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[HowTo] EVR BlowOut map independent


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Hi Guys,


Love this mod so glad we can now use this on other maps.. Here comes the but :-).


everything seems to work fine however if you have the APSI (equivalent device) players are seeing an error about "resource title RscAPSI_h1 not found"  just as the beep beep comes in.  However eveything works fine you can here the sounds.. Just click  the message and carry on.. 


Just wondering if anyone knows how to fix this for my players ?.  Sorry if this has been covered but I could not see the same scenario unless im being blind :-)



local RPT



 server RPT


it seems you forgot to add the classes to your description.ext

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

With the 1.63 (112555) build on epoch this spams the client ArmA2OA.RPT really badly with the following


diag_log format["[NAC BL>
  Error position: <ns_blow_prep};
diag_log format["[NAC BL>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: ns_blow_prep
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\blowout\module\blowout_client.sqf, line 343
Error in expression <ow_ambient_music = false; };




Simple fix for me was todo the following


open the blowout_client.sqf and look for the following line




Directly above that add the following so it should look like this

if (isNil("ns_blow_prep")) then { ns_blow_prep = false; };


I then found the following so did the same if is null to them and the errors have gone.  Just look look for the waitUntill lines.


if (isNil("ns_blow_status")) then { ns_blow_status = false; };
if (isNil("ns_blow_action")) then { ns_blow_action = false; };



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No fr1nk, i tried it 3 times and tested over a week .


No one saw or heard anything ...


9.6.2014 script is running with napf ;)


does anyone got the epm working on another map then namalsk?

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No fr1nk, i tried it 3 times and tested over a week .


No one saw or heard anything ...


9.6.2014 script is running with napf ;)


does anyone got the epm working on another map then namalsk?

tested maps: Chernarus, Utes, Napf, Caribou Frontier, Panthera 2 / DZE-Panthera2, Taviana, Takistan ... (Namalsk)



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  • 1 month later...

Is there a way to set where it would happen on the map? I was thinking of a really op loot zone on skalisty where you have 10 minutes to get in and out.


You could edit the A2 anti ladder camp script, and set it to knock someone out/damage them/kill them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be really nice if the Players are always in Combat when the first sign of Blowout shows up. So now ppl mostly log off and back in after Blowout.

Is that possible?


you need to add/change some lines in blowout_client.sqf ..


search for... diag_log format["[NAC BLOWOUT CLIENT] :: ns_blow_prep = %1 Blowout is preparing, take a cover!", ns_blow_prep];

right before add...


    if (ns_blowout_dayz) then {

        player setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true];



this should it.. cheers

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  • 3 weeks later...

log file ?

in the RPT file this shows up

Obsolete class Animations defined in bin\config.bin/RscCompass/
Obsolete class Animations defined in bin\config.bin/RscWatch/
ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.napf\gui\ATD_Hud.h, line 493: .RscTitles: Member already defined.

So I think that is my issue. they are already defined. How do I go about fixing this?

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