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Posts posted by SpiRe

  1. Or you can be more creative...


    Just example:

    class CfgEpochClient
            buildingInRestrictedAreas = 1; //1 to allow building in Banned Areas
            buildingNearbyCapitals = 1; //1 to allow building in Capital Cities
    	buildingNearbyMilitary = 0; //1 to allow building nearby
    	buildingNearbyMilitaryRange = 300; //Define radius of blocked area  // default radius 300
    	buildingRequireJammer = 0; // 1 = to allow building without a jammer 
    	buildingCountLimit = 200; // how many objects can be built within range of a jammer 
    	buildingJammerRange = 75; // jammer range in meters



  2. Hello this topic is for sharing your ban entries also isn't meant for discussion, just for sharing.

    Nobody force you to add entries to your banlist. So please respect that.


    Please dont share entire bans.txt or etc..


    Just try atleast add description to every entry you post here...




    10.3.2015 OverPoch, 1.40 ( BE local BAN - Cheat Engine ), Player locality: CZ , IP:
    23:34:51 : Player #5 Popros (f19cb4782998f6a3cba8b5a7e6223f63) has been kicked by BattlEye: GameHack #38
    23:40:51 : Player #5 Poklakni (f19cb4782998f6a3cba8b5a7e6223f63) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (BEC : GameHack #38)
    12:19:26 : Player #2 Dead (f19cb4782998f6a3cba8b5a7e6223f63) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (BEC : GameHack #38)

    f19cb4782998f6a3cba8b5a7e6223f63 -1 BEC : Popros GameHack #38

    17.3.2015 OverPoch, 1.40 ( Banned by SpiRe ), Player locality: CZ

    28.3.2015 Another of many attempts to steal mission file
    12:13:22 : Player #3 Kenobi (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Dedek copy/paste) -1 Vipero copy/paste -1 Adolf01 copy/paste
    adc94bfdd38257deac9141429c82f1f4 -1 Adolf01 copy/paste
    da5a84ed327c8e59525f04c200138c72 -1 Dedek copy/paste -1 Dedek copy/paste
    3387941348fede90ca745149f28192c0 -1 BombaJack copy/paste -1 BombaJack copy/paste
    b9d01f397a9c030eaf183b76eb7f5d3e -1 dygestorz copy/paste -1 dygestorz copy/paste
    Someone who DDOSed our server: -1 Hasan DDOS
  3. I dig up with this and i find out that this is happening in FuMS 1.4 and 1.5 ( other not tested )...


    And first two mission to go will spawn marks and some AI then despawn immidiately ( can be just one 1 depends on version )...


    Also HC is loading slower because of 30sec waiting time for gender selection...

  4. On Epoch 031 it seems as though missions are getting cleaned up as soon as they spawn.  Can't seem to get one to stick around for more than a few seconds.


    told you!





    2:24:30 "playerConnected:HC9192:headlessclient"

    2:24:32 "##GetHCIndex PVEH: player:HC_Remini owner id:4"

    2:24:32 "##Server-HC Heart Monitor Slot #4 operational for HC_Remini"

    2:24:32 "##FuMsnInit: Global variables being handed off too HC HC_Remini id:4"

    2:24:32 "##FuMsnInit: Starting transfer of 79 Scripts to Headless Client <4>."

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_FuMsnInit to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_AIKilled to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_AttachMuzzle to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_SpawnSoldier to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_AIEvac to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_DriverXFill to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_fnparadrop to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_AddWaypoint to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_VehStuck to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_AIGuardBuilding to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_AIPB to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_AreaPatrol to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_BoxPatrol to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_Paradrop to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_PolygonPatrol to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_Convoy to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_PatrolRoute to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_Logic_ScriptPatrol to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcast to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcastAI to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_RC_RadioChatter to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_RC_AIRadio to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_RC_BaseOps to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_AddIt to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_GetBox to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_GetQuantity to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_FillLoot to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_GetChoice to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Menus_initHCMenus to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_LogicBomb to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_MissionInit to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_ControlLoop to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_StaticMissionControlLoop to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnNotifications to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnMissionLoot to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_CreateGroup to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnGroup to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnVehicle to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnBuildings to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_SetSpecialNameandLocation to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_GetSafeSpawnVehPos to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_XPos to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_PullData to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Triggers_AllDeadorGone to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Triggers_BodyCount to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Triggers_Detect to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Triggers_ProxPlayer to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Triggers_Timer to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Triggers_UnitCount to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_FindNearestLand to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_FindNearestRoad to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_FindNearestWater to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_FindTown to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_GetBuildingPositions to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_KKcommonTurrets to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_GetShortName to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_HC_AddObject to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_HC_RemoveObject to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_HC_CreateVehicle to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Util_HC_InitHCVariables to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_ValidateLootData to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_ValidateSoldierData to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_ValidateThemeData to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_ValidateServerData to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_VerifyLoot to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_VerifySoldier to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_VerifyTheme to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_ValidateMissionData to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_GroupConfiguration to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_MissionBuildingConfig to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_MissionLootConfig to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_MissionTriggerConfig to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_MissionVehicleConfiguration to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateAILogic to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateBuildings to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_VerifyAILogic to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_VerifyMission to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Util_CheckArray to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##InitHeadlessClient: ---transmitting FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Util_VerifyLocation to HC:4 :"

