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Posts posted by chisel

  1. Packaging the building.sqf files in dayz_Server.pbo is the right thing to do, calling them from server_functions.sqf is not !


    Call them from init.sqf in your mission and then get back to us with how you get on ;) No confusion there..

    This is the first time I've heard of doing it this way,I mean I do call some additions kept in my mission.pbo from the init.sqf but I was unaware I could call server side additions from my init let alone that I should.


    Thanks I'll give this a shot and get back to you.  I guess I use the same [] execVM... but path is to the server files, and this should go at the very end of the init?


    Thanks again.


    *********  Ok, so I've gone ahead and removed the calls from the server.pbo\ server_functions.sqf and put them in the init.sqf in the same fashion as the mission held additions.  I placed the server ones first...  Seems all is working however the first call for the server items always gives an error when joining the server of "cannot find z\....buildingaddtion.sqf when joining.  If I rearrange the calls it gives the same error always to the first one...


    For example:


    This gives the error at client join of:  ...file1.sqf not found.


    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file1.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file2.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file3.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file4.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file5.sqf";

    This gives the error at client join of:  ...file4.sqf not found, with no other changes made other than the order in which they are listed on the init.sqf...


    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file4.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file1.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file2.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file3.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\file5.sqf";
    Right now the server calls are in the init.sqf above the mission calls.  Should I try putting the server calls at the end?
    **** Edit 2 ****  The listing order in the init.sqf did not stop the first call of the server additions from throwing the not found error...
  2. You already have it on your server side, why not try to remove the code from the sqf files, see if that does anything.

    lol, have you done this before?  The buildings go up in sqf files, I cannot remove the code from them...


    Hayward, I'm with ya on this, I'll look around, but I know the items going in twice are not in the sqf files twice, I'll double and triple check my call lines...

  3. Have you placed the execVM to call the buildings .sqf file within a 

    if (isServer) then {...};

    If not you may be creating them on the server and then the player creates them locally also..



    all building.sqf files are in "buildings" folder.  I call them with:

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\newbuilding.sqf"; at the very bottom of my server_functions.sqf


    and yes, all my sqf files start with:

    if (isServer) then {


    and end with:



    Does that all check out?

  4. So I have an epoch server and a few of the guys have spent considerable time adding in features such as additional buildings to existing towns and entire new towns with paved roads, both brand new and paved over top of existing dirt roads.


    I have some of these additions in my server.pbo.  Now it seems these items are spawning into the map twice.  Fire barrels are there twice, buildings are there twice, doors need opened twice etc.  I've found some older threads with this problem but the code the fixes refer to does not match any code in the new epoch files.


    Does anyone know why this is happening and can you offer some help?


    I'm not going to say for sure the update is causing this but it was never noticed until after the update.  Likely coincidence but I wanted to give all info.


    Here's the server and installed items:


    Epoch Chernarus

    Take Clothes

    Self Bloodbag

    DZAI Bandits

    Custom loot


    With these very few mods I've never had this issue before.


    Any suggestions would be great.


  5. If you just want to modify the default monitor, you can do so in the file "@DayZ_Epoch\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf" :)

    Copy the file to your mission.pbo and change the path in the compiles.sqf as usual.

    Axe could you elaborate on this a bit?  If I'm running a custom compiles for self blood bag and take clothes, do I put the info in that compiles.sqf or in the original compiles.sqf in the dayz_code.pbo?  Would the path to the new playerstats.sqf in my mission folder be the absolute path i.e. c: program files (x86)...MPmissions\...?

  6. That is just to make the buildings stay longer / unlimited, Wont make it indestructable, And to be hones i dont want the buildings to be indestructable i want to catch the people who grief=Destroy the buildings and cars, Since that way i can just ban them and then i have less people to care about destroying buildings and cars ^^, But i believe theres a log that shows who shot(AT) people and how many bullets that hit, I've seen other server owners having the ability to do that, And if it can log how many bullets i shoot and what i shoot with then why wouldnt it be able to log who destroyed cars and buildables, Not sure if it does that, But i could really use it.


    Thanks anyway @Chisel.

    You didn't read far enough in that post ~ "You want to make the modular objects indestructible as well? Go here: http://dayzepoch.com...ructible-bases/"


    I know you say you prefer to catch people and ban them, but I'm not sure why you would rather catch people than just remove the temptation?  Why not just take their ability to grief out?  That frees up everyones time including admins, to play instead of reading through logs hoping to catch someone.

