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Posts posted by theduke

  1. 11 hours ago, Schalldampfer said:

    If you push ESC, a variable DZE_cancelBuilding  is set true;
    My solution to the bug is to put
    if (DZE_cancelBuilding) then {GlobalPreviewVariable = 1;};
    in While {GlobalPreviewVariable==0} do { *** }; section. You'd better reset DZE_cancelBuilding to false  on early this script.

    Now, preview_item.sqf is :

      Reveal hidden contents
    private ["_dikCode","_handle"];
    _handled = false;
    // ESC
    if (_dikCode == 0x01) then {
     _handled = true;
    DZE_cancelBuilding = false;
    _lbIndex=lbCurSel 3901;
    _lbText=lbText [3901,_lbIndex];
    if(_lbText!="") then {
     {ctrlShow [_x,false];} forEach [1800, 1801, 1802, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 3900, 3901, 4900, 4901, 4902, 5900, 5901, 5902, 5903, 6900, 6901, 6902, 6903, 6904, 6905, 6906, 6907, 6908, 6909, 6910, 6911];
     {ctrlShow [_x,true];} forEach [1105,4903,4904,4905,4906,4907,4908,4909];
     _objPos=getPos player;
     _objPos set [2,6000];
     _object = createVehicle [_lbText, _objPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
     _object setDir _dir;
     cutText ["","BLACK IN",0.2];
     _camera = "camera" camCreate [10,10,5000];
     _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL","BACK"];
     showCinemaBorder false;
     Crafting_Object_Direction = -0.5;
     Crafting_Object_Radius = 7;
     Crafting_Object_Height = 0;
     if(ComboBoxResult=="Forts") then {
     Crafting_Object_Radius = 20;
     _ang = 360;
     _coords = [[_objPos select 0, _objPos select 1,(_objPos select 2) + Crafting_Object_Height], Crafting_Object_Radius, _ang] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
     _camera camPrepareTarget _object;
     _camera camPreparePos _coords;
     _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700;
     _camera camCommitPrepared 0;
       while {GlobalPreviewVariable==0} do {
        _ang = _ang + Crafting_Object_Direction;
        _coords = [[_objPos select 0, _objPos select 1,(_objPos select 2) + Crafting_Object_Height], Crafting_Object_Radius, _ang] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
        _camera camPreparePos _coords;
        _camera camCommitPrepared 0.3;
        waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
        if (DZE_cancelBuilding) then {GlobalPreviewVariable = 1;};
     cutText ["","BLACK OUT",0.1];
     _camera cameraEffect ["TERMINATE","BACK"];
     camDestroy _camera;
     deleteVehicle _object;
     Crafting_Object_Direction = -0.5;
     {ctrlShow [_x,true];} forEach [1800, 1801, 1802, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 3900, 3901, 4900, 4901, 4902, 5900, 5901, 5902, 5903, 6900, 6901, 6902, 6903, 6904, 6905, 6906, 6907, 6908, 6909, 6910, 6911];
     {ctrlShow [_x,false];} forEach [1105,4903,4904,4905,4906,4907,4908,4909];
     cutText ["","BLACK IN",0.6];


    I don't know whether 

    // ESC
    if (_dikCode == 0x01) then {
    _handled = true

    is necessary, so I left it as it is. I feel it's not necessary

    been trying to figure this out for a bit...will update it thx and no the other part isnt needed :)

  2. if you put the file in your infistar folder and use #include, you shouldn't need a path.

    The only thing is im not a scripter so im not sure what difference is with execVM and #include lol

    #include " target_drop .sqf"

    Edit: using the path you originally posted, should be the way it works... I've always done it that way

    maybe putting the file in the infistar folder and changing its path to the inifistar folder might do the trick.

  3. So one of the admins on our community has been playing with the editor for a bit now. Hes gotten real good and his attention to detail is amazing.

    He made this for our server, and it was so nice, i asked him if he would make a oval track around the racetrack. He kindly allowed me to share it here with everyone to use. The only condition we ask, is please leave the "Elite SLK" made of tires in the middle of the track :)

    ALL CREDIT GOES TO OBDURATE, admin on Elite SLK gaming community.

    Here are some pics



    It is Located South West of Chernarus. About 500m North West of Pavlovo.

    You'll need epoch and overwatch for this.


    There are some ambient sounds around the track, if you dont like it, search in the code for sounds and delete the block of code associated with it.

