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Posts posted by Sequisha

  1. I am well aware of your work and it really is very good.  Adding the female modes is fantastic (although some skins without knee high pants would be good ;) ).  I have been reading the thread concerning the new enterable building and the different considerations and effort that is required in doing so with great interest.  Moddeling and texturing is not my area at all and my comments were based partly on your details of the process you outlined in that thread.


    It is good to hear that you are not on your own in creating these now.  Does that mean we should get our additonal orders in now :D .


    Whilst I do agree about the difficulty in comparison, each area geenrally requires a different skillset and some are easier to aquire than others hence why there are more scripted mods out there than new objects.   There are just a larger base of people who can easily get to grips with scripting than can or are willing to take the time and make the required effort (inc obtaining the software etc) that is required for modelling.


    Keep up the great work.  Let those models keep comming (not hats and boots though please, this is not DayZ SA ;) ).

    Thanks you very much my friend!  I look back at some of the stuff I did even leading up to the end of Arma 2 Epoch and giggle a bit.  I've been implementing new techniques and have learned all kinds of new tricks along the way.  Hopefully by the time we're done; everything you see should LOOK like it belongs there.

    And yeah...there'll be hats...but I've requested all Fedora to be taken off the loot table.  Except maybe one,...and it'll one shot you if when equipped. 

  2. Hello Sequisha, Thank you for taking the time to keep the community informed.


    Would like to just ask a couple of questions,


    First, will building materials in A3 Epoch have sets that are of equal length, as in wood walls that match in length to the cinder block walls and metal floors. rather then half the items being slightly different sizes.


    And second, what software do you use for making new models for Arma 3 and do you have a system to allow the community to submit possible models and/or textures? (I enjoy making models but can't texture for the life of me.)

    Hey no problem, everything should be sized the same as it stands.  It should make it more 'modular' in this sense. 

    As for submission of models etc; it's highly unlikely for any submissions to be accepted for Arma 3:Epoch.  I'm working hard to make sure you guys and gals have whatever you'll need.  I've also the assistance of our newest member, Kiory...a highly skilled and experienced modeller; also well versed in modding Arma.  Hopefully you won't feel the need for additional assets, at least on the initial release.


    Did you even read my sig.  Seems like a bit of a silly question.


    What do you take exception too ?.


    Do you dissagree that modelling is more difficult than providing textures and standard scripting ?.

    Do you dissagree that textures are more difficult than standard scripting ?.

    Is there a team (you know, more than just yourself) providing models and textures for Epoch free of charge ?.

    Do you believe that models and textures are more likely to be added to Epoch than scripts ?.


    You gotta help me out here as I have no idea what your comment is related too.

    My apologies, I perhaps inferred negativity from your post.  It almost appeared as your weren't aware of the numerous assets we added in the Arma 2 Epoch mod.   I see now that you were suggesting that the asset creation process is a bit more involved for Arma 3, making it difficult to implement.

    Sorry about that! :3  As for the assets we currently have, including all additional characters, base-building objects etc...I've made the vast majority of them myself.  With the addition of our newest member, we'll be more than capable to provide the assets necessary to carry out the Epoch vision.

    In regards to difficulty and comparison of other development aspects, they can't really be compared; they all take a fair amount of R&D, intrinsic knowledge, patience and passion.

  3. Anyhting that requires new modes will be very difficult unless a team of 3D modellers suddenly join the Epoch mod team and provide their work free of charge.  Textures still need a lot of work to get looking good and so are probably the next most difficult thing to add in.  Scripts that manipulate the current assets (models, textures, sounds, interactivity etc) would be the easiest of the three and the most likely to happen.


    Did you actually play Epoch?

  4. Well I think they need to try to get it released before h1z1 corners the sandbox openworld market.

    lol. We're neither swayed nor threatened by any other titles.  It has nothing to do with what we intend for this mod.

    We're getting much closer to a sound and testable product on a larger scale though, just stay tuned guys.

