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Posts posted by chisel

  1. Hello Dudes!!!!



    Can anyone is willing to share the sector b mission please   :)

    What ai do you have installed?  I used A3EAI and placed ai all about the island.  It's not something I can "zip" up and give you.  You have to install A3EAI once that's done I can help you with ai placement and a loot file.

  2. Marvin, I'd ask the server owner.  Did the server owner install ai on Sector B?  We've got about 80ish ai on Sector B...   It's not a fix, it's a do.  If the server owner doesn't install the ai they aren't there.  I use A3EAI for Sector B, very easy and straightforward.

  3. yes you can lock it when someones in it. i can easily prove this if i could get fraps working and had a vehicle. . try it yourself.

    once you lock it, it should not be driven. anyway. its easy to get pissy with a game when you put all day in it and someone takes it all away.

    I did lock it. i was aware of the risks. and maybe it should properly immobilize it like in real life.

    I believe you're thinking of Dayz Epoch.  In Dayz it was possible to lock your car with someone in it.  It did immobilize the vehicle.  So far in A3 Epoch I have not been able to lock a vehicle with someone it.  Not once.  If you are able to do it, must be a bug or the exception, but not the norm.

  4. As far as i know you can't lock a vehicle while someone is in it



    So it likely never locked the second time.  You just thought it locked, and the thief drove away.  If losing your stuff has you ready to quit, maybe you should.  Just being honest here...  No shame and I'm not poking fun at all; if it hurts that much this isn't going to be an enjoyable experience for you so save yourself the stress and frustration.

  5. Diz, once again your wit has me back pedaling.  Again you spew total BS.  You offer nothing.  You have no idea.


    Having configuration options to include base building items such as shelf kits included under the plot pole limit is Mod changing how?


    This would still allow your scenario and allow any other server operator to change those numbers if needed.  You want to put yours at 8000 items allowed per jammer, then do it.  I want to limit mine to 300 so be it.  I'm not sure how this changes the mod.


    Seems to be you are the only one around here that doesn't like dissenting opinions.  Seeing as you are the one saying "You're wrong and I'm right"...  You think my idea is a bad idea so be it, your opinion is noted. You are the only person here that that is FLAT OUT ignoring other peoples opinions.  


    I don't see any demands, I merely mentioned "I propose..."  That's called an idea.  Not a demand.  It's called feedback.  Based on feedback from players on my server and my observations and my experience running my server, this is the feedback I have to allow the best overall experience to my players.  


    Go troll some other thread.  Get 40-60 on your server regularly then come back when you have a clue.


    The Diz school of Epoch Server Operation:  

    1. My server has no issues with 15 players, therefore there can be no possible legitimate reason anyone would want anything other than what I have.  It works great for me, it should be just perfect for everyone else.

    2. What, you want to change something?  No way, you are completely wrong, somehow you must have not read #1.

  6. Thanks Diz,


    Thanks for contributing.  Next time you post in my thread please post something of substance.  Spouting off default maintenance schedules helps again how?


    Your deep insight into the effects of a "pretty high" (exactly how high is pretty high btw?) world build limit on a populated server and it's game play are invaluable to this discussion.  Thank you for explaining that so thoroughly.


    Apparently I stand corrected.  Diz says it's all ok.


    Thanks again Diz.  :lol:

  7. Problematic for storage with larger groups?


    What size group needs 75+ shelves, 30 tipis and 30 lockboxes in EACH of their 3 bases?


    I would be VERY open to increasing the jammer build limit and range considerably, IF they would limit the jammer to 1 jammer per group and include under the jammer build limit all other buildables that consume world limit slots (ie shelves, tipis, lockboxes).

  8. Maybe a dev could pop in and clear this up for me?


    1. How are each item types accounted for in the world?  Are they counted in the world build limit or the storage limit?






    Seems many items are counted against the world building limit but they are NOT counted against the jammers individual build limit.


    2.  I would propose that lockboxes, shelves, tipis and Epoch building items should all count against the jammer build limit when built within the radius of a jammer.


    Too many groups eat up much of the world build limit with 50 shelves, 25 tipis and 25 lockboxes plus they also get the jammer build limit.   Put up a second jammer somewhere else and rinse and repeat.  We have at least one group (4 individuals) so far that I've seen that is going on their 3rd base on the map, their 1st and 2nd consuming likely about 300-400 world items each.  


    Server operators can limit the actual building pieces with the jammer but not stop a group from eating up the world limit with shelves and lockboxes...  This needs reigned in.

  9. Be realistic with your wants.  Start small and learn the basics with the smaller easier, well documented scripts.  Again be realistic with what you want to add and learn as you go along.  There are many threads with very good instructions and explanations on many good scripts.  Be realistic, take your time and read as much as you can.


    What are you looking to add?




    im running on my server epoch + Taviana 

    After the epoch pach i got the problem after a few minutes  ingame the server kicks me back into the lobby with the message " server not ready (error 02) "  ...


    pleas help :)


  11. lol, you're welcome.


    Don't forget you also have to add this to the config.cpp


    // map config
    class CfgEpoch
    class Default
    worldSize = 12000;
    traderBlds[] = {};
    containerPos[] = {};
    telePos[] = {};
    propsPos[] = {};
    staticNpcPos[] = {};
    #include "configs\maps\CUSTOMMAPNAME.h"
    #include "configs\maps\bornholm.h"
    #include "configs\maps\stratis.h"
    #include "configs\maps\altis.h"
    #include "configs\maps\chernarus.h"
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