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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. @syco still spreading bullshit around like he used to back when he was running DeadCell. He can't stop shit, he just pays his bum buddy Dami too much. I can remember the guy saying that he doesn't do this shit anymore because he's 30 odd years old, but look at him still trying to be relevant on this dead game. Go back to using your hashtag menu lmao.


    p.s. do tell your friends not to use other peoples names when they go hack on servers, thanks b0ss

  2. Every time I open up a commandingmenu, I get kicked to the lobby with nothing in the rpt. I set both of these to false in infistar: 

    /*  Check CMDMenus ?      */ _CCM = false;    /* true or false */    /* only disable this if you know what you are doing. I strongly recommend to use this! */
    /*  BLOCK ALL CMDMenus    */ _BCM =  false;    /* true or false */    /* we don't need commandingMenus. so have this true as well. */


    But it still happens. Any ideas?

  3. In scripts.txt, you can filter for stuff that is usually used in menu's.

    I recommend filtering for stuff like playableUnits, allUnits, FunctionsManager, addWeapon, execVM, etc.

    There are a lot more, just look through public menu's and find out what most of them use. 

    To actually add it, what i do is add this into the scripts.txt for example

    1 execVM

    And then let the server log all the legit code, so that i make make an exception for them.

    Then I use:

    Which works by you pasting the log quote mark to quote mark, and it will create the exception which you can then paste onto the end of the line. 

    Then when a script kiddie comes along, and tries to execute something that isn't in the exception, it logs like this:

    02.05.2017 11:33:37: Negan ( 4c10e157b302cda8f11254fe13240df0 - #32 "[] execVM "Hashtag2\basewipe.sqf"; if (!isNil 'reRunCheck') then { endMission 'loser'; };"

    That was someone that deleted all the bases on my friends server, so go ahead and ban him, if you want of course.

  4. @LunatikCH sums it up really, decent battleye filters will help with those that are coming straight from unknowncheats and other forums. Clark asked me to come on his teamspeak after all the bases on his server were getting deleted, and deletevehicle.log and publicvariable.log were getting spammed by the script kiddies. A good idea is to have one of those log scanners made in python, and have them instantly ban anyone that uses any blacklisted code.

    Also, if anyone uses infistar, be careful because it's really quite easy to hijack the RE that is used on the admin menu. 

  5. Btw, I recommend you get rid of Nox admin tools, and disable the default epoch antihack and their RE security. Just use infistar, and make some good filters. Scrap the filters that come with infistar though, they're useless. If you want some help with the battleye filters, pm me.

  6. If you have very low fps, or set your view distance high, you can run against a door and go prone, and it will let you glitch into the base. To fix this...


    DZE_AntiGlitch = 0;

    in init.sqf under:

    MaxDynamicDebris = 0;

    Then open up dayz_spaceInterrupt, and add:

    if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Prone") then {
    	if (diag_tickTime <= DZE_AntiGlitch) then {
    		_handled = true;
    	} else {
    		_handled = !( [] call check_prone);

    Now in compiles.sqf, add:

    check_prone = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Path\to\check_prone.sqf";


    building_spawnZombies =	compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\building_spawnZombies.sqf";

    Now finally, create the file named check_prone.sqf in the directory you made, and add:

    private ["_result","_wallCheck","_wallPoint"];
    _result = true;
    _wallPoint = nearestObjects [player, DZE_DoorsLocked, 3];
    if (count _wallPoint > 0) then {
    	_wallCheck = [_wallPoint, player] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition;
    	if ((vehicle player) distance _wallCheck < 1.9) then {				
    		_msg = "Do not prone near a locked door! Prone blocked for 5 sec...";
    		systemChat ("[Server]: "+str _msg);
    		DZE_AntiGlitch = diag_tickTime + 5;
    		_result = false;			


