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Base parts are going poof


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so im wondering one of my players said he was just getting to his sky base he made and he could actually see his walls slowly go away one at a time any one no why this may be also i found this in the redis


CinderWallHalf_EPOCH was killed by d3582400# 1815181: cinder_half.p3d  , who is the killer here have no clue

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Wonder if it was above the indicated elevation that is max and therefore they started despawning one by one.


Someone said in another post that you can only go so high and it wasn't very high for me to consider it a sky base.  I don't recall what the max height was though.



May be a way to extend it in the code though I have no clue.



If the player said a wall killed him then that ID tag is probalby the building part tag number that killed him.

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Not sure if you have me in mind or not, but I used to say that max height that you could possibly build a structure is 99 meters (at least in patch, haven't tried in current), after that your character starts floating in the air and you can not move, but I am not sure this isn't just another Epoch or Arma 3 bug. And I do not think that items would despawn because of being "too high up". I'd guess it is just another server data issue/error with little to no relation to Epoch mod itself.

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ok yeh i was wondering just trying to make sense of it dont want the players thinking the admins are going around deleting shit which we are not but its just weird and yes they are high enough when you walk around you do the sky diver thing lol.

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