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    psychosis reacted to f3cuk in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  2. Like
    psychosis reacted to HollowAddiction in [Release] Center For Disease Control   
    Hollow's Center for Disease Control

    A nice little Balota Addition
    I made this build as a housing place for my CDC Trader in which you can trade zombie parts for gold, the idea is a single scientist is trying to find the cure and needs you to gather zombie flesh for him and he is willing to make it worth your wild.
    Below are tutorials for with, and without the trader.
    Tutorial WITHOUT Trader: (with trader tutorial below)
    click the download link above and download the CDC_Balota.zip
    Unpack your dayz_server.pbo
    Add the following code to the bottom of your server_functions.sqf  located at: 
    [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom\CDC_Balota.sqf"; Create a folder named "custom" and place the CDC_Balota.sqf
    you downloaded, inside the custom folder.
    Place the custom folder in the root of your dayz_server.pbo then repack and upload your pbo
    To add the map marker open your mission.sqm
    search for 
    class Markers and scroll to the bottom of the markers and add this code
    class Item20 { position[]={4843.2983,365.13501,2278.8335}; name="Centre for Disease Control"; text="Centre for Disease Control"; type="mil_triangle"; colorName="ColorYellow"; }; Remember to change the items=? and class Item20  to match your own markers.
    (keep in mind the first marker item is 0, so if you have 24 markers, it should read items=25 and this marker should be class Item24)
    Tutorial WITH Trader:
    Do the above, but substitue all CDC_Balota.sqf in the code with
     and use the Trader_CDC_Balota.zip download obviously.
    Open your server_traders.sqf and add this code to the bottom
    // CDC menu_RU_Doctor = [ [["Specimens",900],["Medical Supplies",901]], [], "neutral" ]; at the top of your server_traders.sqf add "RU_Doctor" to the list of servertraders
    Now make the new TID's in your Database and add the items to them
    (assuming you have changed or added items to traders before)
    Now your done. 
    Reply with any questions
    Additions to this build are welcome, everyone has full permission to use this how ever they want.
  3. Like
    psychosis reacted to DaddelGoggi in [RELEASE] beached aircraft carrier Cherno   
    I have made a beached aircraft carrier for Cherno....here are the files....sorry for my bad englisch.
    Lg Jürgen
  4. Like
    psychosis reacted to vbawol in Epoch Mod Information Update   
    We are going for the long haul here guys. The A3 Epoch project will likely take a few years before we are at at 100% finished state. Alpha status will last until 1.0 at which point we will enter the beta phase.
    Beta phase will be mostly feature complete with a slower/larger update cycles. Closed alpha is likely to last up to version 0.5 and hosting will be done by our own developers and will only allow whitelisted players to join.
    Open alpha will likely start sometime after 0.5 (50% complete) and at this time we will start to welcome some server hosts to join in the testing. During open alpha we are going to only allow server hosting via an application process with acceptance of specific terms. For GSP's that want to host during the alpha we will ask that customers ability to access server files is limited from making any modifications to our files.
    All of this is so that we can get proper feedback on our own work and fix any issues that are from the mod and hopefully make the game we all want to play.
    Discussion here: 

  5. Like
    psychosis reacted to OtterNas3 in [RELEASE] VASP - Vehicle and Skin preview on Traders v1.2 (Updated 06/18/2014)   
    Hey folks,
    some time ago i pushed something to the public, but here is next!
    "Damn which Truck was the open Camouflage one?"
    "Bah cant remember which of the Vehicles holds the most amount of Magazines and Weapons..."
    "How many Players can Drive in XYZ Vehicle?"
    "How fast can that Vehicle go?"
    "What the hell a 'Donald' skin look like?"
    "'Rocker 1 2 3 whats the difference?"
    Ever had such questions?
    Here you go - VASP - Vehicle and Skin Preview
    This little Mod let you Preview any Vehicle or Skin in the TraderMenu.
    Vehicles will show additional Infos like:
    Max Speed Max Seats Max Cargo Weapons Max Cargo Magazines Max Cargo Backpacks Max Fuel Max Armor All stuff is totally client side spawned and will not be visible to any other Player on Server!
    The Player clicks in the Tradermenu on a Vehicle or a Skin and he will get a hint message to press F5 for a preview of it.
    While in preview, you can use these Hotkeys:
    Zoom in/out:       Arrowkeys up/down
    Rotate left/right: Arrowkeys left/right
    Close preview:   F5
    After preview the Tradermenu will open again on the same spot the Player left it for the preview.
    Just hit Buy and the last previewed item get bought.
    Easy as Pie.

