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Posts posted by theduke

  1. 1 hour ago, totis said:

    i mean any dynamic mission. like mv22 mission for eaxmple. so wherever it spawns on map and if  a player gets close to be autoclaimed by tha player's name on map next to mission marker for example.

    Trying to but says you cant receive msgs :)

    This is for the event missions. but im sure you could use parts of this to get what you need.



    The only thing is adding it next to the mission name itself. i think the best way would be to add an extra marker.

    We have PVE servers too, our rule is you can only claim once you are READY to shoot. we dont have a set distance, it caused problems having a distance. For the most part players have no problems following the rules. and when new players come on the server, the vets make sure everyone is on the same page which is great.

    Another issue with auto claim would be a player driving by not noticing hes ran by a mission and the marker would appear as claimed.

  2. we had wolf on our server last night. same GUID. he nuked the server (tried to) an then gave everyone over 300 mil. then spawned FRIENDLY ais in front of players. players didnt know, shot them and lost humanity...

    Id love to "spawn" myself in RL in front of them and see their faces hahahaha

  3. 1 hour ago, Hooty said:

    If i was not fini it would be someone else. Its a video game make backups, there will always be hackers.

    hackers are parentless humans, they can off themselves for all i care.the world would be a better place. nothing but a waste of oxygen.  and @finplayer21 it takes 5 minutes to write a reply to a dumbass like you in these forums. learing sqf, like you said is shitty, to the point of always stopping hackers is pointless. Everytime you stop one turd, another comes along...  see the problem is, the reason you do shit like that, is because you know your life is worth shit, so you fuk with others lives to make yourself feel better.  a internet bully. good on you for that one, but please, i beg you to try and fuk with me in RL...


    And @BigEgg you;re right, these are the responses they want, but you know what, at least they are getting a bit of truth on how they are a waste to humanity.... I could a few other things too. but ill keep my mouth shut...

    Point being is, waste of oxygen, no morals, and please off yourself!!!!!!!!! seriously!!!

  4. 3 hours ago, finplayer21 said:

    I'm not sure if you're blind or trolling, but as proof I already posted a script that stops people from deleting your databases. 

    If you weren't lazy or incompetent you would have had that script ages ago (since it took me about 5 mins to write it) and proper BE filters to stop hackers. 

    LOL lazy and incompetent.  WOW wow wow....  Not everyone can write code you know....  so if you think you know how to write code, then others should too right??  then it should be the same for morals... I have morals, i would assume you have too, but wrong, you are dont have morals.  thats what you call a hypocrite.... Then you turn around and say your not the hacker, but you run a business. I can only assume you sell hacks... in my eyes thats worst than the hacker.... The way you;re going, i hope one day a real hackers takes control of your life, maybe the car you'll be drivin... any children???? please dont reproduce!!!!!!!

    We have enough trump mentality in this world...I would love to say a few things to you, but i'm not getting banned from these forums, and probly not worth it..... but people like you, who sit behind a screen and pull off shit like this, would be some fun to have right in front of me right now... Id pull a homer on bart!!! and wouldnt let go period!

    and yeah im lazy, 90 hours a week plus taking care of my pregnant wife... I have PLENTY of time to sit here and try and figure out these hacks.... like really!!?? come one now... I still tried, spent many hours trying to prevent these hacks... plenty of research. obviously not enough... but i have a life. ill be damn if im going to stop my life for some little child minded brainless hacker.  I just wish these people had the balls to come near me in RL.......Dexter all the way!!!

  5. 3 hours ago, DAKA said:

    So I have everything working except the bike script, which I have one already that I would like to use. Also, how do I change how the menu opens, TAB is used for some other things for players.

    open keyboard.sqf supplied in the files.

    look for

    [[DIK_TAB], _informenu] call _addArray;


    DIK_TAB to your liking.

    The dik codes can be found if you google dik codes bohemia

  6. 2 hours ago, finplayer21 said:

    That's at least not my plan, tho I don't know about others...

    Guess you didnt get the karma part lol. So ill try to make this a bit clearer for you. When you spit in the air, it falls back in your face...  thats called karma.  You do bad things to others in life, bad things happen to you. Thats karma... Point being is, when you get off by ruining someones hard work, because of i dont know, jealousy, or hate, or just mad your mom didnt make slap your dad for not wearing a condom.. dont matter the reason, but when you do try to ruin communities, just know you're a VERY LOW person...  Same LOW as thieves that are too lazy to work for a living (i work roughly 90 hrs a week)

    So one day, after you fail to get a good job, because of your past biting you in the ars, or you get into a car accident, or you know, something really, really, REALLY bad happens to you... think of this convo... and remember KARMA...

    Karma goes both ways btw.. If you do GOOD, good things happen to you...

    (im working on building a  business to get homeless people off the streets including veterans and handicaps, whom our GOV cares 2 cents for, someone has to)  < guess what, good things are happening to me. great things for that matter...

    These hackers remind me of something funny....  " i started doing this to protect myself, now i just wreck communities because i can and have power and no one can stop me"  Great, so now we have dayz players trying to become politicians lol

    so please, realize that you're only doing wrong to others who work just as hard.

