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Posts posted by Sequisha

  1. I understand your immersion lost effect with the dome's...


    but after having someone/something basically just destroy a base that had taken me a few weeks to build and equip...the amount of gametime that I lost/was ruined was significant.. and thats something that's becoming harder for me to get... so I accepted the fact that the iron dome/ protected camps were becoming a part of it... almost like another mod..(sorta)..


    If even I could build/get one of those big blue door Industrials....that could be locked down via keypad.. with something like a roof door as well...


    I'd be as happy as a pig in shit... for prob the next 6mths... tbh

    You clearly didn't read my post.  Or perhaps just didn't infer what I was stating.

    I will never, nor should anyone ever employ 100% security for assets within this game on a public or competitive server.  You want a pve only RP server?

    Fine, do what you like there...but welcomed outsiders to a hostile or dangerous server should not be subjected to such an unfair and game breaking advantage.

    I think you should read the patch notes.


  2. I've been strongly against the "Iron Domes" since I found out about them.  I'll not go into detail as to HOW I found out about them :/ 
    Much like most heavy modifications that ruin immersion, safe zones & kill zones to name a few... but they quite simply are not balanced.
    Not to mention the overhead 'hands-on' maintenance that they require...this iron dome horseshit has had me in uproar numerous times. 

    Luckily enough...we've developed a system that should be self contained, player driven and more than anything else....BALANCED.   We have added ways for you to protect your assets, fortify your base and allow
    you to expand however you'd like....if you have the materials to do so.   We've lifted some requirements to create a less demanding and more inviting system to breathe life back into the base-building and crafting system.

    Batten down the hatches, shit's about to get serious folks.

  3. This is mildly off-topic....but what's the attraction with AI floating around on the map?  Is it used specifically for event types of things, or what...whats the deal? 
    They really ruin the immersion from my experience, and they tend to be just walking loot piles.  I'd love to hear why people like adding them to their servers.
    I'm all ears :)

  4. As far as them being "Official", they honestly just went around saying they were official and just hounded Epoch staff on how to help set up their business.  If they sold a bunch of servers, didn't provide what they promised AND ran off with other people's money...they're officially crooks and nothing more.  I hope you guys get at least a partial refund just for having to deal with that garbage. 

    I personally haven't heard from either of those guys.

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