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    IT07 reacted to Scorpi in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
  2. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from Re-Style in [scarCODE] S.T.M. (Spawn Teleport Menu) by IT07   
    S.T.M. (Spawn Teleport Menu)
    by IT07
    This is a very simple and basic menu that players can use to teleport to predefined locations.
    Everything is completely configurable by the person who installs the script onto the server's mission file.
    With this, it does not matter how much locations you put in or what you name them.
    Have fun :)
  3. Like
    IT07 reacted to Re-Style in [scarCODE] S.T.M. (Spawn Teleport Menu) by IT07   
    Nice script, easy install and easy configurable love it
  4. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in [scarCODE] S.A.R. (Simple Ammo Repack) by IT07   
    Nice thanks for the addition but couldn't you've just asked me to add it? As a result, I will have to correct your code.
    I know you mean good dude but let me do the coding ok? ;)
    // In fn_initSAR.sqf, put this: [] spawn { waitUntil { uiSleep 1; not(isNull(findDisplay 46)); not(isNil"EPOCH_loadingScreenDone") }; uiSleep 2; _keyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "(if ((_this select 1 == 19) && ( _this select 3)) then {createDialog 'SC_sarDiag';})"]; };
  5. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in [scarCODE] S.A.R. (Simple Ammo Repack) by IT07   
    S.A.R. (Simple Ammo Repacker)
    by IT07
    This script/menu is an extremely simple concept for merging/packing/refilling your USED magazines for any kind of gun/weapon.
    The video below will show you it all in a bit more detail :)
    VIDEO (older version)

    SCREENSHOT (latest)
  6. Like
    IT07 reacted to Wesd in [scarCODE] S.T.M. (Spawn Teleport Menu) by IT07   
    Thank you, it works!
  7. Like
    IT07 reacted to Scaris in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    Dude, trust me everyone loves your work. Measure your success in that by how many people are using it. The fact that you are drawing out a lot of the demanding ones just means you stuff is really being used and a cornerstone to the EPOCH community. And please feel free to keep sharing the good work. I know everyone on the 2 servers I run it on LOVE your stuff.
    And that made me think of another thing you may not be considering.. ya you have a lot of idiot admins on here breaking your balls. However I can tell you right now there is 20 players for every admin that are just tearing your content up and looking for more just like it. I have gotten a ton of positive feedback about VEMF on my servers without the players being able to recognize it as your stuff.
  8. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from Scaris in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    @Scaris: You are right in a lot of ways man. I agree with you that I should not care about those people that do not care. Simple. But I have to be honest; my situation at the time of posting did make it all a little worse on my side.
    So yes there was also a little personal issues shining through the post. But still, the point is still true that many many people on this forum do not fully realize how much work goes into scripts. All I was trying to ask is if everyone could please pay a little more attention on saying thanks on the forums. Because "forgetting to do it" says everything about how much they care about paying their thanks and respect to the coder.
  9. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from cyncrwler in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    @Scorpi: just have a little more patience :) The next update is huge so yeah it is taking me a lot longer to do ;)
  10. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from mumys in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    @Scorpi: just have a little more patience :) The next update is huge so yeah it is taking me a lot longer to do ;)
  11. Like
    IT07 reacted to jox in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    lol was just joking, meant if your girlfriends about go into stealth mode and keep coding.
    No but seriously a HAPPY WIFE = a happy life ;)
  12. Like
    IT07 reacted to simon1603 in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    Hi, I know practically zero about the work that all you script creators do, I am a 44 year old server owner, my admins run it, I respect and always thank the creators of the scripts that I use, and I think almost everyone I have asked a "question" or two lol, However, first think I put is THANK YOU. Having been made redundant, making donations to creators is difficult as I am trying to keep the website, server and TS going.
    However without you guys I would not have a server, It would be easy for you to keep your scripts on your own servers and I thank you all again for releasing them to the community.
    You guys are great, and there is nothing wrong with having a rant or two every now and again.
    Best Regards
  13. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from RC_Robio in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    *coughs* HeadLess client *coughs* support coming soon *coughs*
  14. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from KiloSwiss in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    I can see where you got your name from. And clearly you are not a scripter yourself because you would've known what I mean. It is not about the money. It is all about respect.
  15. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from Brian Soanes in Always desync/rubberbanding/warping... How to fix?   
    Ok thanks for the tip I will do some testing and see how it goes.
    Another issue I notice too: any command executed over the server has a very unstable exec time. For example: if I execute a little script that makes all vehicles jump, sometimes there is about 2 seconds delay but no server FPS drops or anything like that. What I do notice is that whilst having #monitor 1 on, exactly when the exec delay is happening, the monitoring stops and then after the stop it shows all the previous messages that were meant to be sent during the delay.
    What to me sounds like some netcode/network issues.
    But apart from that I will test your tip out, Brian. Thanks.
  16. Like
    IT07 reacted to Richie in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    Yes it will
  17. Like
    IT07 reacted to Totto005 in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    Thx nice Work .i love this Script
  18. Like
    IT07 reacted to Tactical Anders in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    This dear IT, will make a huge difference in this system, truly looking forward to it!
    Great job on the script, can't wait to see what else you cook up even if i currently don't run my own server :)
  19. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from Tactical Anders in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    I am working on a revamped loot system. Should allow you to set max amount forEach item/magazine/weapon
  20. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from Tactical Anders in Me just taking a break from scripting :D   
    Hey guys, I made a video of me driving Formula A on Nordschleife just for people that might also like racing :)
    Enjoy :D

