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So all night i have been looking for and old tutorial that i cant find. It showed all the options for cfgbuildingloot and explained them all and what they did. i.e. 


            {"pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.2 },

I was looking for an explanation of what all of the quotations mean.

Like what does it mean when I double up the quotations like  {"backpacks","backpacks",0.2},  or the difference between {"ItemMatchbox_DZE","generic",0.3}, and {"ItemMatchbox_DZE","weapon",0.3},, and what does object mean in  {"WeaponHolder_MeleeCrowbar","object",0.3},, and what other options do i have to put in the quotations and what do they mean?

A detailed explanation so I can customize this to the max would be awesome!!

Thanks in advance!!

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