    2:24:32 "##FuMsnInit: Script Transfer complete to Headless Client <4> in 0.0209961 secs"

    2:24:37 Server: Network message a269 is pending

    2:24:58 Error: Object(4 : 9) not found

    2:24:58 Error: Object(4 : 10) not found

    2:24:58 Error: Object(4 : 11) not found

    2:24:58 Error: Object(4 : 16) not found

    2:24:58 Error: Object(4 : 17) not found

    2:24:58 Error: Object(4 : 18) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 32) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 35) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 36) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 41) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 40) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 46) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 53) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 52) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 68) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 67) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 74) not found

    2:24:59 Error: Object(4 : 75) not found

    2:25:02 No speaker given for Rahim Khalili

    2:25:02 Speaker Male08_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes

    2:25:03 "##HeartMonitor:HC_Remini: Disconnect detected. Cleaning up the Mess!!!!FuMS_HC_isAlive4"

    2:25:03 "##HC_DataCleanup: FuMS_HCIDs:[0,4]"

    2:25:03 "##HC_DataCleanup: FuMS_HCNames:["SERVER",""]"

    2:25:03 "##HC_DataCleanup: _varName :FuMS_HC_HAL_AIGroups4"

    2:25:03 "HC:CLEANUP Groups: 3 deleted from "

    2:25:03 "HC:CLEANUP: scalar vehicles checked for FuMS_HC_HAL_Vehicles4"

    2:25:03 "HC:CLEANUP Markers: 2 deleted from FuMS_HC_HAL_Markers4"

    2:25:03 "HC:CLEANUP Buildings: 1 deleted from FuMS_HC_HAL_Buildings4"

    2:25:03 "HCCLEANUP Triggers: 1 deleted from FuMS_HC_HAL_Triggers4"

    2:25:03 Error in expression _x = nil;




    } forEach _var;

    diag_log format ["HC:CLEANUP: %1 v>

    2:25:03 Error position: <_var;

    diag_log format ["HC:CLEANUP: %1 v>

    2:25:03 Error Undefined variable in expression: _var

    2:25:03 File FuMS\Functions\HC_DataCleanup.sqf, line 57

    2:25:03 "HC:HC_Remini: Complete in 0 secs!FuMS_HC_isAlive4"

    2:25:03 "##HeartMonitor: Has ended for HC_Remini:FuMS_HC_isAlive4"

    2:25:04 "server_setToken: UID: HC9192 | TOKEN: ihn7re01fgoswmrbli - TOKEN CREATED"

    2:25:04 "server_setToken: UID: HC9192 | TOKEN: ihn7re01fgoswmrbli - TOKEN SENT TO OBJECT"

    2:25:04 " New Player: HC_Remini(HC9192)"

    2:25:10 Server: Object 4:136 not found (message Type_90)

    2:25:10 Server: Object 4:137 not found (message Type_106)

    2:25:40 "RPT| DodgyMarker: 4[12787,19679.3,-46.1323]_["Small",-1]_Ifestiona_1 - (v0129)"

    2:25:40 "SL| DodgyMarker: 4[12787,19679.3,-46.1323]_["Small",-1]_Ifestiona_2 - Ifestiona (v0129)"

  5. Alcon,

    In vacation in keywest. Be back soon. I am aware of the crazy-clone issue and will have a fix for it on Monday.

    PS I did try to mention that the 1.5 was a beta-unreliable release but I wanted to get the server only support out there before disappearing for a week of lobstering and bikini chasing. Be back to the real world in a few days....


    I have some issues since update

  6. Had anyone thought actually looking into Client files? You can dePBO and look into the code...

    I agree with get server live when official release come up but i don't agree with no possibilities to test stuff.. So as for leaked files you can see who actually have them live and who is trying to used them for test purposes. I have reasonable players who wants update when it will be stable.

  7.  Epoch devs are giving away high quality thousands of combined manhour worth work completely free. The only thing they ask so far is don't touch our server-side files yet (and goes without saying don't use leaked copies).

  is not out yet (except the dishonorable leak) and you come to the official forums and ask for support for the leaked (or in other words stolen) copy.

    Wow you got some face to come here and post this. I am also surprised to see this thread not deleted/locked in the last 10 hours or so, moderators in this forum have laissez-faire approach indeed.


    You didn't even read it lol..

  8. Ok lets stick to the topic now, ignore what he said. I apologize for him. Now what is this for exactly because I am confused on how you were already able to test this on the new version...


    I was having trouble when in example: scrollmenu, targetcursor actions, player tags, ( loadout script can be on the same boat ) was loaded before i choosed player GENDER.


    So it is basically just wait when player is male/female ( loaded / choosed )




  9. Actually devs should have some whitelist of devs and share the files with them


    From what i have seen, there will be much pain when the new patch comes out... And many things have to be reworked..


    So the actual release of won't be fine for those having overscripted server with custom missions...


    ( Emod02 isn't needed for trading MAS weapons/vehicles but i saw that it isn't working anymore ( I think CCG having now a hard time working on it ) )


    I am working on many things to get work and when i share something i am being bashed...




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