    Demo Video
    Install instructions:
    1. Download und unzip VASP_v1.2.zip
    2. unpbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME.pbo (If your hoster has just folders you can skip this obviously ^^)
    3. Copy the custom folder from unziped VASP_v1.2.zip to MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\
    4. open MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\init.sqf
    Find this block:
    if (!isDedicated) then { 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"); _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}]; }; And insert this line above the last closing bracket };
           _nil = [] execVM "custom\VASP\VASP_init.sqf"; If you dont have already a custom pulicEH.sqf continue on 5a) else continue on 5b)
    Still in the init.sqf Find this line:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; and replace with:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\VASP\publicEH.sqf"; 5b)
    open your custom publicEH.sqf and find this line:

    "PVDZE_plr_SetDate" addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1);}; and replace with:
    "PVDZE_plr_SetDate" addPublicVariableEventHandler {if (!(player getVariable["Preview",false])) then {setDate (_this select 1);};}; If you dont have already a custom compiles.sqf continue on 6a) else continue on 6b)
    Still in the init.sqf Find this line:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; and replace with:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\VASP\compiles.sqf";                //Compile regular functions 6b)
    Open your custom compiles.sqf and find this block:

    // trader menu code if (DZE_ConfigTrader) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderMenuConfig.sqf"; }else{ call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_traderMenuHive.sqf"; }; and replace with:
    // trader menu code if (DZE_ConfigTrader) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\VASP\player_traderMenuConfig.sqf"; }else{ call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\VASP\player_traderMenuHive.sqf"; }; Find this line:
    fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf"; //Checks which actions for self and replace with:
    fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\VASP\fn_selfActions.sqf"; //Checks which actions for self If you already use a custom fn_selfActions.sqf open it and find this line:
    _buy = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_289", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\show_dialog.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""]; and add ABOVE:
    LastTraderMenu = (_traderMenu select 0); 7. repbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\ - upload - restart server - enjoy!
    - Configuration -
    Open VASP_init.sqf and edit this block to your liking:
    /****************************/ /* Configuration */ /****************************/ /* Vehicle Preview on/off */ /* true = ON / false = OFF */ VASP_VehiclePreview = true; /****************************/ /* Skin Preview on/off */ /* true = ON / false = OFF */ VASP_SkinPreview = true; /****************************/ /* !!! DONT EDIT BELOW !!! */  
    - Additional Information -
    For those who have MORE then the standard Epoch Skins buyable at the Traders you would need to open MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\custom\VASP\VASP_init.sqf
    and add them to this block:

        AllAllowedSkins = [         "Skin_Survivor2_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWcombat_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWdesert_DZ",         "Skin_SurvivorWurban_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWsequishaD_DZ","Skin_SurvivorWsequisha_DZ",         "Skin_SurvivorWpink_DZ","Skin_SurvivorW3_DZ","Skin_SurvivorW2_DZ",         "Skin_Bandit1_DZ","Skin_Bandit2_DZ","Skin_BanditW1_DZ",         "Skin_BanditW2_DZ","Skin_Soldier_Crew_PMC","Skin_Sniper1_DZ",         "Skin_Camo1_DZ","Skin_Soldier1_DZ","Skin_Rocket_DZ",         "Skin_Rocker1_DZ","Skin_Rocker2_DZ","Skin_Rocker3_DZ",         "Skin_Rocker4_DZ","Skin_Priest_DZ","Skin_Functionary1_EP1_DZ",         "Skin_GUE_Commander_DZ","Skin_Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ","Skin_Haris_Press_EP1_DZ",         "Skin_Pilot_EP1_DZ","Skin_RU_Policeman_DZ","Skin_Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ",         "Skin_Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ","Skin_Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ","Skin_Drake_Light_DZ",         "Skin_CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ","Skin_TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ","Skin_TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ",         "Skin_FR_OHara_DZ","Skin_FR_Rodriguez_DZ","Skin_CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ",         "Skin_GUE_Soldier_MG_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ",         "Skin_GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ","Skin_GUE_Soldier_2_DZ","Skin_TK_Special_Forces_MG_EP1_DZ",         "Skin_TK_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ","Skin_TK_Commander_EP1_DZ","Skin_RU_Soldier_Crew_DZ",         "Skin_INS_Lopotev_DZ","Skin_INS_Soldier_AR_DZ","Skin_INS_Soldier_CO_DZ",         "Skin_INS_Bardak_DZ","Skin_INS_Worker2_DZ"     ]; This is ONLY needed if you have custom Skins that are buyable on the Traders!

    ~ Have fun with it ~
    Questions - Bugs - Tell me!
    - If you like it - Like it - So I can count Downloads - I like that
    #                      Support my work                      #
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  6. Like
    psychosis reacted to blackwiddow in [RELEASE] Ixxo's Chernarus Enhancements - Balota   
    Hi again!

    Once again, this has been done many times before, but I feel like my Balota is different from what other people have created and as such I wanted to share it with you guys.

    I have tried to bring some elements of Standalone over to the mod, in terms of graphical enhancements with my areas. Balota was the first area I decided to rework after having seen what it looked like in Standalone.
    Don't worry, I'm not trying to sell Standalone, but some things they have done are nice and perhaps I can bring some of that over to the mod!