  7. I think the take clothes script you are installing is broken for Epoch.  I'm guessing you are using this?  http://opendayz.net/threads/remove-clothes-from-dead-bodies.12291/


    I attempted to install that take clothes script the other day on my new Epoch server; I and many others could not get that script to work.  


    I do have this one running on my server without any issues.  http://opendayz.net/threads/release-zabns-take-clothes-1-0.13199/

  8. Thanks for the info guys.


    FYI, I'm running my own dedicated server, not rented from any dayz provider so I have complete access to the box, down to the OS.


    I use NP++ for all my editing too and I do use the compare plugin but I'm not aware how to merge with notepad ++.  Unless by merge you simply mean manually updating with copy/paste at the compare level etc.


    I was running a Chernarus Epoch server, but love Lingor so went Lingor Epoch server, dropped it to go straight Lingor because Epoch Lingor requires extra steps for clients to run but may be going back to a Chernarus Epoch server.  lol, round and round.


    Maybe I'll just wipe my original Cherno Epoch and start fresh.

  9. So silly question probably but, how do I go about updating the server files?


    I did search, found someone ask the same basic question and they got a one line response of updating sql...


    Surely there is more to it than executing the new sql file no?  Can someone elaborate?


    Especially if the current server install is modded with scripts etc. won't the new files overwrite the existing?


    Anyone want to put up some simple instructions on how to update an epoch server?


    I guess, a proper question would be this:


    When updating to a new server version, must server admins update all files, including all instance_X_mapname, and MPMission folders etc.that are included in the download to get benefits of the update?  Or is the server update merely the new HiveExt.dll and the new server pbo?  Can I just update the pbo to get all new version updates?

  10. can you please elaborate?  The "in" code?


    I did not have a custom fn_selfactions in a "Scripts" or "fixes" folder so I did copy the one from the PBO and edited it per the instructions linked...


    Here's what I did: my folder is called fixes so I sub "fixes" for "custom"


    Open your dayz_mission.pbo and find init.sqf
    add this just before progressLoadingScreen 1.0;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles
    Now create a folder in your dayz_mission.pbo called custom and create a new empty file called compiles.sqf inside.
    Edit the compiles.sqf to look like this.....
    fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_selfActions.sqf";
    I added the script code to the fn_self actions as well.
    When using a custom fn_selfactions should I be removing the original from the pbo?       
    ******I just added krixes self bloodbag and it works great, but yet the salvage parts and remove wrecks is still broken...  I'm missing something... 
    ******Ok I think I got it all working now.  Seems I used the wrong fn_selfActions.  I was not using the one from dayz_code.  Once I copied/edited that one, all seems ok.  Thanks MGT,  Your short reply did the trick, it got me thinking and double checking everything.  Thank you again!
  11. Hoping someone here can help me setup basebuilding 1.2 on my Epoch Lingor Island server.


    Private box

    I have tow/lift on right now but would like to add basebuilding 1.2.  I've tried several times.  The best I can do is get basebuilding working but the vehicle repair and salvage parts menus are then broken.


    Surely someone around here knows how to do this and is willing to help?



  12. So I posted in the server install thread and got crickets.  http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1022-changing-from-chernarus-to-lingor/


    This section of the forum seems much more active with folks willing to help.


    So long story short.  I've setup a straight Chernarus Epoch server and have been playing on it for a couple weeks now.  I'm looking to change over to Lingor.


    The database is setup just fine as I'm reading this should cross over to any of the supported maps.


    So what do I need to do to have Lingor properly setup.  I've setup the config and hive files in the instance_7_Lingor folders, I've done all I can think of to have the Lingor start up.  What could I be missing?  The server will launch but I hang  when joining just before lobby with my name top right in red and "wait for host" black screen...


    Do clients need special launch parameters to join an Epoch Lingor server?


    Any Devs on here that might have some insight?


    **********EDIT***********  Got it working it was my server launch parameters that were incorrect.

  13. Hi all, looking for some help here.  I've setup an epoch Chernarus server and have been playing on that for a few weeks now without issue.


    The guys want to switch to Lingor but I'm having issues getting that to run.  Can launch the server but it hangs on "wait for host".  


    What specific steps do I need to take to switch from Chernarus to Lingor using the same db?


    Any and all help is welcome and appreciated.





    **********EDIT***********  Got it working it was my server launch parameters that were incorrect.

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