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Fellow epoch 2 players and server owners


We are currently working together with community developers to get the 1.0.6 patch ready for release. Awol gave me rights to the codebase of Epoch Arma 2. This means I can code review and accept/deny any code passed to the Github. I'm also reviewing all the issues reported on the Github to see if it's relevant and debate if coding needs to be done. I understand not everyone is Github experienced. So i kindly accept bug reports or requests in this topic. I do not guarantee it's get fixed or added. But it will definitely throw it into discussion.


In the future i'm planning to get a dev server up so we can do some testing on everything we added since the latest patch.

I already want to thank every person who worked or will work on the DayZ-Epoch code.


A full (rolling) change log will be posted over time ( When i get free time to check all merge request done by everyone since last patch).

All progress can be followed on the DayZ-Epoch Github:




The following link show you all the changes since the 1051 release.






[NEW] RedRyder BB Gun by @arma2WillRobinson
[NEW] DB Backup script. @RimBlock
[NEW] Use DayZ_UseSteamID = false; in your init.sqf to use the old PlayerUID, instead of SteamID @icomrade
[NEW] UI Update - Graphical and code changes, enable using Dayz_Dark_UI = true; in init.sqf. @hogscraper
[NOTE] It's recommend to convert to the new SteamID system if possible, new servers should not use DayZ_UseSteamID = false;
[NEW] Snap building (disabled by default), use DZE_modularBuild = true; in your init.sqf to enable. @raymix

[NEW] Modular/Function based player_build for addon makers and modders. @raymix (more info and concepts - )
[NEW] Added "RedRyder" and "350Rnd_BB_Magazine" to loot pile. #1456 #1457 @Namindu

[NEW] Added tree support for Isla Duala. @Utomnia

[CHANGED] An infection chance of -1 disables self-transfusion infection. 0 is always infected. (DZE_selfTransfuse_Values) @icomrade
[CHANGED] Removed weapons from Traders hands and made them stand with arms by their side. @SilvDev
[CHANGED] Tweaked fuel capacity variables for vehicles. @RimBlock
[CHANGED] Tweaked rotate_logs.bat to incorporate the day of the week for better organization @Raziel23x

[FIXED] Backpack wipes when changing clothes. #1361 @icomrade
[FIXED] CH53 gear when locked #1364 @icomrade
[FIXED] Infinite loop when crafting ore into bars #1351 @icomrade
[FIXED] Only first kill showing on death boards #1362 #1124 @vbawol @icomrade
[FIXED] Crossbow quivers not working #1355 @icomrade
[FIXED] Crash_spawner & Supply_drop modules spawning inaccessible loot piles #1408 #1390 @Uro1
[FIXED] Undefined variable "_weapon" in fnc_plyrHit.sqf when killer is driving a vehicle #1420 @ebaydayz
[FIXED] Fire cleanup diag_log error in server_functions.sqf #1421 @ebaydayz
[FIXED] NearestObjects position error in server_playerSync.sqf #1425 @ebaydayz
[FIXED] Corrected ClassName type for CH53_DZE and BAF_Merlin_DZE. @Cinjun
[FIXED] Some counts reverted to forEach - count loops can not be nested inside other count loops #1491-#1495 @ebaydayz
[FIXED] Safes empty when opening after restart #1467 @ebaydayz
[FIXED] Dynamic_vehicle spawning non-upgradable classes of hilux1 & datsun1. @Uro1
[FIXED] Eating while inside a vehicle did not drop empty can @deadeye2
[FIXED] Zombie loot error when using loot tables in mission file @deadeye2
[FIXED] Trader menu expected array error #1618-1620 @ebaydayz
[FIXED] Loading screen issue where you can walk around and see a black screen #1610 @deanreid
[FIXED] Rare inventory wiping on login. @Mikeeeyy

[FIXED] Wrong items return when deconstruction a bag fence. @seb3sec


[uPDATED] .hpp files updated in dayz_epoch_b CfgLootPos > CfgBuildingPos. @Uro1
[uPDATED] .bat files updated in Config-Examples @Raziel23x
[uPDATED] Updated all config.cfg in Config-Examples, Added Default Steam Ports and Updated Layout. @Namindu
[uPDATED] Epoch.sql, 1.0.5_Updates.sql & CfgServerTraders with correct classnames for upgradable hilux1 & datsun1 versions. @Uro1
[uPDATED] mission.sqm to compact format from DayZ Mod 1.8.3 @ebaydayz

[iNFO] (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT) Server owners MUST update their required build and beta to 125548
[iNFO] requiredSecureId is deprecated in server.cfg.