    As usual, my areas won't have crazy barracks and weird buildings placed everywhere.
    I have surrounded the entire airfield with a wall/fence and added some military loot areas and a few areas of interest. The runway also has lights so it will look good on servers with night enabled!
    I have updated the file with a new industrial area just south of the airstrip near the dock there. This will add some anti-sniper spots for those annoying fire station campers!
    It is entirely optional, so remove the section AFTER the update marker in the .sqf if you do not want to have the addition!
    If you DO however use it and want to use the optional building that is enterable please remember to add "warehouse" to your AddOns section in your mission.sqm to stop that annoying error!
    The unenterable version which causes no errors is the default one used in the .sqf file.

    Link to the .sqf file

    Screenshots of the area
    More areas from my 'Chernarus Enhancements' series:
    Kamenka - 
    NEAF + Krasnostav - 
    NWAF - 
    Vybor - 
    Zelenogorsk + 3 Army Bases - 
  7. Like
    psychosis reacted to FragZ in [TUTORIAL] Harvestable hemp, smoking weed, pot farms.   
    Hello guys! This is my first complete tutorial.

    Today I will show you how to install the Hemp farms scripts and the smoking script.

    First, you will need to install maca's right clickable system, which can be found here:   http://www.epochservers.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=13&sid=4d68d5283b8d5635f8323b5ed02979bf

    Then, open up extra_rc.hpp and copy this code in it:
    class ExtraRc { class ItemKnife { class farmhemp { text = "Harvest the weed"; script = "execVM 'scripts\hemp.sqf'"; }; }; class ItemKiloHemp { class smokeweed { text = "Smoke the shit"; script = "execVM 'scripts\smokeshit.sqf'"; }; }; }; Edit the text and paths to fit your needs.

    Now create a new text document and paste this in it:

    /* put together for DayZ Epoch Credits to Shogun338 from Insurrection gaming modified for separate "gather weed" script */ private ["_gearmenu","_playerPos","_nearWeed","_weed","_objectID","_objectUID"]; _playerPos = getPosATL player; _hempqty = {_x == "ItemKiloHemp"} count magazines player; _nearWeed = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["fiberplant"], 4] > 0; _weed = nearestObject [player, "fiberplant"]; if !(_nearWeed) exitWith { cutText [format["You need to be near the weed plants in order to gather."], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; if (_hempqty > 2) exitWith { cutText [format["WARNING: %1, You have maximum amount of weed in your inventory! You could get arrested by the police ;)", name player], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; if (dayz_combat == 1) then { cutText [format["You are in Combat and Cannot Gather the Weed."], "PLAIN DOWN"]; } else { disableSerialization; _gearmenu = FindDisplay 106; _gearmenu CloseDisplay 106; player playActionNow "Medic"; r_interrupt = false; sleep 6; _objectID = _weed getVariable["ObjectID","0"]; _objectUID = _weed getVariable["ObjectUID","0"]; deleteVehicle _weed; [_objectID,_objectUID] call server_deleteObj; _weed setDamage 1; player addMagazine "ItemKiloHemp"; sleep 2; cutText [format["You've Gathered Some Weed! Smoke that shit or sell it at Black market dealer!!"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; Save it as hemp.sqf and put it in your scritps folder in the mission pbo.