    Also. We had custom billboards at the entrance of the racetrack. They are commented out in this script im posting (at the bottom of the script). You can make your own texture and uncomment them and change the paths


    In your server PBO, place the file in a folder called "objects". If you don't have one, create the folder.

    In your server_functions.sqf, find this line

    server_sendToClient = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_sendToClient.sqf";

    Add this bellow

    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\objects\racetrack.sqf";

    Re-Pack your server PBO and enjoy.


    NOTE: This was in the 1051 legacy forum, but i thought id re-post it here in case some thought it didnt work.  Also on the Git now.

  4. random speed zombies work, but cause massive lag with my experience. 

    I had it set to 10% would run, but the second a running zombie would spawn, the FPS would drop by at least 20 (on my test server that is), and as soon as i killed it, FPS came back up...

    Tried it live, because the players wanted to anyways...was worst... didnt even last a full restart I went back to slow zeds.

    But mine hit harder, and take more damage also...so it evens itself out i guess.

    As for "jogging" zombies, it doesnt work with arma. to get the zombies to walk, it needs a value of 2. anything above 2, they run...

    Hope this helps

  5. Just now, salival said:

    There should be nothing you need to do/exempt for a trader purchased vehicle. It works perfectly.

    I'm guessing it just took a while to process the request/init of the vehicle, which judging by your server fps and players you can't do a lot of.

    19 players and 4 fps is just too low imo.

    yes i agree its too low.. Something is causing it and im not sure.  If going to try a few things from the research i've done, and if nothing ill create another post about that... dont want to mix up posts...

    Thanks for the advice

  6. Ok so i never got the time to actually sit down and do this. but......

    Today, we had 19 players on the server, a player purchased a lil bird from trader, got in it and it blew up.

    I checked the logs and sure enough "KILLING A HACKER"

    Now my Server FPS was at 4, which is pretty low.  Im currently having issues where the server crashs at least once a day, and it takes 20 min for it to restart...

    So thats another problem in itself...  Im just wondering if lag can cause this killing a hacker issue, and if so, i wont bother trying to add exceptions   just fix the darn lag...

  7. ok, so I have my sql cleanup scripts very similar to @BigEgg 's list...

    For some odd reason, my safes are disappearing.

    this is my add damage to safes, so they can be maintained... I also added the safes and lockboxes to the DZE_maintainClasses in the variables.sqf

    /* Set Damage On lockable storage objects via Age */
    UPDATE `object_data`
    SET `Damage` = IF( `Damage` = 0.0, 0.16, `Damage` + 0.04 )
    WHERE `Classname` IN ('LockboxStorageLocked','VaultStorageLocked')
    AND `Inventory` != '[]';

    my safe had inventory in it. maintain was done 3 days ago (set to 14 days, rest of the base is still there)

    im not toooo worried, as it was my own safe lol, havnt heard players say anything yet....but id like to prevent it.

    So im wondering if my sql above, is correct?


  8. i had origins1795 before the 1061 update. Maca, owner of dayzlauncher said he was going to pull all old version of all the mods once the "stir" that the new epoch mod created on his end...

    He has yet to do it, but if he does, any server running that mod will NOT appear in the launcher.

    So, we decided to part with origins.  As for the newest origins. I think a couple servers managed to get it running, one guy released it, im sure if you search hard enough you'll find it.
    I don't want to link it because the origin devs asked that, no origins leaks should be in any forums...

    You can still get overpochins running, but it was made for 1051. Eldubya had made a release of his server, pretty much a plug and play install. Its actually the first server I used to learn this stuff...
    If anything, it will help you with the logos on the vehicles and allowing you to use them


  9. 6 hours ago, Voltan said:

    I have installed this script and my players are having issues/glitches with previewing items in the crafting menus.

    Is anyone else having this problem?

    yes, if they preview and hit ESC, they are forced to soft log.  In 1051 I had found a fix for this using a smal part of code from the dayzspaceinterrupt.sqf.  But now it is called keybord.sqf, and i've yet to figure it out.

    Basically the "fix", allowed you to hit ESC a second time and it actually exited you from the preview.

    Now in 1061, RL has taken over for the moment as im super busy and have not had the time to figure it out. If someone wants to, the last page of the orginal thread, i posted the fix. Compare that to the new keyboard.sqf.