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  On 7/20/2015 at 11:44 AM, ElDubya said:

More default maps than just Cherno, Napf and Sauerlands.

Add some different buildables to what we already have, if the Epoch team were working on some for a later release :)


The mission files are full of supported maps.



  On 7/20/2015 at 2:56 PM, DimitriPokki said:

Remove Sauerlands. And combine latest DayZ Mod and Epoch


Don't see the point in removing the map.


Combining latest DayZ Mod and epoch would take ALOT of time. I don't think i will have the time to do so. 

DayZ did alot of core code changes what makes it alot of coding to convert it to the newest. ( Porbably rewriting epoch completely).

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  On 7/20/2015 at 7:39 PM, carl101 said:

whats the chances of a vehicle pack?

I know theres was a issue of damage models not being 100% but are people really all that put off by a damage model?

This would be awesome, it would revive the game a little bit.

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  On 7/20/2015 at 3:37 PM, Zupa said:

The mission files are full of supported maps.


Yes, but anything other than Cherno, Naph and Sauerlands requires additional downloads. The three I mentioned are available "out of the box" so to speak. And I agree, a vehicle pack or something else that hasn't been in Epoch until now might rejuvenate interest for people a little.

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  On 7/21/2015 at 7:57 AM, ElDubya said:

Yes, but anything other than Cherno, Naph and Sauerlands requires additional downloads. The three I mentioned are available "out of the box" so to speak. And I agree, a vehicle pack or something else that hasn't been in Epoch until now might rejuvenate interest for people a little.


Adding the maps in as default would make the epoch download size too big.

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Doesn't have to be all of them, maybe just one or two of the more widely used ones. Many games via Steam are a 5 or 6gig download these days, Epoch is 2.7gig. I'm not sure how much of that 2.7gig is the three maps available now, but it wouldn't be the bulk of the current download surely? 

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Came across this thread and thought I'd shed some light on some of the questions & requests - These issues have been covered in various threads & github, but necroing old threads doesnt achieve anything :)



  On 7/20/2015 at 7:39 PM, carl101 said:

whats the chances of a vehicle pack?

I know theres was a issue of damage models not being 100% but are people really all that put off by a damage model?


The reason those previously suggested model packs were never included (no damage models) is because when those vehicles are destroyed on a server, the client & server FPS will tank after a while and can and usually does result in a server crash after annihilating the FPS down to a completely unplayable level.


Plus you need an authors permission to include thier assets ;)



Regarding including more terrains:


  On 7/21/2015 at 9:27 PM, ElDubya said:

Doesn't have to be all of them, maybe just one or two of the more widely used ones. Many games via Steam are a 5 or 6gig download these days, Epoch is 2.7gig. I'm not sure how much of that 2.7gig is the three maps available now, but it wouldn't be the bulk of the current download surely? 


Again, you require the authors permission to include thier assets within your mod, in fact these days most terrain authors insist on including a dependency on thier terrain if your using it within your mod/addon/mission file rather than including it inside your mod.


Terrains, thier data and config files take up a large portion of any Arma mod,.  DayZ-Epoch contains 2 terrains (Napf & Sauerland) + mission files for most of the Arma 2 CO terrains you get with the game anyway (Cherno etc).


Models/Vehicles/Objects/Sounds, thier data and config files take up a large chunk of DayZ_Epoch mod too..


Some quick examples of some of file sizes of pbo's used in DZE:


dayzero buildings = 30mb

enterable warehouses = 30mb

dayz mod vehicles/weapons/objects/character assets = ~170mb

usec_ch53 = 30mb

sauerland = 630mb

napf = 447mb

napf objects = 400+mb

dayz_epoch & dayz_epoch_b (epoch assets) = 334mb



The client code portion of DayZ_Epoch, even though it has hundreds of thousands of lines of code - has a tiny filesize in comparison:


dayz_code = 7.5mb



Anything that involves custom assets/content - whether that be sound packs, models of vehicles, weapons, skins and all the way down to cans of drink - will increase any mod's over all size massively compared to the code portion of the addon.