    You want to do something worth your while, go hack a rothschild bank or something, and wipe all mortgages... now thats something to be proud of.. not hacking arma 2 dayz servers, a mod where its almost dead already lol

  7. 15 minutes ago, Stu Pot said:

    Set custom sound file size to 0 or 1. That might prevent the issue. Even if you would ban the guy executing this, he is still able to achieve client/server crashes with this. 

    what happens if you do have custom sounds on your server. will this block those also?

  8. 5 hours ago, TheBillsProject said:

    Thanks for the welcome didn't expect this much help as arma2/epoch is like 5-6 years old but you guys are still around :D. Thanks everyone here for the help.

    sure no problem. Anything is possible with a bit of work. I managed to get alot of stuff from armaholic on one of my private servers. I do have the gaus rifle on this server, and it is on cherno.



  9. 4 hours ago, TheBillsProject said:

    No I really do mean the Gaus rifle (ER7 RFW) from namalks. The AS50 is already in the traders. It is something I have been thinking of.

    This is a weapon strictly for namalsk. you would need to add that mod also for players to download just for that gun. Doable, but takes a bit more work

    EDIT:  also just a heads up. First welcome to the forums :)  second (nothing major), this forum here is for mod releases. questions like these need to be, imo either the scripting, server install or general discussion. maybe a mod can clear up which one lol

  10. Just now, leegreaves said:

    Yeah Ive noticed the new method for spawning custom content in, think its a shorter form instead of the standard way arma 2 calls it all. Bit long winded having to call a custom script in the editor. Now if someone was to create a cmd line or an exe with gui to convert a custom map sqf from long to the newer short form adopted by 1061 id be pretty interested in that. Im assuming the new short form being used has less impact on server performance which im sure we all agree is a good thing to have.

    Im just going to use the find and replace function in notepad++. Seems scary, but once you start, its easy going...

    I made a video for the sanford and son trader we made, which shows how to do the find and replace with symbols.

  11. glad juans method worked for you.

    I do it buy calling it in the server_functions.sqf. First line is just for location purposes.


    spawn_vehicles = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\spawn_vehicles.sqf";

    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\objects\stary.sqf";

    and in the file itself, you need to make sure you have the

    if (isServer) then {
    Custom content here

    in the file, otherwise it wont work, or double the buildings.

    Another method since 1061 to spawn buildings would be to use the function epoch has created. its simple enough after a bit of editing. ( i plan to revert to this method when i get the time to do it)

    If you go to the epoch client files navigate to dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus.sqf

    You'll noticed they are called different



    ],true,false,true] call fnc_spawnObjects;

    This uses fnc_spawnObjects the new epoch function

    which in turn does this


        Spawns objects from compact array format.
        Notes for global spawned objects:
        - Recommend running on server machine only.
        - Always present global objects use the most resources. Damage and other updates about them are regularly sent over the network.
        Notes for local spawned objects:
        - Always present local objects are more performant than global, but less performant than town generator (spawning locally only when player is nearby)
        - Recommend running on every machine including the server, so all units know about the object and vehicles parked on top are not affected.
        - Recommend running unscheduled before player_monitor.fsm and server_monitor.sqf, so units and vehicles spawned on top do not fall through.
        - Not recommended for destructible or removable objects. Damage and deleted status are not synced across machines.
        - Not recommended for objects with animations (like gates). Anim status is not synced across machines.
                ["ObjectType1", [position], dir],
                ["ObjectType2", [position], dir],
                ["ObjectType3", [position], dir]
            false, // Block damage
            false, // Use setPosATL instead of setPos
            true // Spawn objects locally
        ] call fnc_spawnObjects;


  12. 2 hours ago, juandayz said:

    DOnt know if is the same but i allways have the same issue with my test server. Just crash after 5 8 minutes. I just create a new windows user acount and server stop to crash.

    well my servers dont crash right away. And i would hate to create a new user on the dedi and have to redo everything before trying out a few more things.

  13. Alright, so since ive updated to 1061, once and while my servers will crash.  They hang so to speak, so firedeamon thinks its still running, and doesnt kick it back up.

    Theres nothing in the RPT that shows what could be causing this, but when it does crash, this is the error i get.


     8:20:11 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(104110945): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
     8:24:38 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(276513532): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
     8:26:36 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(490001469): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
     8:27:26 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(610118948): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
     8:29:02 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(704160730): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
     8:29:06 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(736209295): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled
     9:48:26 NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(852088927): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

    I've searched high and low on the internet about this issue, the only thing i found was i could possibly have corrupt bikeys, so i replaced all the keys and even the client mods on the server.

    Still no go.

    Im not blaming 1061, It just happened around that time we did the switch. We have 3 servers, cherno, lingor and sahrani.  Cherno was the one doing it the most, then lingor, now sahrani.

    Any help would be great! Thanks


    On 2017-07-05 at 6:10 PM, server steve21k said:

    Hi, dose any 1 have Overpoch Origins Taviana Install Files I could use, the guides on here seem to be out of date or I download link doesn't work.


    I like the look of ElDubya  -  Release] Overpochins Taviana Server with LOTS and LOTS of modsRelease] Overpochins Taviana Server with LOTS and LOTS of mods, but theirs no link for the zip files.




    Any origins stuff, is not allowed in these forums.

    BUT, if you search hard enough in that thread (Eldubyas), there is a link to a download that does work.

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