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[Release] Anti-Duping by F507DMT [Working]

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Ok clever thing, I am writing on another little thing that is based on player connection state. The playerrecord could actually save if the player logged out safely or not, without having much trouble to prevent the loggout itself. If this state is true nothing happens, if not the player gets a check up on login, if there is any storage nearby which has the same backpack as the player and the stuff inside the backpack of the player is suspicious (like money , bfcases, basebuilding items...) the backpack gets removed. the variable is checked by the server so it's hard to fake the variable with hacks

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Ok clever thing, I am writing on another little thing that is based on player connection state. The playerrecord could actually save if the player logged out safely or not, without having much trouble to prevent the loggout itself. If this state is true nothing happens, if not the player gets a check up on login, if there is any storage nearby which has the same backpack as the player and the stuff inside the backpack of the player is suspicious (like money , bfcases, basebuilding items...) the backpack gets removed. the variable is checked by the server so it's hard to fake the variable with hacks

yes, need tell about it infistar.de

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible this can interfere with Snap Building Pro 1.4? I just tried building for the first time since I installed this script and the "F" key doesn't work to release the buildables anymore.


*edit* This is confirmed. I removed the anti duping and I was able to release my buildables with the F key. Adding the anti duping back in disabled that ability again. 


Any fix for this?



We too are experiencing this issue, did you ever find a resolve?

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We too are experiencing this issue, did you ever find a resolve?


Yes, I did. It was what F507DMT said:


if u use Snap Building Pro 1.4, u have own custom dayz_spaceinterrupt.sqf, look you mission, and edit your  dayz_spaceinterrupt not new


I didn't realize I already had a dayz_spaceinterupt.sqf.

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Added this but when a player wanted to log off, the timer from when you press Esc to when you can abort got interrupted after 5 seconds and it said "Lost connection to server" or something similar.

its because player hav`t good connect wich server side or server some laggy...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright first off you didn't make the majority of this. I did. So don't claim that this script is yours. K thanks booboo.

'AD_AntiDupePlayer' addPublicVariableEventHandler
[] spawn {
waitUntil {!isNull AD_AntiDupePlayer};
_plyr = AD_AntiDupePlayer;
_amnt = _plyr getVariable ['ClearToLeave',0];
_plyr setVariable ['ClearToLeave',_amnt+1,true];

private ["_escMenu","_lastTimesScanned","_currTimesScanned"];
sleep 1;
_escMenu = findDisplay 49;
_lastTimesScanned = player getVariable ["ClearToLeave",0];
AD_AntiDupePlayer = player;
publicVariableServer "AD_AntiDupePlayer";
sleep 5;
_currTimesScanned = player getVariable ["ClearToLeave",0];
if (_currTimesScanned - _lastTimesScanned < 1) then
titleText ["<Anti-Dupe>: Connection to the server was not detected!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
systemchat "<Anti-Dupe>: Connection to the server was not detected!";
_escMenu closedisplay 0;

There is the original code that I posted several months ago. The post got deleted because my account got banned. If that isn't copy pasted exactly then fuck my tits and call me Randy.


Proof it's mine:



As you can see the last edit I made to it was in July of last year.

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  • 1 month later...

Few questions as I have just started doing all my own coding:


  • in DupingFix.sqf <--------- I need to make one myself right? Also place this where? Mission directory in a folder?


  • in scripts\esc.sqf <------- I need to make one myself right? Also place this where? Mission directory in a folder?


  • in player_kick.sqf <------- I need to make one myself right? Also place this where? Mission directory in a folder?


Thanks for any help.

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Having a populated server doesn't require having knowledge of code installation. Guess I am going to just experiment on this one since nobody is replying :)


Also I have installed quite a few so far but that does mean we can all be as good as you.   ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

its because player hav`t good connect wich server side or server some laggy...

I have the same issue, and I am connected to a local test server. I'm running Infistar, and have placed the EventHandler under

However, when hitting ESC to log out, I get a flash of the inventory on my screen for a split second, and when the abort timer hits 4-5 sec, the dialog closes claiming I do not have a good connection to the server.
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I get this when alot of people are on my server too.


If I wasn't running on a local server, meaning a ping of 0 and server FPS at 46-50, I'd believe there could be a real connection test.  However, this script isn't actually working that way.  Its relying on the consistent communication of public variables between client and server, which, as anyone who has worked on the death messages can tell you, is not reliable in ARMA 2 Epoch. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

where do i find the AH file ?




You need to actually be using Infistar to have this file.


By the way, my server uses this mod and its great :) great that someone out there realized these issues are best dealt with on a community wide level !

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...
On 3/3/2558 at 11:09 PM, F507DMT said:

Anti-Duping by F507DMT

This Anti-Duping system block duping with: Losing connection, drop loot, Esc, exit yes and Esc + G, losing connection, drop loot, exit yes.
Works perfectly!


in description.ext 

onPauseScript = "scripts\DupingFix.sqf";

in DupingFix.sqf

private ["_escMenu","_lastTimesScanned","_currTimesScanned"];

sleep 1;
call dayz_forcesave;
_escMenu = findDisplay 49;
_lastTimesScanned = player getVariable ["ClearToLeave",0];

AD_AntiDupePlayer = player;
publicVariable "AD_AntiDupePlayer";

sleep 5;

_currTimesScanned = player getVariable ["ClearToLeave",0];

if (_currTimesScanned - _lastTimesScanned < 1) then
titleText ["<Anti-dupe>: Connection to the server is not found!", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
systemchat "<Anti-dupe>: Connection to the server is not found!";
_escMenu closedisplay 0;

in AH bottom:

'AD_AntiDupePlayer' addPublicVariableEventHandler
   [] spawn {
      waitUntil {!isNull AD_AntiDupePlayer};
      _plyr = AD_AntiDupePlayer;
      _amnt = _plyr getVariable ['ClearToLeave',0];
      _plyr setVariable ['ClearToLeave',_amnt+1,true];

in compiles.sqf change this:

dayz_spaceInterrupt =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";


dayz_spaceInterrupt =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";

in dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf add(_nill = execvm "scripts\esc.sqf";):

if (_dikCode == 0x01) then {
    _nill = execvm "scripts\esc.sqf";
    DZE_cancelBuilding = true;
    call dayz_EjectPlayer;

in scripts\esc.sqf

// F507DMT
for "_x" from 3 to 1 step -1 do {
(findDisplay 106) closeDisplay 1;
uiSleep 1;
    if (isNil "EscBlock") then {
     systemchat "<Anti-dupe>: Gear is locked for 5 seconds.";
     EscBlock = true;
EscBlock = nil;

add in publicvariable.txt, in line 2, last:






If you use endMission "SOME", like in nosidechat.sqf, chenge to:

_nil = execVM "scripts\player_kick.sqf";

in player_kick.sqf:

kickme = true;

add buttom in scripts.txt:

5 "kickme"

When u have no connection BE can`t kick you. Dupe - fix.




My server players can't exit the game. Always get message "Connection to the server was not detected!"


Overpoch with lastest Infistar.

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