  5. I've never been fond of the safe zones, I foresaw the admin overhead and immersion breaking problems they would create. It's unfortunate that server operators used it so much that a majority felt they were necessary.

    Anyone who never experienced having to secure and remain cautious in a trade city has missed out on one of the most intense scenarios in Epoch.  It's not easy to explain for someone who just wants everything easy peasy, because they're generally the same breed that will go straight to an admin or a forum post to complain that they got killed...rather than running back and reclaiming what's rightfully yours, using your whits and other various game mechanics.

    Instead, it became a "he got in my backpack" "He ram me adman". Quite funny really.


  6. I talked to one. I will not tell names. Maybe it was just a contributor. Maybe I got it all wrong, but it sounded exactly like that. Anyway, since you are here. Can you confirm that you guys will share the server files after the cloesed alpha?

    Well there are a number of people who have contributed to DayZ-Epoch, there are countless commits from numerous people dating back to the beginning of last year.  For the most part however, server operators and communities tend to keep more involved changes and features they're capable of pulling off in-house. 

    We're more focused on developing the mod for Arma 3 than anything else right now.  If you regular the forums or any of our other media outlets; you'll be aware of any pertinent dates as we announce them.

  7. Any source on that?


    I am concerend since I know that some of the former Arma II Epoch Devs are not allowed to work on Arma III Epoch right now just because of the contest.

    I learned thats always about the money. Which isn't even a bad thing. It's a really really good motivation.

    Ugh....what former devs?  Awol, Axle and I have been 3-manning this since I joined the team.  There were some contributions for Arma 2-Epoch...both toxic and helpful.  Contributors; much like anyone else making commits to our github.

  8. I know we don't chime in as often on subjects like this, but I'll try to clarify any direct questions with as vague a response as I'm permitted. :3
    We're super busy constantly working on new features, tightening up game-play mechanics and roping it all in to get something as well rounded as possible for the upcoming alpha test.

    I'm sure you'd rather us dedicate our time to putting in work than playing hokey pokey on the forums.  I'm not entirely sure what the focus of this thread is, but I'll take a stab at trying to humor it. 
    We don't intend to skew the overall gameplay in any particular direction; we're trying to create a scenario where the player can choose what kind of experience they would like to have.

    That being said, player interaction clearly drives the game.  We have some interesting solutions to help maintain balance in player combat, adhering to the risk/reward adage.

    I can't really say much more, but have faith folks; shit's starting to get real.

  9. I always thought it would be way better if you actually had to scavenge for items, instead of hitting magically spawning loot piles.  Like you would have to kill animals or pick vegetables for food, scrap metal would have to be pulled from junk, glass from existing windows, maybe you wouldn't find weapons intact but would have to find parts and put them together, etc.  I doubt you would be able to do that with Arma though.


  10. I had watched the time lapse video before I commented on here, I find assuming that I have no interest on what you're working on but investing the time to give feedback to try to make this mod as good as possible an illogical conclusion. I am simply giving my feedback based on what I personally would like to see in the mod. I may have sounded somewhat brash in my comment but I took the time to come here and comment for the sole purpose of doing what I can to make this mod as fun as possible. I do agree that zombies interrupting a firefight in Arma 2 Epoch is extremely annoying, so I can see your point(s?). My intention was not to come here and rage at the dev's for doing something I didn't like, I was just saying why I thought something should be different. If you disagree with me, that's fine; you're an Epoch developer and I'm not.

    We certainly appreciate the feedback, I'm referring more to the "Y R they Taking Zomby out of stanlone" comments.  They're far more common than you would think.

  11. Can't believe I'm doing this.

    Impressive, pm Axle.

    I wish to throw my name in the hat for a chance to beta test also. I have extensive experience in finding new bugs on a daily basis in Dayz Standalone. Oh, wait so do the other 2 million people that play it...well anyway..I would help if needed

    Lol, +1 for jokes.

