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[WIP] Building custom bases


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So is that how the folks are doing it who are redoing Chernarus as we speak?  Yeah that would suck to have to download the map all over again.  Seems like there would be more issues with players not being able to connect because they have the wrong map version.  


When I asked the question before I was told it would just be a server side file which modified the AiA map:

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This topic is too much complicated? i putted a3_epoch_server_building.pbo in the map addons  but what now?

i dont see any custom building in my altis epoch map? what do i need to do to get this to work ? do i need to put something

in my mission init map or what? can someone help me with this!

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This topic is too much complicated? i putted a3_epoch_server_building.pbo in the map addons  but what now?

i dont see any custom building in my altis epoch map? what do i need to do to get this to work ? do i need to put something

in my mission init map or what? can someone help me with this!

There is a default base included, you're meant to create your own edits and use this to get buildings in game.

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I'm using MCC/Zeus, any way to get the A2 buildings on those menus?

Just load up the AiA TP when launching the game, with the addon enabled you'll see all the A2 buildings.

Personally i couldn't get used to using MCC, I prefer GID - Object Positioning System (lxOPS), only snag is saving the building 1 by 1, i could never get it to save multiple buildings, it's very accurate though for tight spaces and tiny corrections.

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Just load up the AiA TP when launching the game, with the addon enabled you'll see all the A2 buildings.

Personally i couldn't get used to using MCC, I prefer GID - Object Positioning System (lxOPS), only snag is saving the building 1 by 1, i could never get it to save multiple buildings, it's very accurate though for tight spaces and tiny corrections.

Thanks for the info.

Just gave GID a go, seems a bit tedious if you can't move/rotate objects using your mouse.

Reminds me too much of the map editor for GTA San Andreas.

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Here are some addons I made for Bornholm.  Here's an album where you can check them out before trying them on your server.  These were all made with the M3Editor addon.  The churches are not included in the image album.  There is at least 1 large church added to each major town and multiple small churches dotted around the map in various areas to allow for additional Epoch loot spawns.


Credit goes to GZA for the use of his addon PBO method.


Enjoy!   :)


Bornholm map addons.zip

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Here are some addons I made for Bornholm.  Here's an album where you can check them out before trying them on your server.  These were all made with the M3Editor addon.  The churches are not included in the image album.  There is at least 1 large church added to each major town and multiple small churches dotted around the map in various areas to allow for additional Epoch loot spawns.


Credit goes to GZA for the use of his addon PBO method.


Enjoy!   :)


attachicon.gifBornholm map addons.zip


Added your map to the first post :D

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I added my own custom buildings in the config.cpp it works fine, and i tried your way with precompiled files like that i don't need to edit original server files.

Just one problem...

With precompiled PBO physics is activated and my items fall on the ground.
With config.cpp physics is apparently disabled and my items left in place.

I dunno if it is a bug or not... Is it possible to disabled physics in precomplied PBO ?

Thx for your help.


Sorry for my bad english, but it's not my native language.

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No. A2 and A3 coding is very different.


Sry but this is from A2 Chernarus map , made on A2 - dayz-1602


if (isServer) then


_vehicle_0 = objNull;

if (true) then


  _this = createVehicle ["Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall", [13093.524, 10093.372, 0.50073987], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

  _vehicle_0 = _this;

  _this setDir -61.724037;

  _this setPos [13093.524, 10093.372, 0.50073987];


_vehicle_1 = objNull;

if (true) then


  _this = createVehicle ["Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall", [13092.001, 10105.41, 0.47798419], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

  _vehicle_1 = _this;

  _this setDir 55.126442;

  _this setPos [13092.001, 10105.41, 0.47798419];



same syntax , only the names of objects may differ

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OK simple with MACA's m3editor  , just do your thing (build a base , a scrapyard full with new cars) and Save it (the second option , 1nr is Open)

Then just make sure its saved (believe me shit can happen and it will do so) , than save it 'again' as "export sqf" (yourA3base.sqf)


Next  just open the new file in a text editor , and add this


if (isServer) then {    // add this


--- this  is yourA3base.sqf----

private ["_objs"];
_objs = [  


// lots of lines of your addings


} foreach _objs; 

--  end of yourA3base.sqf --


};     // This u need to add


Save it as Mainbase.sqf , make the pbo

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