  21. Like
    IT07 reacted to RC_Robio in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    Agree with Kiloswiss. I break it down to inexperience and the time of year. Younger generation is out for the summer and setting up servers willy nilly. They want everything to work first time. And if it doesn't it's the script author's fault.  And with some posts I read that were hidden by Richie is just showing the immature nature of them. I've made this comment before and I will say it again. You need to understand that those scripts that are in http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/64-a3-epoch-resources/and Epoch itself are made by REAL people, using their FREE time, and for FREE. They have taken the time out of their day to create something for you to use. If you have a problem then know how to use proper etiquette. You will get a better response. Simply stating, "Your script is fucking broke", will get you nowhere. Try "I'm running so and so scripts and I have this error in my rpt with your script enabled." And do remember the authors do not run every script/addon that you may run. Rule I live by. Run a script on a vanilla server via server on your pc, or a virtual box, or a spare pc. If it works there, then if it breaks on your live server you have done something wrong. And please read through the thread of the script. It may be many pages long, but more then likely somebody has come across the same problem and found a solution. The search bar  http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 does work!! Spitting out posts with some of the vitriol I have read only makes the process of improving slow and/or come to a standstill.
    tl:dr..Ask yourself how would you feel about your post if it was to you before you hit that "post" button.
  22. Like
    IT07 reacted to KiloSwiss in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    What You read in those script release threads is mostly coming from casual (and/or teen) players that saw the Mod on YouTube and thought it would be "so cool" to have their own server.

    My advice:
    Don't expect too much from todays ArmA community (especially the com. around popular Mods), and just do Your thing for Yourself.
    And don't count the "thanks", but rather think about all the downloads and installs of Your scripts that You don't know about because the person actually did read the instructions and just forgot to come back and leave a reply or some positive feedback.

    If You look in this forum, one could think this community is full with immature, always demanding and ignorant teens, but in fact You don't hear/read much from the people that "do it right" (I think You understand what I’m trying to say).

    Heads up and have a good one!
  23. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from mgm in So tired of all the disrespect towards community scripters   
    Hi everyone, this time I am posting a totally different topic.
    It is about the disrespect towards community scripters that is very well and alive in this huge community.
    What I mean with this is that there are TONS of people/admins/players in this community that just grab whatever script they can find and trash it into their server (Most of them do not even know how)
    and then EXPECT US (by us I mean the scripters) to FIX IT FOR THEM.... I mean like, where does that come from? Does the community think we are some sort of charity scripters?
    I am so tired of all that crap. Of course I am not scripting for money, but even the amount of thanks/credits/respect is to CRY ABOUT.
    At the moment of writing this, my continued version of VEMF has about 5000(!) views. And guess what? Only about 6(!!!!) different people replied by either saying thanks or some other respectful message.
    Think about that again! ONLY SIX OUT OF FIVE THOUSAND were respectful enough to say thanks or something else....
    To make it even worse; among those people that reply are usually people that reply with only: "uugghh It does not work" or "I have an error" or "Change that because it does not work on my server". Everytime I receive a message like that I get soooo pissed because it basically says: (excuse my French) "**** you and your script I do not care about all of that time you put into this I am just a selfish bastard that only cares about having the best scripts on my server and I give 0 ***** about the effort and time put into it. And if I have an issue I just post without even saying one word: THANKS."
    And that is what I mean by the disrespect towards community scripters. Pfeww that is out now. I feel much better already.
    The real reason why I am posting this though is that I want raise awareness of the fact that this is happening everyday and it is ruining all of the potential that can be achieved with EPOCH and ArmA.
    Feel free to reply.
    Best regards,
  24. Like
    IT07 reacted to MrEnzO in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    lol....the only file I didn't look in to. I am guessing it's just add them instead of cemlights, the only bad thing with them that you need nvg to see them and if you are in a city with some lights you will have a hard time to see them. But I will test and see if they work better. Thanks.
  25. Like
    IT07 got a reaction from lesvieuxcrevards in a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07   
    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07
    - ABOUT -
    a3_vemf_reloaded is based on VEMF (Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework).
    VEMFr is meant to be very stable, reliable and best for performance.
    - DOWNLOAD -
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