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Posts posted by chisel

  1. So if you are using custom compiles and/or fn_selfaction, do these need rebuilt using those new 1.0.4 files from dayz_code client file?  


    This happened when going to, I had to make new compiles.sqf.  Wondered if it changed again in 1.04.  I'm having issues with modular building parts not being recognized by the plot pole after updating to 1.04 and then 1.04b offered no change.  Default mysql events are running and still not able to maintain.

  2. Long story short, Epoch updated yesterday.  If you played two days ago you played v1.0.3.1.


    The correct version is now 1.0.4.  You can update your epoch install with DayzCommander under the "install/update" tab.


    Find the server you like in dayz commander then click the star symbol next to it.  This will add it to your favorites.

  3. Just updated build again previous build only had the updated hiveext.dll. This one has the all the fixes above included in the server pbo.

    The only changes to 1.0.4b versus 1.0.4 are: hiveext.dll, server_monitor.sqf and panthera #16 mission files server_traders.sqf, mission.sqm, (inside server pbo mission.sqf)

    So we don't need to run the epoch.sql or do anything else other than replace those files?

  4. So after playing 1.0.4 for a few minutes I've noticed one thing already.  If I have two 5oz gold, I cannot combine them into a 10oz stack.  I must first convert one of the 5oz into 5 single 1oz then I can add 5 bars to the existing 5oz...


    This holds true for any of the varying stacks.  I can't combine a 3oz and a 4oz to make 7oz either...  To make matters worse, if I sell one set of clothes for 1 gold and then sell an SD pistol for 1 gold, those two gold get combined to one 2oz automatically.  But then I have to undo that to add them to other stacks...  another step in the wrong direction, the images appear to be the same.  A 5oz looks identical to a 1oz. 


    This seems more cumbersome than the original setup...  Is this intended?  Why couldn't I just combine two 5oz to make one 10oz?  Am I doing it wrong?  Seems counter productive and counter intuitive.

  5. Ok, I'll try, I've only installed the x64 as the server is x64 OS.  I'll report back.


    **** OK, that got me in the server and I'm now in game, however, I don't see any of the buildables.  I logged out in my base.  Now logging in there are no modular buildings that I built and no vehicles that I bought...


    Gonna restart.


    Restart brought it all back so unrelated hiccup I guess.


    So the x86 and x64 both being downloaded and installed seemed to fix my issues.  Thank you.

  6. What would be most useful for me from an update standpoint is a list of files that changed and what got changed/added in them. Then I could tell at a glance what I need to tweak and what will continue to work as usual without the need to start over with a fresh (newer) file.

    And, as randomness suggested, a way to insert code without including a complete copy of the file being added to would be fantastic.

    This alone would be wonderful for me.  This way I'd know for sure what files need to be changed and what ones can stay.

  7. Digging through my old lingor edits I found this mod line.  You'll need to have each editor update downloaded and installed in your arma2OA root with the rest of the @dayz folders.  I probably used this or some combination of these add ons.  The below mod line will have some duplicate buildings.  Depending on how you launch your dayz for the editor you'll want to remove some.  For example if you launch it as epoch then go into the editor I don't think you'll need to have the @MAP there, I believe it's included in Epoch.




    I have a bunch of nice additions for lingor as well. I'll see if I can find some for you if you'd like some pre built stuff.

  8. chisel -  i haven't looked myself yet, but you might have to define elsewhere what "zoneprison" means in your expCond statement.   It's not just referring to the name i think, it's refering to an object I think, or a class. Do a search for zonehero and see if there's any code in there setting it up as one or the other outside of the Hero Trader sensor definition.

    That's what I was thinking, those terms must be defined somewhere...

  9. I was hoping to put something like this in my mission sqm but it's not working.  Again, I'm no programmer so I could use some help.  Am I at least on the right track?


    class Item5
    expCond="(player distance zoneprison) < 600;";
    expActiv="canbuild = false; inTraderCity = ""Skalisty Prison/Bandit Stronghold"";";
    expDesactiv="canbuild = true; inTraderCity = ""Any"";";
    class Effects
  10. Can anyone make a tut to show how to setup the side missions without just taking his server files.  I'd like to know how to do it, not just have it.


    I've seen one of the side missions here on epoch forums that has 4 missions but I've also found a sets on opendayz.net, however the ones found on opendayz.net instruct users to find a certain file or text within a file that I do not have...

  11. I have built a prison on Skalisty Island that has been converted to an ai Bandit stronghold and loot horde.  I don't want to allow folks to log out on the island.  How can I prevent this?  i.e. if players log out on the island I want them to randomly spawn in somewhere else on the mainland with their next login.


    Anyone have a way to designate certain areas like this?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.






    Axe, the problem is your code and the SQL routine don't work together.


    Your code is looking for a damage greater than 0.1 and the SQL only sets the damage to 0.1 so the plot pole will never see the object as needing maintenance.


    Either your code needs changed to be >= 0.1 or the SQL routine needs to set the damage to 0.11 or higher.


    I just tweaked my SQL code to set the damage to 0.2 and it's fine.

    UPDATE `object_data` SET `Damage`= 0.2 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 10 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') );

    This damage is set to happen daily no?  Well every 3 days anyway.  If it applies 0.1 damage each time it runs, would there not be 0.2 damage on day 2 and so on?  If so, why would 0.1 not work?

  13. Ok I have had "CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1"  and no, there is no ";" in front of it, it is not commented out.


    It's been this way for a long time.  Maintenance as far as I can tell has still been required all along. As if the -1 has had no effect.  Now after, Maintenance is still required but you can't  maintain.


    Can we get an EPOCH DEV to chime in here?  I'd lover to hear from them what's intended, how it's supposed to work and how to fix it.


    Can a dev get back to us on this please?

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