  10. 2 hours ago, S4M said:

    @theduke thanks for sharing!

    It works for me without this:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Still in the fn_selfactions look for

    player removeAction s_player_manageDoor;
        s_player_manageDoor = -1;

    add this bellow

    player removeAction s_player_pipe;
        s_player_pipe = -1;

    P.D: By the way, I make my hookah in my deploys:biggrin:

      Reveal hidden contents




    it works, but throws a client RPT spam which causes FPS to drop

  11. So recently, not sure why it hasnt been reported before, but if players pull their vehicles from the VG, the vehicle blows up and it kills them.

    this is the error it gives.

    22:29:15 ["z\addons\dayz_server\system\scheduler\sched_safetyVehicle.sqf","KILLING A HACKER","Payden"," IN ","BAF_Apache_AH1_D"]

    Now this wouldnt make any sense to add all vehicles to the DZE_safeVehicle array lol.  

    Im just not sure how to work with this

    any help would be appreciated


  12. yeah this works well actually.. I remember you had made a post about that ebay, so i went ahead and made a "waste trader" Basically he accepts just about everything you can find in the game. but doesnt sell anything, only buys from you.

    I just released it public on my servers last night.  After a couple weeks of testing, i will make a release in the forums.

  13. Spoiler

    //By Relentless

    ///////////////////////////////REMOVE BELOW IF URE USING EXTRA_RC.hpp///////////////////////
    private ["_inventory","_hastools"];
    _inventory = items player;
    _hastools = ["ItemToolbox","PartEngine","PartGeneric","PartWheel"] in _inventory;  // This is the line checking for the toolbox, or any item you need for the spawn.

    if (!_hastools) exitWith {cutText [format["You're Missing Items to deploy your ATV."], "PLAIN DOWN"];};

    ///////////////////////////////REMOVE ABOVE IF URE USING EXTRA_RC.hpp///////////////////////

    if (false) then {
    cutText [format["You can't place your ATV while you're in combat."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    player removeAction s_player_deployatv2;
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    r_interrupt = false;
    player removeWeapon "ItemToolbox"; // These lines removes the items required to build the vehicle. Notice removeWEAPON and removeMAGAZINE
    player removeMagazine "PartEngine";
    player removeMagazine "PartGeneric";
    player removeMagazine "PartWheel";

    _dis = 10;
    _sfx = "repair";

    [player, _sfx, 0, false, _dis] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
    [player, _dis, true, (getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;

    sleep 6;

    _object = "ATV_US_EP1" createVehicle (position player); // This is the line that decides what you want to spawn.
    _object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    _object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];

    player reveal _object;
    cutText [format["You constructed a ATV out of your Items."], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    r_interrupt = false;
    player switchMove "";
    player playActionNow "stop";

    sleep 10;

    cutText [format["WARNING: This bike won't be saved during server restart!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    compare this one to yours, using a software called Beyond compare. Right click on one, compare, right click n the other, and compare... it will highlight both differences in each file.

    it will help you do more.

    You also need a pack script....that one can be modified in a very similar way than this one.  You give back the items once packed. IF you dont have any packing scripts let me know...

    You will also need to add any new vehicle you allow players to spawn in the DayZ_SafeObjects in variables.sqf

    So open variables.sqf and look for DayZ_SafeObjects. In that array, at the end add your new vehicle, in this case the atv...



    private ["_cost","_wealth"];

    _cost = 100000;
    _wealth = player getVariable[Z_moneyVariable,0];
    if(_wealth < _cost) exitWith { cutText [format["You need %1 coins to change your Humanity",_cost], "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    player setVariable[Z_moneyVariable,(_wealth - _cost),true];
    titleText ["your humanity has been changed","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 5;
    sleep 0.1;
    _id = [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    _humanity = [player,+500];
    _id = _humanity spawn player_humanityChange;

    remove humanity


    private ["_cost","_wealth"];

    _cost = 100000;
    _wealth = player getVariable[Z_moneyVariable,0];
    if(_wealth < _cost) exitWith { cutText [format["You need %1 coins to change your Humanity",_cost], "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    player setVariable[Z_moneyVariable,(_wealth - _cost),true];
    titleText ["your humanity has been changed","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 5;
    sleep 0.1;
    _id = [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    _humanity = [player,-500];
    _id = _humanity spawn player_humanityChange;

    I havnt tested anything, but it should work

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