  7. Here's what I used on, not sure if it works fully on, but give it a try.

    if (isServer) then {
    	cleanUnit = {
    		if !(isNull _this) then {
    			_group = group _this;
    			_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
    			_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
    			_this removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
    			_this removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
    			_this removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
    			_this removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
    			_this removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
    			_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
    			_this removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
    			_this removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
    			clearVehicleInit _this;
    			_objectID 	= _this getVariable ['ObjectID','0'];
    			_objectUID 	= _this getVariable ['ObjectUID','0'];
    			if ((parseNumber _objectID != 0)&&(parseNumber _objectUID != 0)) then {[_objectID,_objectUID,objNull] spawn server_deleteObj;};
    			deleteVehicle _this;
    			if ((count (units _group) == 0)&&(!isNull _group)) then {
    				deleteGroup _group;
    	[] spawn {
    		//Not needed if running epoch
    		while {1 == 1} do {
    			_deletedGRP = 0;
    				if ((count (units _x) == 0)&&(!isNull _x)) then {
    					_deletedGRP = _deletedGRP + 1;
    					deleteGroup _x;
    			} forEach allGroups;
    			if (_deletedGRP > 0) then {diag_log format ["Deleted %1 empty group(s).", _deletedGRP];};
    			uiSleep (60*2);
    	[] spawn {
    		while {1 == 1} do {
    			uiSleep (60*15);
    			_clutter = ["wreck","crater","craterlong","PartWoodPile","Land_Fire"];
    			_objectlist = [];
    			{_objectlist = _objectlist + allMissionObjects _x} count _clutter;
    			_objectsX = _objectlist + alldead;
    			_deletedZOM = 0;
    			_deletedPLR = 0;
    			_deletedCLT = 0;
    			_deletedANI = 0;
    			_deletedINV = 0;
    			_deletedVEH = 0;
    			_deletedSEA = 0;
    			_deletedFLY = 0;
    			_deletedBOX = 0;
    			_deletedGRP = 0;
    				if !(isNull _x) then {
    					_players2 = {isPlayer _x} count (getPos _x nearEntities [["CAManBase"], 200]);
    					if (_x in _clutter) then {
    						deleteVehicle _x;
    						_deletedCLT = _deletedCLT + 1;
    					if ((_players2 < 2) && (_x isKindOf "zZombie_Base")) then {
    						_x call cleanUnit;
    						_deletedZOM = _deletedZOM + 1;
    					if ((_players2 == 0) && (_x isKindOf "CAAnimalBase") && (typeOf _x != "DZ_fin") && (typeOf _x != "DZ_pastor")) then {
    						_x call cleanUnit;
    						_deletedANI = _deletedANI + 1;
    			} forEach _objectsX;
    			//Not needed if running epoch
    				if !(isNull _x) then {
    					if ((_x in alldead) && (_x isKindOf "CAManBase")) then {
    						_deathTime = _x getVariable ["processedDeath",0];
    						if (_deathTime != 0) then {
    							if ((diag_tickTime - _deathTime) >= (60*30)) then {
    								_x call cleanUnit;
    								_deletedPLR = _deletedPLR + 1;
    						} else {_x setVariable ["processedDeath",diag_tickTime]};
    					_modeldex = typeOf _x;
    					if (_modeldex == "Survivor1_DZ") then {
    						_x call cleanUnit;
    						_deletedINV = _deletedINV + 1;
    			} forEach allDead;
    				if !(isNull _x) then {
    					_x call cleanUnit;
    					_deletedSEA = _deletedSEA + 1;
    			} forEach allMissionObjects "Seagull";
    				if !(isNull _x) then {
    					deleteVehicle _x;
    					_deletedFLY = _deletedFLY + 1;
    			} forEach allMissionObjects "Sound_Flies";
    				if !(isNull _x) then {
    					if (!(_x isKindOf "AIR")&&!(_x isKindOf "Ship")&&!(_x isKindOf "LandVehicle")) then {
    						if (((count ((getWeaponCargo _x) select 1))+(count ((getMagazineCargo _x) select 1))) > 80) then {
    							_issf = (typeOf _x) in ["VaultStorage","USBasicAmmunitionBox","StorageShed_DZ"];
    							_ismb = _x getVariable ["permaLoot",false];
    							if ((!_issf)&&(!_ismb)) then {
    								if !(owner _object in [0,1]) then {
    									{if (owner _object == owner _x) exitWith {_unit = _x}} forEach playableUnits;
    								} else {_unit = 'server'};
    								_log = format ["Hackbox (?): %2 deleted @ %1 SPAWNED BY: %3",mapGridPosition (getPos _x),typeOf _x,name _unit];
    								diag_log (_log);
    								_x call cleanUnit;
    								_deletedBOX = _deletedBOX + 1;
    								_x = nil;
    			} forEach allMissionObjects "All";
    			//Not needed if running epoch
    			_vehicles = [];
    			{_vehicles = _vehicles + allMissionObjects _x;} count (['Air','Ship','LandVehicle']);
    				if !(isNull _x) then {
    					if (((damage _x)>0.9)&&!(_x isKindOf "MAN")) then {
    						_x call cleanUnit;
    						_deletedVEH = _deletedVEH + 1;
    			} forEach _vehicles;
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 hack box(es).", _deletedBOX];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 blown up vehicle(s).", _deletedVEH];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 clutter item(s).",_deletedCLT];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 dead player(s). (100m radius check)",_deletedPLR];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 invisible dead player(s).",_deletedINV];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 dead zombie(s). (100m radius check)",_deletedZOM];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 dead animal(s). (100m radius check)",_deletedANI];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 fly sound(s).", _deletedFLY];
    			diag_log format ["Deleted %1 seagull(s).", _deletedSEA];
    			uiSleep (60*1.5);
    diag_log ("Server Cleanup Complete!");


  8. I was able to replicate the dupe, all I needed was the hot wire on me, and then quickly place it inside my backpack or drop it. It would give me the hot wire vault option for a millisecond, but once i hit it, I was able to hot wire the safe. To fix this, do exactly what @A Man said, just add a check to see if the player has a hot wire in their inventory.

    if !("ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player) exitwith {    
    	cutText [format["No hotwire in inventory."],"PLAIN DOWN"];

    also, at the very end, add this:

    dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"];
    _vault spawn player_unlockVault;
    DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

    and remove:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf";

    so here's the fixed version:

    private ["_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"];
    _vault = _this select 3;
    _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked"));
    _open= round(random 10);
    _SetChanceToFail = 9;//Value*10 for percentage chance of failure
    player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault;
    s_player_hotwirevault = -1;
    if !("ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player) exitwith {    
    	_msg = "No hotwire in inventory."; 
    	systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg);
    dayz_actionInProgress = true;
    player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit";
    if (_isunlockable) then {
    if (_open < _SetChanceToFail)  exitWith {
    	dayz_actionInProgress = false;
    	_msg = "Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit."; 
    	systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg);
    _msg = "Done! I have opened the vault."; 
    systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg);
    dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"];
    _vault spawn player_unlockVault;
    DZE_ActionInProgress = false;


  9. For the voice over sidechat, find:

    									_log = format['Voice over Side Chat (KILLED) @%1',mapGridPosition player];
    									[name player,getPlayerUID player,'SLOG',toArray (_log)] call "+_randvar255437+";
    									uiSleep 1.5;

    and replace the endmission; with:

    player setDamage 5;

    Just look through your AH.sqf, and find the different endmission's and change them to player setDamage 5;

    For the words that kick you in the _veryBadTexts, just find the array and delete everything in there.

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