    Next up, create a new text document and paste this in it (NOTE ALL CREDITS TO INFISTAR FROM DAYZANTIHACK.COM):
    /* by: http://infiSTAR.de Credits to infistar for the actual script Edited by FragZ */ //Add this part after *while {true} do {* to add a smoke effect /*Flare = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position player;         if (vehicle player != player) then { Flare attachTo [vehicle player,[0,0,0.]];}         else {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0.]];} */ [] spawn { hint "You took drugs YOLOLOLO"; player removeMagazine 'ItemKiloHemp'; Remove_Drug_effects = { { ppEffectDestroy _x; } forEach (_this select 0); ppEffectDestroy nonapsi_ef; ppEffectDestroy wetdist1; ppEffectDestroy ppe; ppEffectDestroy ppe2; ppEffectDestroy ppe3; setaperture 0; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0]; "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 16; "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0; }; _time = time; _effects = []; while {true} do { nonapsi_ef = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1555]; _effects = _effects + [nonapsi_ef]; nonapsi_ef ppEffectEnable true; nonapsi_ef ppEffectAdjust [1.0, 1.0, -0.03, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [3.0, 5.0, 9.0, 5.0],[0.4,0.0,0.0, 0.7]]; nonapsi_ef ppEffectCommit 1; sleep random(1); wetdist1 = ppEffectCreate ["wetDistortion", 2006]; _effects = _effects + [wetdist1]; wetdist1 ppEffectAdjust [0, 8, 0.8,8,8, 0.2, 1, 0, 0, 0.08, 0.08, 0, 0, 0, 0.77]; wetdist1 ppEffectEnable true; wetdist1 ppEffectCommit 0; ppe = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1555]; _effects = _effects + [ppe]; ppe ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1.5,6,2.5,0.5], [5,3.5,5,-0.5], [-3,5,-5,-0.5]]; ppe ppEffectCommit 1; ppe ppEffectEnable true; ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration", 1555]; _effects = _effects + [ppe2]; ppe2 ppEffectAdjust [0.01,0.01,true]; ppe2 ppEffectCommit 1; ppe2 ppEffectEnable true; ppe3 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1555]; _effects = _effects + [ppe3]; ppe3 ppEffectEnable true; ppe3 ppEffectAdjust [0.02,0.02,0.15,0.15]; ppe3 ppEffectCommit 1; sleep random(1); wetdist1 = ppEffectCreate ["wetDistortion", 2006]; _effects = _effects + [wetdist1]; wetdist1 ppEffectAdjust [1, 1.16, 0.32, 2.56, 0.8, 0.64, 2.64, 0, 0, 1.08, 0.08, 0, 0, 0, 1.77]; wetdist1 ppEffectEnable true; wetdist1 ppEffectCommit 0; sleep random(1); nonapsi_ef = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1555]; _effects = _effects + [nonapsi_ef]; nonapsi_ef ppEffectEnable true; nonapsi_ef ppEffectAdjust [1.0, 1.0, -0.02, [9.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.2], [2.0, 7.0, 6.0, 2.0],[0.4,0.0,0.0, 0.7]]; nonapsi_ef ppEffectCommit 1; sleep random(1); if (_time + 60 < time) exitWith {[_effects] call Remove_Drug_effects;}; }; }; Save it as smokeshit.sqf and put it in the scripts folder of your mission.pbo
    NOTE: THIS SCRIPT LOOKS LIKE  A LSD TRIP. Go to the OPTIONAL part of the tutorial for a mellow version.
    Finally, open the arma 2 oa map editor and place down whatever buildings you want the weed to be into. Place any type of bushes or barrels or rocks in the editor where you want the weed to be (in my example I used "MAP_b_betulaHumilis". Save the mission.sqf and go to your DOCUMENTS/Arma 2 Other Profiles/Yourprofilename/mission.sqf and open it.

    Change every  MAP_b_betulaHumilis (or any object you placed)
    _vehicle_5 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["MAP_b_betulaHumilis", [4048.9565, 7805.9746], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_5 = _this; _this setPos [4048.9565, 7805.9746]; }; to
    _vehicle_5 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["fiberplant", [4050.6616, 7809.3203], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_5 = _this; _this setPos [4050.6616, 7809.3203]; }; Do the usual changes for a building file and save it as weedfarm.sqf  then go to your server.pbo and put it in buildings folder.
    You can also use this script made by HALV to spawn random fields each restart.

    Finally, call it in the init/system_functions.sqf at the bottom just like so:
    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\weedfarm.sqf"; OPTIONNAL:

    -If you want people to be able to sell it you can add ItemKiloHemp in the traders DATA from your sql table so you can make them be sold.
    Don't forgot to add it to Traders items as well
    - Add this right above while {true} do in smokeshit.sqf  :)
    player playMoveNow "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak01"; This will add an animation to the player.
    -For a little bit less exagerated smokeshit.sqf script, use this one made by ZeroK00L:
    /* by: ZeroK00L */ [] spawn { hint "You roll a fatty and smoke it! Damn! That shit is the chronic!"; player removeMagazine 'ItemKiloHemp'; Remove_Drug_effects = { { ppEffectDestroy _x; } forEach (_this select 0); ppEffectDestroy ppe2; ppEffectDestroy ppe3; setaperture 0; }; _time = time; _effects = []; player playMoveNow "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak01"; while {true} do { ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration", 1555]; _effects = _effects + [ppe2]; ppe2 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.25,random 0.25,true]; ppe2 ppEffectCommit 1; ppe2 ppEffectEnable true; ppe3 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1555]; _effects = _effects + [ppe3]; ppe3 ppEffectEnable true; ppe3 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.02,random 0.02,0.15,0.15]; ppe3 ppEffectCommit 1; sleep random(1); if (_time + 60 < time) exitWith {[_effects] call Remove_Drug_effects;}; }; }; If you have any questions you can ask me.

