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Posts posted by SpiRe

  1. I'm running an HC and everything works beautifully except for the fact that I can't seem to get the HC character to stand where I want it to.  I put specific coords in the mission.sqm for the HC in a corner of the respawn box so he will be out of the way, but no matter what I do he insists on standing in the exact middle of the respawn box.  I even tried different coords in another corner and also updated the database for the character position as well, but it still insists on being in the middle.  


    So my question is this:  How the hell do I force the HC character to be in a specific location and actually have it stand where I tell it to be?


    its not the best solution but you can always add scripts to port HC where you want. Not sure how it will work with epoch AH

  2. Hey i was having trouble load some scripts when player spawning because of 30sec delay when waiting for Gender selection...

    So i started using this GENDER check and it works.



    if(isDedicated || !hasInterface) exitWith{};
    waitUntil {alive player};
    waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"};
    //diag_log "Player gender";
    //diag_log typeOF player;
    sleep 3; // You needn't to use sleep..
    // YOUR CODE

    FIXED on my server:


    - cursor target actions

    - scroll actions

    - safezone script

    - cursor target tags

    - ( for someone it might fix loadouts script )

  3. I have suggested the loot table to be moved to the database.

    I can't imagine adding 100 items to loot list in db redis.. all configs should be just files. I don't want to rely on Redis because i don't trust it and database should contain only user-data.

    When Epoch will be open someone will just transfer it to MySQL.. and we all will be glad for it.

    I wonder how quick this topic turn into a flame war..

  4. private["_aa","_ab","_ac","_ad","_ae","_af","_ag","_ah","_ai","_aj","_ak","_al","_am","_an","_ao","_ap","_aq","_ar","_as","_at","_au","_av","_aw","_ax","_ay","_az","_aaa","_aab","_aac","_aad","_aae","_aaf","_aag","_aah","_aai","_aaj","_aak","_aal","_aam","_aan","_aao","_aap","_aaq","_aar","_aas","_aat"];


    Obfuscation just got real..



  5. Drop me a PM to discuss your concerns, accidently deleted your Skype request, was on the beers with my cousin when you asked on my twitch chat.


    As for 'watermarking' if a custom hive DLL is being used am not sure what we could do.


    Is not difficult for a determined and talented Developer to circumvent pretty much any security measures. 

    Its hard since you cant receive new messages

  6. Some backpacks when you add them to loot list are duping explosives on every players relog no matter what (empy/full backpack)....


    And with MAS Weapons when there are some weapons forced with scopes/silencer... On relog or restart is that scope/silencer duped even in lockbox, backpack, vest....

    ( because class is with scope and silencer and you remove them ( class dont change ) or server try to remove them on restart it makes copy of attachments and item have attachments  because in DB is saved attachments and weapons class is saved with attachments)



    I think devs fixed all mentioned things by just reclass a few clothes and deny adding stuff to them, also weapons with attachments. and of course everything that is duping something.

    But its really not the solution... And makes ARMA smaller unnecessarily than it should be.


    They also want to run "vanilla epoch code" to ensure that weird bugs will not come out and i am fine with it but in this case it looks like kind of cover-up of incapability / laziness or just delaying problems...

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