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[SOLVED] Major glitch with Enhanced Movement and Epoch


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So there are a couple of serious glitches that are possible with the use of the Enhanced Interaction functionality within the Enhanced Movement mod on Epoch servers. Not going to list them here but they are incredibly serious and need to be fixed if you are running EM on your Epoch server. Thankfully, there is a quite easy solution to "turn off" Enhanced Interaction within the mission file. If you are already using the initPlayerLocal.sqf file for things like the autolockpicker, attaching demo charges to things and other stuff, then just add the following to it:

	[] spawn {
		while {true} do {
			if !((profilenamespace getvariable ["babe_int_keys_Use",[0,""]]) isequalto [0,""]) then {
				profilenamespace setvariable ["babe_int_keys_Use",[0,""]];
			uisleep 1;

If you are not already using the file, but are using EM then create an initPlayerLocal.sqf with the following:

if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then 
	waitUntil {alive vehicle player};	
	waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"};
	uisleep 15;	

	[] spawn {
		while {true} do {
			if !((profilenamespace getvariable ["babe_int_keys_Use",[0,""]]) isequalto [0,""]) then {
				profilenamespace setvariable ["babe_int_keys_Use",[0,""]];
			uisleep 1;

Repack the mission PBO, upload to your server and the possible glitches are dealt with, while still allowing the lovely niceness of Enhanced Movement to continue.

Thanks very much to @He-Manfor invaluable help in crafting the solution and thanks to Duralius, a player on my server for finding the glitches and not exploiting them. Good man!

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  • 2 months later...

Damn! Can confirm that the fix is broken. Will work on a new fix. Would not recommend running EM until it is fixed. Pretty big exploit - worse now because by default the Enhanced Movement and Enhanced Interaction keys are the same...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I posted on the Discord when someone mentioned it. Enhanced Interaction checks that the door is disabled via BIS_disabled_door_%
I'm not sure if Epoch buildables has the functionality to disable them this way, but if it does or adds it, and then makes it so the doors are disabled when locked, then Enhanced Interaction will no longer work.

If an Epoch Dev could look into it, that would be great.

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  • 4 months later...

I am currently looking into this. Thx @TheVampirefor the hint to the BIS_disabled_door_% var.
The easiest way would be to disable it in general in Epoch. We could add an init to the Doors config.

It seems like this code from enhanced movement is only working for doors (not for Gates) in Epoch.
@Sneer can you confirm, that only the Wood / Metal and Cinder Door can be opened by enhanced?
If so, I would add the needed vars, so it will no longer work after the next Epoch update.

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Have you tried to add the classname of the stairs to the config? 
There seems to be some more vars needed.
I will have another look soon. I think I have to rewrite it a bit to prevent too much new variables on all these Elements.

Will post here again, when done.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

adding this here, it wasn't in the recent update.


params ["_display","_dikCode","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
_handled = false;
private ["_key"];
for "_key" from 1 to 20 do {
    If (_dikCode in (actionKeys (format ["User%1",_key]))) exitwith {
        if !((player nearObjects ["Constructions_static_F", 5]) isEqualTo []) then {
            _handled = true;

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