  12. It isn't after a zombie apocalypse, but specifically "two years after the mass extinction of billions of people." Arma 3: Epoch isn't following the same plot as the mod.

    There are antagonists in A3E but they are not zombies. If you wanted to take anything from the Arma 2: DayZ Mod you have to completely recreate it from scratch, reusing any of the code is breach of the DayZ Mod License.

    If you haven't seen the time lapse video posted in this section, I recommend that you go and watch it before you complain, you will be facing some things that are worse than zombies, and this also gives them the open ended-ness to be able to add a multitude of different "monsters" to the game instead of just different zombie variants.


    Some STALKER 2 (that will never be released) concept art seems fitting....


    I'd personally like to see a fleet of unknown roaming creatures. Maybe War of the Worlds meets STALKER-esque.

    Well put.  I find that most negative comments are from people that haven't even bothered to see what we're working on.

  13. What about changing the cameras position while in third person view so it is much hard to effectively exploit the camera ?


    Perhaps much closer to the rear of the player instead of floating above and back of the player.


    It seems like a tricky subject to tackle alot of people see it as a problem and alot of people see it as a problem they like.

    You're right about there not being an easy solution.  I imagine even if someone went to the extent of reworking the entirety of how the player's camera is handled and controlled; there would be many negative side effects that would ruin the experience much more.

    There is nothing new about this, the Arma community has been trying to find a sound solution for this problem...and it always comes back to first person servers. 

    As we've seen before countless times, a band-aid on an infected wound may eventually require surgery. You end up compounding problems and sacrificing core game elements to feed a minor complaint.

    A good example of this is Safe zones.

    ps. A fixed camera behind the player is one of the more attractive solutions, but will still be exploited.

  14. There are no plans to use this.  Although I understand the reasoning behind it, I feel it's poorly implemented.

    The healthiest alternative for those who feel strongly about the subject is a forced first person perspective.  The largest problem with first person only servers in Arma is maintaining a consistent population(this is not always the case).

  15. Let's hope this H1Z1 game doesn't turn out to be a shitty game, at least it will be free, and not a cash grab disguised as a game with potential.

    "at least it will be free"

    A relative term to say the least; free.  Free to play has become one of the more profitable models lately, look at what league of legends did with skin purchases and such. 

    Same for War Thunder, when they did a trial free weekend they realized they made more money than actually selling the game retail; from micro-transactions.  Hopefully H1Z1 will offer a balanced play environment for it's players, I fear they may be assuming a pay2win model.  They could learn a thing or two about that from some of the scumbag server admins LOL.

  16. No joke, I would love to become a part of this as well, but it really frustrates me when people practically demand or beg for certain roles such as this, if you are going to ask to be a tester why don't you write something a little more elaborate than "I WANT TO TEST IT!" because then what stands you out from among the rest? write something that gives the developers a reason to to select you, something that your use full for,like: 'I have an extremely good understanding on how Arma 3 works and plays, I have a large amount of playtime within the game and enjoy it. I have had previous experience with the epoch mod and think I would be a valuable asset to your testing team.' I'm not sure how the devs think about this but if I were them I would overlook every comment that goes along the " I want to test" lines


    Btw, I'm not yet sure if I'm rambling or criticising and insulting anyone with this post :/

    Get this man/woman a beer.


    You make a good point, and i agree with you. From a dev standpoint though, its not healthy to have only "experienced coders, experienced players, and experienced mod users". To get the most out of every testing phase you need some"Derp", "pick me!" players as well as people that have no exp with any of it to use as a control in the sense of "How will this mod feel to the complete bambi?". Will he/she be able pick it up and run or will he stumble and fall so much that he quits out of frustration? because for the most part game (mod) success will follow the same model. If it is only set up for/with those with previous exp in the genre/mod series then typically those will be the only people who will be able to play it, as it is intended to be play. Good points all the same sir. 

    Definitely need the derps as well, maybe some of the pay 2 win dweebs can help in that department.

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