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When will next update come out?


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Hey guys,


any information when the next update is comming out?

Its along time since the last one came out and theres still not even an announcement when the next one will come out or even which kind of this it will contain.


Its bugged as fu*k atm.


Would be so nice to see a hotfix or update comming which will fix the following:


- Randomly Despawning Shelfs

- Despawning of bases even if they are maintained

- Revive player shit, it isnt workin atm. 



Please fix this fast!




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Let me quote Axle



The current build is


We do not set dates for patches. They are released when we feel they are ready.


We are a small team that works hard to put out what we can when we can.


Thanks for stopping by and checking us out  :D



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Hey guys,


any information when the next update is comming out?

Its along time since the last one came out and theres still not even an announcement when the next one will come out or even which kind of this it will contain.


Its bugged as fu*k atm.


Would be so nice to see a hotfix or update comming which will fix the following:


- Randomly Despawning Shelfs

- Despawning of bases even if they are maintained

- Revive player shit, it isnt workin atm. 



Please fix this fast!





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I sugget pming them with your skillset in making games, then asking if they need another team member with your skillset, to push things along faster, no? Or do you not have they skillsets and are just being impatient? They are better taking their time and getting it right, rather than bowing down to impatient people and rushing and then having 3 hotfixes right after the release.

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i understand the admins, but if they published some little information about the next update, would some people be more relaxed and happier :D


You can get some heads up on the new patches by watching Axles stream when he is on the test server, but I do agree with you it would be nice if there was a thread with some weekly updates on the mods progress or any little bit if info so we can get our nerdgasm's on.

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They don't want to post a changelog yet because I am sure it is constantly changing. You are quite aware that this game is in Alpha and full of bugs atm. Just be patient so they can get it right the first time and do not need to constantly "hotfix" things. I like the current development time, its like we get little treats of new content every few weeks and the game just keeps getting better.

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Release of the 1.38 version of Arma 3 is pending, so they are probably waiting for the mass release of that before they roll out a new patch.  If they let 2.5.2 Epoch play on 1.38 Arma3 for a week or so that will give them a good idea whether there are any new bugs that need fixed for the .3 version before it hits the wild.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  :) 

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I'm torn.  I think the imagination and creativity of the devs is epic and what they've done with such a small team is incredible......but what direction is this mod going?  On one hand you have pretty feasible environment with Arma 3 weapons/elements with other dev created ones, but then you have these fantasy MMO elements such as the cultist and now this huge rock monster.  It's like two genres in a tug of war.  How long is it before we get a laser gun or lightsabre?


I don't know, my group hates playing at night with cultists...not because they scare us, but they just seem out of place.  Where is my fire mage to battle such a creature?

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I'm torn.  I think the imagination and creativity of the devs is epic and what they've done with such a small team is incredible......but what direction is this mod going?  On one hand you have pretty feasible environment with Arma 3 weapons/elements with other dev created ones, but then you have these fantasy MMO elements such as the cultist and now this huge rock monster.  It's like two genres in a tug of war.  How long is it before we get a laser gun or lightsabre?


I don't know, my group hates playing at night with cultists...not because they scare us, but they just seem out of place.  Where is my fire mage to battle such a creature?

Yeah this hits the nail on the head with me too.. I know its early and I will continue to play Epoch regardless, but I don't feel the same "addiction" with A3 Epoch as I did with DayZ Epoch.. I don't find its got as .. replay-ability right now. Again I know its early..

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I'd guess most posters are relatively experienced with the zombie apocalypse genre. With that said, how do you pull in the kids who are the age you were at when you first found DayZ?


I think adding some "wow" factor is really good, and really impressive if they can do it right. Although I think the Rock Golem is kind of out of place, considering DayZ was full of zombie hordes and nukes going off every few minutes (slight jab), it is not beyond consideration.


Anyone who is against the Rock Golem - are you FOR the autonomous 16 million dollar robot tank with gun and holographic optical camoflague? Both are just as impossible to see in a post-apocalyptic scenario. So deal with it.


They could easily turn this Rock Golem into a tornado and it would have the exact same effect in game and be 'realistic' enough, and I'm sure individual servers could make it this way if they wanted. So let them play with it and provide them some support. I will be laughing so hard when this thing stomps on some guy's Vanad.

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With all the zombie f### ups out there im sick of em sumthing different is a nice change I remember sumone askin for Godzilla in dayz epoch once I cant wait for the rock monster and million dollar robot sher I did see it it was called skynet :lol: you guys are doing great work bring on the rock beast ;)

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Personally I prefer as little AI as possible and let the players determine the environment.


1.  Let the players control drones / robots to find others

2.  Let the players take missions...ie NPC contract out to players to transport goods from point A to point B and have other NPC(s) contract out to players to hijack or destroy that convoy.  With point A and B at least 15km with checkpoints in between they must hit.  There is a reasonable time limit.   Each side with proper rewards for success.

3.  Town defend / takeover missions...no need to explain this mechanic.


Everything needs to be dynamic, scripted stuff just get old after some time.   If mission involving AI (human) can be dynamic enough then I'm all for it, but I don't think it'll be easy to hit that level.


Believe me, I've been playing computer games since the Atari 2600 came out, scripted stuff will get old.  

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