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female ghillie suits would be great, if we have to look like dudes with boobs at least let us do it in camo. some new editor items would also be great, there are some buildings on maps other than chernarus that are really nice but the usual add an item change its code doesn't work with these which is a shame these buildings would give an old map a major makeover

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All these suggestions seem like a waste to me. People are suggesting that things that can be added to a missionfile be added into default Epoch - this makes no sense to me, if you want these things you can add them to your server without anyone having to download anything new.


A new epoch patch should have changes in parts we can't edit serverside - new items/ new crafting recipes (actually maybe just look at A3 epoch's customisable crafting) etc


I for one really hope Epoch 1.0.6 doesn't turn out to be an every-server-multipack of mods kind of thing

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I agree with CharlieKelly.  Adding all the popular scripts/mods in leaves little room for individualization of servers.  Every server will largely be like every other server.  The only script/mod I'd suggest is Plot4Life since it seems more people cannot get that one installed successfully than can get it installed.  Implementing it with a switch to either enable or disable it would probably then suit most people.  Most other scripts are pretty easy and straightforward to put in.  


I'd suggest focusing on things that improve overall performance independent of script or mod.  I read this thread -  it sounds really promising.  So more things like that probably will go the furthest to extending Arma2/Epoch's life.   Could something like that be enhanced and implemented?  Or things like this - http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16109-suggestion-modular-compilessqf/?hl=%2Braymix+%2Bfn_selfactions Raymix nas a great video where he talks about fn_selfactions and how it tends to get overloaded, causing the server to bog down because it is trying to process too much in the allotted cycle.



Beyond that, the best thing to do is tighten it up so as to remove as many of the glitches and hacks as possible.  I realize that it is impossible to fix them all but every one eliminated is a big help.



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I'm pretty sure that the purpose of this update is to resolve a bunch of bugs that have been present, that most of us have taken care of in and adding the last few features that were meant to be added by the dev team. I don't think the intention is there to add lots of new features that have already been added by server owners as they customized their own servers.


I would imagine that a lot of server admins won't bother with the update because of the time they've invested in fixing bugs themselves and making Epoch their own. How many admins out there are really interested in redoing their servers one more time, especially considering the track record of updates causing new bugs that have to be fixed in hotfixes? It's going to result in the server list being split between servers running and 1.0.6.

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  On 7/27/2015 at 1:04 AM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

I'm pretty sure that the purpose of this update is to resolve a bunch of bugs that have been present, that most of us have taken care of in and adding the last few features that were meant to be added by the dev team. I don't think the intention is there to add lots of new features that have already been added by server owners as they customized their own servers.

I would imagine that a lot of server admins won't bother with the update because of the time they've invested in fixing bugs themselves and making Epoch their own. How many admins out there are really interested in redoing their servers one more time, especially considering the track record of updates causing new bugs that have to be fixed in hotfixes? It's going to result in the server list being split between servers running and 1.0.6.

I definitely understand this pov. I think if 1.0.6 can ideally focus on bug fixing (smelting ore is a classic as probably the most easily noticeable) and adding customisation, like I said adding a mission side crafting file or somethin similar. I assume (but really dot know) if loot tables can be made server side then crafting recipes could possibly too? To be honest I find suggestions for 1.0.6 difficult as I view epoch as a platform to be customised on top of rather than a particular style

Of mod and in my opinion it's a pretty damn good one. I personally like a lower loot more survival style of server and have made one on epoch really Quite easily. A lot of people here are asking for bug fixes, what are they? I don't think I've ever noticed that many, possibly my play style.

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I think most bugs have been shaken out by now.  Most "bugs" seem to be just limits with the game architecture/design.   I, too, favor lower loot spawns with lower militarization.  Other bugs seem to be problems when adding scripts - most notably when following the instructions - but then those aren't bugs..  Some are easy to miss a step, especially if you already have a heavily modded server.  I'm guilty of this, too, but with help from this forum, I've figured out pretty much all of them.  My server runs nearly 100% error free (there is an occasional error that I haven't been able to pin down) and framerate is OK.  That is why I was suggesting the changes I did.  Several people had ideas to improve performance or file structure.  


I agree that a lot has been done with the base A2 and adding in Epoch, and perhaps also Overwatch, and even elements of Origins (and others).  The architecture is rather dated and I'm sure that if they were to start all over today to re-develop the same A2 andEpoch with extensibility, they'd architect it quite differently.  I guess A3/Epoch was an attempt but so far in my opinion, they haven't captured the survival aspect.  

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