    I DO NOT TAKE CREDITS FOR THE HARVESTING SCRIPT. Credits to original authors.
  8. Like
    psychosis reacted to TayTayTheKiller in [WIP] Nuke a random town from laptop.   
    Working on a new version now. So far I got the timings better and made the script a bit more secure.
    Also no need to edit any BE filters anymore.
  9. Like
    psychosis reacted to TayTayTheKiller in [WIP] Nuke a random town from laptop.   
    Right now what this dose is.. 

    sets up  a laptop at the location of your choice that can trigger a nuke to go off at one of your predefined locations at random 1 time per restart. 
    Send a warning to all players who are on the server at the time. 
    Nuclear bomb goes off with air raid sirens going off at the location before it dose. 
    Radiation zone will appear after the nuke has gone off surrounding the location of the nuke with some funky visual effects, blood loss and Geiger counter sounds  
    Option to set skins that block the effects of blood loss in that zone. 
    Ash falling down from the sky along with some wind effects across the whole map and for everyone. 
    Effects and radiation zone will work for everyone who joins after the nuke has gone off and also for anyone who relogs. 
    I'm still a noob scripter and I am learning as I go along so expect issues with this script when it is still WIP.
    I haven't tested this on a live server. so I have no clue how this will effect server performance on a highly populated server. If someone would be willing to try that would be great!
    Download (alpha test)
    The basics of it are working now and I though someone might want to check it out as it is now.
    Test version can be found here V0.5
    1. Removed building damage for now as it can be a total lag fest.
    2. tested under epoch
    3. Read fn_self actions section ( fixed why people could't see the option (Doh!)
    1. Added an option to enable a marker showing the radiation zone to all players on the map (including people who join after)
    2. Added an option to enable a timer on the radiation zone so when the timer is up it will delete the zone/marker and reset all effects on players in the zone (damage will stay to buildings even for people who join after)
    3. moved all settings & location options to one file.
    4. renamed most variables to save hassle with BE filters.
    Fixed Bad Var kick with infiSTAR AH
    1.Timings should be better
    2.Timing of the explosion sound will depend on how close/far away your are 
    3.Removed the need to edit BE filters (not relying on a client sending a PV anymore)
    4.Separate options to enable/disable destruction for vehicles and buildings (Update init with new options)
    5.Made it possible for the script to only run one time per restart (people won't be able to trigger it to go off over and over again)
    6.Fixed people not dying in the blast zone
    1. Removed the need to edit scripts.txt
    1. Made the laptop spawn server side and it will now get deleted after first use.
    2. Fixed Issues with BE kicks (see Battleye Filters)
    3. Tested with infiSTAR.de anti hack (as admin and as non admin)
    Know issues.
    1. Warning hint message doesn't stay up long enough to see with infiSTAR debug.
    How to install 
    1. Copy the folder called Nuke to your mission file and add the following to your fn_selfActions.sqF
    //Put This Under the //Study Body Section. if (cursorTarget == LAPTOP) then { _lap = cursorTarget; if (s_player_nuke < 0) then { s_player_nuke = player addAction [("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("Set Off Nuke") +"</t>"),"Nuke\nuke_On.sqf",_lap, 5, false, true, "",""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_nuke; s_player_nuke = -1; }; ///////////////////////////////////////// then add this to the //others section player removeAction s_player_nuke; s_player_nuke = -1; ////////////////////////////////////////// >>>>>>>>>>>>> example //Others player removeAction s_player_forceSave; s_player_forceSave = -1; player removeAction s_player_flipveh; s_player_flipveh = -1; player removeAction s_player_sleep; s_player_sleep = -1; player removeAction s_player_deleteBuild; s_player_deleteBuild = -1; player removeAction s_player_butcher; s_player_butcher = -1; player removeAction s_player_cook; s_player_cook = -1; player removeAction s_player_boil; s_player_boil = -1; player removeAction s_player_fireout; s_player_fireout = -1; player removeAction s_player_packtent; s_player_packtent = -1; player removeAction s_player_fillfuel; s_player_fillfuel = -1; player removeAction s_player_studybody; s_player_studybody = -1; player removeAction s_player_teabag; s_player_teabag = -1; player removeAction s_clothes; s_clothes = -1; player removeAction s_player_dance; s_player_dance = -1; player removeAction s_player_nuke; s_player_nuke = -1; 2. Add
    execVM "Nuke\Effects\effects.sqf"; To the section if (!isDedicated) then { Example////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!isDedicated) then { //Conduct map operations 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"); //Run the player monitor _id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}]; _playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf"; //anti Hack [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf"; //Lights //[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf"; execVM "Nuke\Effects\effects.sqf"; };  
    3. Add
    execVM "Nuke\server_Nuke.sqf"; To the section if (isServer) then { Example////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isServer) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dynamic_vehicle.sqf"; //Compile vehicle configs // Add trader citys _nil = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf"; _serverMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf"; execVM "Nuke\server_Nuke.sqf"; };  
    4. Add 
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Nuke\Settings.sqf"; Right under the line call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf"; In your init.sqf 5.Add
