default
        removeParts[] = {{ "PartPlankPack",4 },{ "ItemCorrugatedLg",4 }};

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi all

Does anyone know if this is still being developed i.e. getting it server side or built into the mission pbo?

otherwise is there something similar in the vein of a large storage container that is peaceable as a building object preferably with the included features of being able to move them and load them into vehicles.



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