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Paint vehicles?



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this is totally possible with only mission files.  I've seen it done on the 1776 arma2 servers.


How you do it... don't have that info in front of me but I'm pretty sure its similar to replacing the texture of a flag which we have done on our servers.



edit: just re-read your question.  I don't know if you can easily set this up to have player customizable vehicles.  But you can re-skin all vehicles of a certain class or just a specific one you spawn in with a script.

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Google adding skins/paint jobs in Take on Helicopters for starters.


=170= Sven2157

Seriously guys... Take on Helicopters is like Arma 2.5 - or Arma 2.75, if you think Arma OA is 2.5! ;)

Here, have a look:




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here is how the system works... it doesn't work on all vehicles, but on some. so i would love to have this :P

This customize-your-own-server is quickly turning into an addiction lol


I would love to have this nice feature on my server so we need (again) a skilled developer to pick up this feature request... fingers X'd

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it might be worth looking at origins files as you can respray cars etc in that with spray tins and stecils to get custom skins would be cool if it was brought over to epoch.

this along with the spray tins could then be used in the gun upgrade and downgrade like make camo etc

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I saw some code in the wasteland files when i was hosting A3 wasteland Altis for a while, but i've never been able


I don't feel comfortable sharing code that

a ). i didn't write, and

b ). i don't fully understand how it works.

so if you want to go hunting for it yourself, that would be a good place to look. 


but basically they use a switch case, with some values in brackets (i assume this is where the game tells you to apply the colour)


_paintVehicles = switch (true) do {
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Mi17_base"): {[0,1]};
case (_vehicle isKindOf "Lada_base"): {[0,2]};
default {[0]}; 
you would also need to define the colours, using argb format
and i guess you would use another switch case linked to your dialog menu, 
case "Black":       { _colorString = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1)" };
case "Blue":        { _colorString = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0.2,1,0.75)" };
case "Green":       { _colorString = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.15)" };
case "White":       { _colorString = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.5)" };

these are some snippets i have saved from my failed attempts to get this working on my server, 



however, there is another way, which i did manage to get working. (it makes the mission file quite large though, but this doesnt work like a respray shop. it just retextures existing vehicles)




then add lines like

// pony suv for the /b/ronies in server #1 
if (_object isKindOf "SUV_Pink") then {
_object setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [0, ""addons\textures\mlpSUV.jpg""]";

// make the ah6j look awful and rem hydras.
if (_object isKindof "AH6J_EP1") then {
         _object magazinesTurret [-1];
_object removeMagazinesTurret ["14Rnd_FFAR",[-1]];
_object WeaponsTurret [-1];
_object removeWeapon "FFARLauncher_14";
_object addMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134";
_object addMagazine "60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine";
_object addMagazine "60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine";
_object setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [0, ""addons\textures\greentiger.jpg""]";




/b/ronie suv


hideous green tiger chopper (i secretly love it) 

the problem with this method, is that the mission file size increases exponentially with each texture you add, and you need to find a balance between texture quality and size. any compression artefacts look much much worse in game, and often the colours dont look the same in game, eg. my pure, bright red mi17 looks like it's a salmon pink colour. 


to get the base vehicle textures to edit, de-pbo some of the files from the addons folder in your arma 2 directory and go looking through the .paa files. 

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further to my previous post... knowing that i can use the argb format in the vehicle init. 

has just given me some wild ideas. i should be able to fix my awful salmon mi17 haha thanks for posting this Sven2157


http://i.imgur.com/VjQAZiA.png <- some look oh-so bad, but at least the salmon chopper can be fixed to look red now, and shave some kbs off the mission pbo 

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Awesome, you took Maca's code, modified it slightly and sold it :D


I didnt sell it.


And it's only his dialog, and then edited to support more collors. Credit to maca!. the colloring itself i wrote ( persistent over restarts, multy colors and so on.   :)  ( with some help of the arma script makers skype channel (also credits there)).


He asked me to make it, and it looked cool making it.


They guy just offered me money not to release it for everyone.

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