    #include "Nuke\sound\sounds.hpp" To the bottom of description.ext NOTE>> If you have already added a cfgsounds section to description.ext you will have to add the sound classes from Nuke\sound\sounds.hpp to your own cfgsounds section. 6. Open Nuke\settings.sqf and add your locations\laptop postion in there and edit the settings to your liking.
    Battleye Filters
    No changes. (v0.3) To do list. 
    Add options to set the time before detonation.
    Add option to whitelist certain objects from destruction like locked vehicle's etc 
    Have the option to make it work as an epoch event. 
    Maybe force view distance temporally so most people can see it or even a temporally add a action menu to set it higher if the please then reset it and disable it after the event. 
    Add a jet to fly over nuke the location just before it goes off. 
    Fix the ash effect as it breaks on a skin change or tp. 
    Take a look at the colour corrections as sometimes the transitions can be buggy and not come on smooth. 
    And lots more bugs and stuff I haven't even thought about yet. 
    This is still very much WIP and could mess things up so be warned.
    Also If you have any ideas how to improve please let me know.
    A Cupboard Named Jim for helping me test. 
    The Epoch devs for Geiger counter, blood loss and cam shake etc. 
    mmmyum for the air raid sirens and location selection. 
    BI for the the nuke effects (I think it's from arma 2 OA Eagle Wing Campaign) 
    Loads of other people for snippets of code I studied, used and learned from.
    RadiationZone After A Blow Out (EVR Storm)
    Here is a script that will spawn a radiation zone after the first blow out without the nuke on your server for anyone who uses them.
    Put the folder called radiationZone in your mission file and then add
    execVM "radiationZone\blowoutZone.sqf" to the bottom of your init.sqf
    You can eidt the settings in blowoutZone.sqf
    I Will make it move location on every blowout at some point also.
  10. Like
    psychosis reacted to TayTayTheKiller in [WIP] Nuke a random town from laptop.   
    Ok I nearly put together a working test version for people to try I should have it done by tomorrow this is what it is looking like so far
    You can enable, disable and set range for destruction, player deaths.
    set blood loss amount per sec.
    set the size of the radiation zone.
    set any skins you want to block the blood loss in the radiation zone.
  11. Like
  12. Like
    psychosis reacted to RimBlock in [Resource list] Windows based tools for admins and mod makers.   
    I thought it was probably a good idea to have a resource with a list of helpful tools for Epoch server admins and mod makers that are not just Epoch mods.  Hopefully it will help new server admins run decent servers and mod makers create content easier.
    Tools for server admin
    Robocopy - Like rsync for Windows.  COmmand line or with GUI, can sync folders / files locally or remotely.  Great for making a backup of files.
    Tools for mod makers (Generic)
    WinDiff - Compares two files and displays differences between them.  Windows GUI version of the UNIX diff command.  Part of the WinXP SP2 support tools free package from MS.
    Wingrep - Will search for a text string in files in various locations.  Great for finding references to variables or scripts from unpacked pbo files.  Windows GUI version of UNIX grep.
    DIffMerge - Compares locations, highlights differences in files and allows you to merge the differences.  HamBeast wrote a great tutorial on it
    WinMerge - Compares locations, highlights differences in files and allows you to merge the differences.
    UltraEdit / Ultra Compare - Paid for product with many great features.  SQF highlighting files are also available.
    Notepad++ - Advanced text editor with SQF highlighting download available.
    Sublime Text 2 - Advanced cross platform text editor.  Free to evaluate but paid license required for extended use.
    Tools for mod makers (ARMA II specific)
    UnPBO - Extract files from PBOs.
    Kegetys Tools - Contains
    CPBO -  Extract files from PBOs. unRap - convers config.bin to readable config.cpp PPAPlug - Experemental PPA graphic file format plugin for Photoshop. Bohemia Interactive Editing Tools Suite - Personal Edition 3 - Contains
    Oxygen 2- Personal Edition for Arma II - model editing and animation package Visitor 3 - Personal Edition for Arma II - terrain and map editing TexView 2 - texture convertor and viewer BinPBO - Personal Edition - packer Sound Tools - sound and lipsync utilities FSM Editor - tool to edit and compile fsms used in Arma 2 BinMake - conversion tool Tools Drive - main working directory for tools with mandatory data files FontToTga - utility to create fonts for Arma 2 Armaholic has a large selection here but I have tried to highlight above the tools that seem most popular or that I am using so can attest to their quality / usability.
    Source code repositories and version control.
    GitHub - Cloud based source code repository which is also currently used by A2 Epoch. Subversion - Source code repository software.  Usually self hosted but some vendors now offer cloud hosting. CloudForge (see Gr8Bois info )  
    Post up yours and I will add them to the first post.
    If we get a decent list then maybe it could be made a sticky.
  13. Like
    psychosis reacted to 1R0NS1DE in New AI Island City for Napf (work in progress)   
    Finally starting to come together :)

  14. Like
    psychosis got a reaction from Sofabear in [Unfinished] Redrum Island.   
  15. Like
    psychosis reacted to Sofabear in [Unfinished] Redrum Island.   
    Hi guys.. Here's a project i started a while ago, just thought i'd release it since i lost my interest in finishing it. So i'm releasing the .biedie file and sql file for those who want to edit/finish it. 
    This project was heavily inspired by Charletans "Bleeding Sun" build he is working on, check his stuff out! Awesome builds. 

