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Call airstrike with radio for $50k script need help!


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Ok so I'm writing my first script to put into my epoch server because no one else seems to have done it (at least how i want to do it). I've written petty much all the way up to where the AI pilot has to target the way point (a map click position). All I want the pilot to do (A10 is the jet btw), is fly towards the location, on approach drop a couple of bombs and then leave! Essentially I just need help figuring how to get the pilot to target the location (there is a red smoke marker made also at the location)  and just fire bombs before flying off to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Here is my script:

private ["_unit","_cashMoney","_costStrike","_flyHeight","_notEnough","_jetPos","_dir","pPos","_jet","_oid","_jetType","_target","_mark","_group","wp","_x1","_x2","_y1","_y2","_disTarget"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_costStrike = 50000;

if (unit == player) then {
_cashMoney = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];    //Get the amount of money in players wallet
    if (_cashMoney < _costStrike) then {
        _notEnough = _costStrike - _cashMoney;	//Find how much money short the player is to call the strike
        [format["<t>You need %1 more coins to call the aistrike!</t>",(_notEnough)],0,0,2,2] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
	} else {
		_cashMoney = _cashMoney - _costStrike;
		player setVariable["cashMoney", _cashMoney,true];
		[format["<t>The airstrike is inbound!</t>"],0,0,2,2] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
		clicked = 0; hint "Click on the map where you require the drop."
		openmap true;
		onMapSingleClick {
			_target setPos [_pos select 0,_pos select 1, 0];
			clicked = 1;
			openmap false;
		waitUntil {(clicked == 1)};
		_jetType = "A10_US_EP1";
		_flyHeight = 1000;
		//Create the AI Jet on the edge of the map
		_pPos = getPosASL _target;
		_jetPos = [(_this select 0)+1000,(_this select 1)+1000,1000];
		_oid = str(ceil(random 999999));
		_jet = _jetType createVehicleLocal _jetPos;
		_jet engineOn true;
		_jet setPosATL _jetPos;
		_jet setVariable ["ObjectID",_oid,true];
		_jet setVariable ["ObjectUID",_oid,true];
		_jet setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
		_jet flyInHeight _flyHeight;
		_dir = [_pPos,this] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
		_jet setDir (90 - _dir);
		_jet setVelocity [(50*(sin _dir)+100),(50*(cos _dir)+100),0]
		_group = createGroup west;
		_unit = _group createAgent ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1",_this,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
		_unit assignAsDriver _jet;
		_unit moveInDriver _jet;
		_unit setRank "COLONEL";
		_jet removeWeapon "MaverickLauncher";
		_jet removeWeapon "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z";
		_jet removeWeapon "FFARLauncher_14";

		//Mark the location
		_mark = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle [(getPos _target select 0),(getPos _target select 1),(getPos _target select 2)+2];
		Essentially this is what should now happen:
			+ The AI jet has been created.
			+ As the jet approaches the target it will slow down to a reasonable speed to drop
			+ the jet lowers to 70m when it is within 1000m of the target and slows to 150km/hr
			+ 30 seconds after flying away it will be deleted
		_x1 = (getPos _jet) select 0;  
		_y1 = (getPos _jet) select 1;
		_x2 = (getPos _target) select 0;
		_y2 = (getPos _target) select 1;
		_disTarget = (sqrt((_x2-_x1)*(_x2-_x1))+((_y2-_y1)*(_y2-_y1)));
		if _disTarget > 1000 then {
			_jet flyInHeight 1000;
			_jet setVelocity 200;
		} else {
			_flyHeight = 70;
			_jet flyInHeight _flyHeight;
			_jet setVelocity 150;
		_wp = _group addWaypoint [position _target, 0];
		[_group, 1] setWaypointType "SAD";
		[_group, 1] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
		[_group, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "RED";
		[_group, 1] setWapointStatements ["true","_jet flyInHeight _flyHeight;"];
		//From here the code shall be to drop bombs when in 50m range of the map click location, i just dont know how to do so.


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