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Posts posted by Sequisha

  1. hardly see ACRE as a "random add-on"...    <_<

    Certainly not, ACE and ACRE are some of the most respected and thorough add-ons in the Arma community....but pick it apart as you wish, the message is still there.  I think there's been enough included in the mod, we would also need to seek licensing and permission for such.

  2. Ofcourse not, just wish they'd still continue seeing theres over 3000 servers running this mod, im sure more people feel like they should continue. Obviously I cant force them to, just sharing my views and opinions.. :)

    We're still paying a great deal of attention to it.  Perhaps I should have worded it differently as in: "We're probably not going to be adding random Armaholic Add-ons to the mod".  In regards to our own content, models, features etc; that's a different story.


    If they are not adding anything new to Epoch then why did they add gems? They must have plans to do something with them in the future. 

    We added it for future use, and the community dug them up.  There are plans for them.


    Add gems, then break them.

    ...this is a joke right?

  3. The new TEC warehouse indsutrial building offers Military loot as well, I think there are plenty of barracks on Napf at the moment.  I think it's well balanced at this time and offers enough of every kind of loot, if you know where to look and become familiar with the map.

  4. this won't work because there is still not enough room between the low cost items like coke and pepsi and the high cost items like a heli.


    also, using other items as currency was a great option, for any quest system that someone might implement.  ie  kill the drug dealer, loot the Hash, and turn it in for X prize.

    Use the pound of "hemp" item or something silly, there are plenty of props and objects in game that you could substitute for this.

  5. There's a reason I made the gems, and they serve an additional purpose that doesn't directly correlate to a dollar or gold value.  It's cool that you found them and started using them for your own intent and purpose, but that doesn't make it our problem.  I would suggest considering why you have such a bloated economy.  Apologies that the new system broke what you guys were doing, but it has made trading for everyone overall much less of a hassle.

    This system has come a loooong way folks.  Epoch didn't start off with briefcases.  Does anyone remember having to max everything's price at 12 ten ounce gold bars?  Of course there's room for a higher tier currency, and that's something we're considering with the other ten billion things going on right now(including a3 Epoch *cough*).  My suggestion remains however, your economy is bloated...you may be injecting the world with too many valuable items, or their prices may be too rewarding within the scope of currency a player can hold.

  6. Looks good, it's just a shame we can't get stuff like this baked in to the map.  It would help considerably with the number of objects the server is handling(as if that number isn't already bloated from base-building items).

    I started out with modding Arma doing stuff similar to this, so keep at it and remain willing to expand.  Just curious, how many objects overall is this?

  7. Sequisha  I appreciate your explanation and taking the time to do so. I just found it odd that an item (magazines) that is so prolific weren't on the vendor list by now. I don't have access to our database but I know the admin and can probably get them added. Keep up the awesome work you guys are doing, this is one older guy that truly enjoys it.

    Hell yeah, rock on brother; thanks for sticking with us and playing ;)

  8. The little bird has been like this since the launch of Arma 2, it's always funny how things like this appear to be our doing.  Little bird's nimble nature and size attribute to one of it's strengths as a flight vehicle, applying more to Epoch; you can land one in some of the thickest forests in the game for concealment.  I'm just surprised after all of these years that it's now just become an issue.

    What is everyone suggesting?  That we boost it's speed?  Keep in mind, If we're talking realism here...a couple 5.56 rounds could take one of these offline with a couple accurate groups.
    I've been proned out with Mark 48 unloading an entire clip into seemingly vital parts with little to no response but the warning beep. 

    The same could be said for all choppers I guess, particularly the mi:17's...but if we were to attempt changing something like this, I would root for overall armor reduction for all of them.  Ya know...to keep it real.

  9. That depends....

    Are you speaking of upgrading items with gems by attaching the gems or consuming them during the upgrade? If you are socketing a gem into a bracelet to make it more valuable and trade it for something that is totally realistic. If you are attaching a gem to a CZ550 that reduces aiming sway by 2% for a cut gem and 5% for a pristine shining multifaceted gem then I am going to say it is a bit to fantastic as Epoch is right now. The background story would have to change a bit to include "magi-tech". If the zombie outbreak was caused from mystical means and not viral, then it would fit. 

    LOL!.  The latter my friend, not socketing an enfield for +5 Chainsaw finding.  It was intended for combinations socketed in jewelry.

    I Lol'd in class.

  10. I posted it because turning an 3rd person "military simulation" into a pve game is not possible.

    I'm a heavy PVPer all day every day, in every game imaginable, but you're wrong.

    We've drawn up numerous ways to offer PVE routes and still keep it interesting.  ONLY PVE? Yeah, there are very few games that do that successfully for long.

    But an attractive PVE scenario is quite possible.

  11. Lets add some new code for the zombie mechanic.
    if player="fisk" make him ded and zombie.

    There have been other pressing issues to attend to bud, it's all a work in progress.
    Do you sit over the shoulder of an artist sculpting clay "Hey...that kinda looks like a prick right now....pretty much worst sculpt I've ever seen.".

    You give me the impression you sneak into stranger's homes and grade the crayon drawings on their fridge with a red Sharpie.

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