    So let me know if any of you guys want to attempt to finish it.
    Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/fSOss#0
    Link to biedie file and sqf file:
  16. Like
    psychosis reacted to jOoPs in [HowTo] add InfectedCamps   
    You only need a custom-compiles. How this is done can be read in forum more then one time, so search for it und use your brain! All necessary files are included in the zip-archive
    first a list of modified files (which are not part of rar-archive!)
    - description.ext
    - init.sqf
    - dayz_code/init/compiles.sqf
    - dayz_code/init/publicEH.sqf
    - init/server_functions.sqf
    - system/server_monitor.sqf
    - Battleye/publicvariable.txt
    added folders and files (content of rar-archive)
    - dayz_code/compile/
      - camp_spawnZombies.sqf
      - object_infectedcamps.sqf
    - dayz_code/config/CfgObjectCompositions/
      - camp_ins1.sqf
      - camp_ins2.sqf
      - camp_ru1.sqf
      - camp_ru2.sqf
      - camp_us1.sqf
      - camp_us2.sqf
      - camp_us3.sqf
      - CfgObjectCompositions.hpp
    - dayz_server/compile
      - fn_bases.sqf
      - object_mapper.sqf
    download the attached zip-archive  and extract the files from client-folder into your missionfolder. Add the files from server-folder to your dayz_server.pbo. If you use other folderstructures/filenames, change the given paths.
    in description.ext add at top ...
    #include "dayz_code\config\CfgObjectCompositions\CfgObjectCompositions.hpp"
    in init.sqf add to listed variables
    dayz_spawnInfectedSite_clutterCutter = 2; // Infected Base Settings / 0 =  loot hidden in grass // 1 = loot lifted // 2 = cluttercutter // 3 = debug
    in dayz_code/init/compiles.sqf search for //System (line 122) above insert ...
    infectedcamps = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\object_infectedcamps.sqf";
    camp_spawnZombies = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\camp_spawnZombies.sqf";
    in dayz_code/init/publicEH.sqf add at top ...
    "dayzInfectedCamps"        addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call infectedcamps};
    in your server.pbo in init/server_functions.sqf add ...
    spawnComposition = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\object_mapper.sqf"; // Include BIS compositions
    fn_bases = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fn_bases.sqf"; // Infected Camps
    in your server.pbo in system/server_monitor.sqf add after allowConnection = true; ...
    //Spawn camps
    dayz_Campspawner = [] spawn {
        // quantity, marker, radius, min distance between 2 camps
        Server_InfectedCamps = [3, "center", dayz_MapArea, 2500] call fn_bases;
        dayzInfectedCamps = Server_InfectedCamps;
        publicVariable "dayzInfectedCamps";
    in your Battleye-files add in publicvariable.txt at bottom ...
    5 "dayzInfectedCamps"
    thats all
    note: take a look at dayz_Campspawner to customize settings
    download here
  17. Like
    psychosis reacted to Charlatan in Preview: Ghost of Chernarus Epoch-Specific Map Pack   
    Ghost of Chernarus
    A map pack specifically made for Epoch
    Hello guys and girls.
    I'd like to preview the Chernarus Overhaul I am working on - a collection of map packs focusing on Epoch's Core zones.
    Better protection at Trader Cities Immersive, some pretty eccentric structures Fully modular - each spot is a seperate sqf Hours of optimization work to reduce file size and increase performance Two projects of Fortresses ready for NPCs - one small, one excessively large (approx. 2x2 kilometers of platforms in the ocean) Alternative versions of the maps coming in the future to offer options and variants: No fuelpump in Klen / No Zombies / Less Objects / More entrances   etc. More alternative versions tailored to your personal wishes, just post em here =)  
    Current Progress:
    - Traders -
    Trader City Klen Enhancement:    -    100%     (+Optimization ! )     (+Alternative Versions ! )
    Trader City Stary Enhancement:    -    100%     (+Optimization ! )    (+Alternative Versions ! )
    Trader City Bash Enhancement:    -    100%     (+Optimization ! )    (+Alternative Versions ! )
    Northeast Aircraft Dealer Overhaul "The Boneyard"    -    100%     (+Optimization ! )     (+Alternative Versions ! )
    Bandit Trader Overhaul "Cutthroat's Corner"    -    100%     (+Optimization ! )
    Hero Trader Overhaul "Last Home"    -    100%
    - Landmarks -
    Willow Lake Castle Ruin: 100%     (+Optimization ! )
    "The Unburied" Battlefield Remnants: 100%     (+Optimization ! )     (+Alternative Versions ! )
    - Structure Improvements -
    Zelenogorsk - Rehabilitation Center & Warehouses: 100%
    Grishino - Construction Sites : 100%
    Preliminary Release Work-In-Progress: http://www.charlatan.at/DayZ/GOC.rar
    PDF Readme / Screenshots / Map Locations: http://www.charlatan.at/DayZ/GOC.pdf
    OMG I get an Error Message about "missing content" for "aif1_buildings" or "pook_h13"
