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Graphic glitches and frame drops to 1fps for most players,


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Found a few glitches where graphic gets so worst where it seems to go invisible and Arma 2 graphics as well orange containers,garbage piles and tyers stacks don't spawn loot any more. Also loss of fps amongst players on a lot of server with this epoch update and was tested on wasteland and breaking point and it seems to be epoch problem only.

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i was experiencing it very bad with many players until i started completely from scratch... instead of merging my existing server/mission files with the new epoch update i added them back one by one individually including markers and sensors to the latest mission.sqm this has helped so much only experiencing the odd glitch

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I think this is coincidence xstreme. It does not happen all the time that the fps are so bad but there are so many reports out. I also have bad FPS no matter what i try, but not all the time.

This has to do with update. Don't know if arma or epoch. Or maybe both. Often restart of arma seems to help

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was having an issue with players dropping to 5 fps for approx 10-20 seconds,

Using chernarus, epoch 0304 and arma 1.48 build 131645


the frame dips and shit performance were happening to players in regular intervals of every 2-3 minutes.

We timed it.

This told me it was a loop with approximately 180s sleep.


So I went looking for while loops with long sleep conditions.


First loop I changed was the community mod, which allows you to make certaijn base parts indestructible.

That file has a 120s sleep in it, which removes damage handler off all base items...


So I removed the loop from that, and now it only exec's once, on server restart.


That fixed some of the lag,


The next thing I did was go poking through infistar a3ah because after that change


It wasnt happening to me on my admin account anymore, but it happened when i logged in as a regular player.


so I next disabled Badvar2 check, because it's pretty performance intensive.


then changed this line in a3ah.sqf



if('infiSTAR' != ('i' +'n' +'f' +'i' +'S' +'T' +'A' +'R'))then{[] spawn {uiSleep (random 500);{_x setDamage 1;}forEach vehicles;uiSleep 10;{_x setDamage 1;}forEach allUnits;};};


if('infiSTAR' != ('i' +'n' +'f' +'i' +'S' +'T' +'A' +'R'))then{};

Since I made those changes, The problems have gone. whether it was just badvar2 check, or if it was just that line. or if it was both. I can't say for sure.

But it's all good on mine for now.


This may or may not help in your case. Worth a shot at least.

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