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  1. Like
    Skaronator reacted to MGT in Origins Mod is no longer Supported or Further Developed by GP   
    The only reason for them to pull it as quickly as this would be a threat from BIS.
  2. Like
    Skaronator reacted to Axle in New Video: The Sapper   
  3. Like
    Skaronator reacted to falconsan in 1.0.5 update?   
    this Month is all going wrong. First, my PC explode after an overvoltage from a lightning...
    Two days later my Ford trys to die, but i wont let him. So that the Ford -  Mechanics have all my Money... I never thought  that a new clutch will cost so many. 
    Now the new PC have to wait. :)
    yes, i have a donations button on my homepage upper right, ;-)
    Homepage: http://www.s6computer.de
    I post here at the moment with my cell phone so that i cant upload any Pics or something else. 
    Don't be scared, my update will definitly come. I think in approx two weeks. :)
  4. Like
    Skaronator reacted to Sequisha in Arma 3 Epoch - Timelapse   
  5. Like
  6. Like
    Skaronator reacted to vbawol in Devs, I've found your new game engine.   
    UNREAL ENGINE 4 looks promising, we are thinking of making a game using another game engine after A3 Epoch Mod is up and running.
  7. Like
    Skaronator got a reaction from martuk66 in Show us your loadScreen!   
    Deathscreen and Restartscreen
  8. Like
    Skaronator reacted to nightmare in Web Based Tools ( PrivateHiveTools )   
    PrivateHiveTools  2.0
    - Manage Players /Objects / Vehicles
    - Livemap with Tracker ( Chernarus, ChernarusPlus, Lingor, Namalsk, Ovaron Panthera2, Utes, Altis, Stratis, Sauerland, Takistan, Zargabad, Napf )
    - Telport Players & Vehicles
    - Rcon, kick, ban, banlist edit, restart, lock, unlock
    - Trader Shop Editor
    and more...
    NORMAL DOWNLOAD  ( PHP files only)
    READY2GO DOWNLOAD ( with Apache2 WebServer from  xampp-portable-win32-1.8.3-4-VC11 build )
    **Special thanks to bFe, for Norwegian translation.
    !   Reality & Lite Hive schemas will not be Supported anymore for version 2.0  !

    ( 30.3.2014 - UPDATED TO 0.0.3 )
    the map package contains following maps:
    Chernarus, ChernarusPlus, Lingor, Namalsk, Ovaron
    Panthera2, Utes, Altis, Stratis, Sauerland, Takistan
    Zargabad, Napf
    ************* SPECIAL THANKS ****************
    EPOCH - Community  & vbawol
    Open DayZ - Community
    Bohemia Interactive
    all tools powered by nightmare @

  9. Like
    Skaronator reacted to falconsan in The coming new ZOO [WIP]   
    here can you see the buildingprocess of the new mapcontent. Its a Zoo. The Zoo will be locate at Oberdorf. 
    At this point there are the first three Models are ready to use in Visitor. Momentary i am working on the Icbear-vivarium. I hope, i will finish the zoo before the next Epoch Update will come.
    Here the first pictures of the first vivarium:




    Overview from the first place inside the zoo. In the background, you will see the icebear-vivarium in building process.

    Here is a little video from the Model in the map:
    More Infos from the new Mapcontent will come soon.
  10. Like
    Skaronator reacted to vbawol in Easier Currency System   
    Maca134 has always has his own agenda, If we wanted to use an ethereal money system we would have done so a long time ago. It would have been much easier to setup and manage. However, using the traders was never meant to be safe or easy. If it was people would just run straight to a trader city instead of actually playing the game. 
  11. Like
    Skaronator reacted to vbawol in Sooo about the new Zeus thing.. This must be used!!   
    It will be supported.
  12. Like
    Skaronator reacted to Stranger in Show us your loadScreen!   
    Our loading Screen:

    Server IP:
  13. Like
    Skaronator reacted to Shizweak in Server: Network message XXXXXX is pending   
    Try the following:
    Remove MaxBandwidth (ARMA will figure this out itself quite fine)
    Increase MaxSizeGauranteed to 768
    You can also remove the whole class sockets { maxPacketSize=1400; }; - 1400 is the default anyway, and should work perfectly fine for 99.9% of users. If particular users are getting kicked/timed out constantly, tell them to look at their routers MTU setting.
    In regards to your current settings, you are allowing each client to send 256 messages PER CYCLE, with maximum sizes of 128 and 256 respectively. So if you have 40 players, there is going to be ~10,000 messages trying to be sent per server cycle, and with your current MaxSizeGauranteed setting, you are most likely capping this out (or getting close, and choking on CPU) - which is why messages are pending. You want non guaranteed messages to be smaller (as they contain position changes etc, so you need these to go out ASAP), however guaranteed messages are not as time sensitive and can be aggregated into larger packets. Essentially you are sending lots of small guaranteed messages, which in turn has a higher overhead.
    In terms of further tweaking, you can try reduce MaxMsgSend to 128/192, and keep slighting increasing MaxSizeGauranteed (don't got over 1400, I'd say a max of 1024). If you are seeing visible desync (e.g. vehicles careering over/off the road while a passenger) you can slightly decrease MaxSizeNongauranteed and even look at moving MinErrorToSendNear up a little.
    (Anyone feel free to correct me on anything above)
    Get real, this has nothing to do with the "new hize" (I think you meant hive) - it's related to ARMA's network configuration and the amount of data being streamed to the connected clients. 
    You will probably find most of the people having this issue are either limited by hardware or bandwidth because they are hosting with providers who are either overselling on CPU, or throughput. That or they have simply copy/pasted a basic.cfg from somewhere else without understanding the values.
    Either way, not a very nice way to talk to/about developers who are working so hard for free as BetterDeadThanZed has mentioned.
  14. Like
    Skaronator reacted to vbawol in Are all epoch servers suffering right now?   
    We have never gotten allot of publicity, I see every day that players are still just finding out about DayZ Epoch. Some even find the mod only after playing DayZ SA.
    Some other mods have had much more PR than we have, how many PC Gamer articles did dayz origins get and how many did we get?
  15. Like
    Skaronator reacted to TheVampire in [Request] Guitar Model and Animations   
    I would like to have a Guitar and Animations added to Epoch for it. I think it could let some programmers add a lot more character to their traders, or other locations.
    The mod is old, so I don't know if you will be able to get ahold of the developer or not.
    Here's a video. There's no music included with the mod except in the demo mission.

    And here's the page:
  16. Like
    Skaronator reacted to RipSaw in Joining Server "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf" (or is it server-side?)   
    Most servers with antihack have REsec disabled, so that might be the reason you're able to join the other ones. Try downgrading back to 1.0.4 and check if it worked.
  17. Like
    Skaronator reacted to Sequisha in NWAF re-worked   
    Looks good, it's just a shame we can't get stuff like this baked in to the map.  It would help considerably with the number of objects the server is handling(as if that number isn't already bloated from base-building items).

    I started out with modding Arma doing stuff similar to this, so keep at it and remain willing to expand.  Just curious, how many objects overall is this?
  18. Like
    Skaronator got a reaction from MGT in RPT spam   
    Checkout this simple fix. 58988a4
  19. Like
    Skaronator got a reaction from Revoplay in RPT spam   
    Checkout this simple fix. 58988a4
  20. Like
    Skaronator got a reaction from Defent in [1.0.4] Players got kick when zombie bite them (PublicVariable Restriction #0)   
    This works as well with the infiSTAR antihack with the best PV security
    //new. 5 "" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !"PVAHR_" Original file: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server%20Files/Battleye/publicvariable.txt
  21. Like
    Skaronator reacted to Sequisha in AH6X Little Bird is wrong.   
    The little bird has been like this since the launch of Arma 2, it's always funny how things like this appear to be our doing.  Little bird's nimble nature and size attribute to one of it's strengths as a flight vehicle, applying more to Epoch; you can land one in some of the thickest forests in the game for concealment.  I'm just surprised after all of these years that it's now just become an issue.

    What is everyone suggesting?  That we boost it's speed?  Keep in mind, If we're talking realism here...a couple 5.56 rounds could take one of these offline with a couple accurate groups.
    I've been proned out with Mark 48 unloading an entire clip into seemingly vital parts with little to no response but the warning beep. 

    The same could be said for all choppers I guess, particularly the mi:17's...but if we were to attempt changing something like this, I would root for overall armor reduction for all of them.  Ya know...to keep it real.
  22. Like
    Skaronator got a reaction from MGT in KSVK classname in CfgBuildingLoot.hpp incorrect   
    Thanks for the report. Fixed in 95c5c6c
  23. Like
    Skaronator reacted to Uro in Any plans to use @A3CM[WIP] in A3 Epoch ?   
    Just been browing the BIS forums and came across this WIP:
    It might be a nice addition to Epoch@A3 as Stratis & Altis are getting a bit stale.
    And the old maps look friggin awesome in the A3 engine :D
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