    Don't worry, that didn't do any harm. Standard Epoch includes these two files, but they are not used on Chernarus so the Mod does not find them.
    The Readme file included in the download has instructions on page 2 how to remove the error message  !
    You can play without any problems despite getting the error message, btw.
      How do I install this?
    I suggest using the server.pbo, the Readme file has installation instructions !
      Do I need to change/add the traders manually?
    No, the traders and their market stalls all remain unchanged.
      Does the Castle in Klen disappear?
    No, it will all be normal ingame. The Castle is simply not visible in the editor, thus missing on my screenshots.  
    As long as players enjoy them, feel free to edit / modify my maps however you like. Just don't claim them as your own work ;)
    Without the Epoch Mod, I wouldn't have worked on these map upgrades for Chernarus, so most credit goes to the Epoch Team!
  18. Like
    psychosis reacted to gunnar in denmark Pack (new towns)   
    After some private messages to reupp Skalisty, here is it. For Medvedskoye and Skalisty i spent a lot of time to create, so a thx will not hurt. Dont ask for biedi file, i will not release it.
    description: a 3,5km long road from Pobeda Dam leads to the new Town
    screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/hkyi#0
    Skalisty Island
    description: huge improvement, nearly whole island is now a city
    screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/7Tvv#0
    description: more interesting because of new barracks and hangars
    screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/YD5g#0
    Cherno Blocks
    description: added some apartment Blocks to the north of Cherno
    screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/dwUD#0
    Cherno Base
    description: a base east of Cherno on the small Hill
    screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/qAbX#0
    NEW added 5.June 2014
    Gvozdno-Petrovka Road + Village
    description: a road directly connects these both villages, in the middle some houses added
    screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/FqGN#10
    Solnichniy Factory Addon
    description: larger Factory now + some more Objects in Solnichniy
    screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/2E6L#0
    description: added much more Foliage to the Field but dont destroys the Layout of this Airfield
    screenshot: no Screenshots, sorry
  19. Like
    psychosis got a reaction from insertcoins in Skalisty Island Village & Bridge   
    I understood to wait is pointless.
    I made my bridge and settlement.
    With blackjack and hookers
  20. Like
    psychosis reacted to Gooober in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    CustomSpawns.sqf allows you too..  I have Skalisty Island setup as bandit HQ...
    20 ai on the ground patroling
    7 kords/Dskm
    1 stinger pod
    4 heli paradrops (Mi17sh rockets, players have learned not to shot at them)
    GN-185T on patrol
    3 GPK Patrols
    4 RHIB patrols
    3 milt barracks
    and a random lot crate with almost every possible item/weapon..(every restart new items/weapons)
    I had another setup at NWAF and NEAF, but players started to rage :)
    I also had to remove the L39 on patrol over NWAF :(     would hunt players until dead....
    I liked the C130 paradrops but the planes wouldn't despawn after returning to spawn location...
    I also edited to allow Ai to keep magizines(nvgs/painkillers/gold bar/etc) on death.  Gun would just disappear...
  21. Like
    psychosis reacted to bFe in FOB Skalisty   
    I decided that I wanted to make a new Skalisty base, so I did.
    Its simple and contains two barracks, one field hospital, three tents and a guardhouse - all containing loot.
    There are of course other objects/items.

    How-to and download link
    If you want this server-side, do the following:
    1. Download the SQF-file found below.
    2. Extract this to the folder of your choosing.
    3. Once you have placed the sqf-file in the folder, add this to your server_functions found in the init folder:
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\X\skalisty.sqf";
    Replace the X with the name of your folder.
    If you want to add this to the mission file, do the following:
    1. Download the SQF-file found below.
    2. Extract the file to the folder of your choosing.
    3. In your init.sqf, add this to the bottom: [] execVM "x\skalisty.sqf";
    Replace the X with the name of your folder.
    Here is the BIEDI file if anyone wants to make any changes: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64974254/skalisty_v2.Chernarus.rar'
    Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qbe2xwbn18wcb4/skalistybase.sqf
    If anyone wants to edit/add/remove something, let me know and I'll send the BIEDI file.
  22. Like
    psychosis reacted to gunnar in Skalisty Island Village & Bridge   
    Editor Screenshots:

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