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A3EAI - Roaming/Vehicle AI Patrols - Discontinued


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@Cavadus Glad you got that sorted out. In the future, just remember that for arrays (lists), using a comma is basically saying that there is something in the list after it. If you use a comma and the list just ends right after it, that's a syntax error.


@MrEnzO Most disable values are 0. You can also disable reinforcements by setting all probabilities to zero.


@Inq Thanks for the helpful code. I will also add similar code to ensure that gunner turrets will also be included in the missile check. There aren't any vehicles with missile/rocket/grenade gunner turrets currently, so this more of a preventative action.


@Metalfoundry As fishmooney has shown, you have 100% control over the loot by disabling the dynamic classname list for the loot type that you want to control, then editing the array that it points you to, making sure the lockbox (ItemLockBox) is not in A3EAI_MiscLoot1 or A3EAI_MiscLoot2.

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and 2nd question : wat the way to spawn "modificated vehicles" look like :

_veh = createVehicle ["C_Offroad_01_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"];
		"hidePolice", 0,
		"HideBumper2", 0,
		"HideConstruction", 0,
		"Proxy", 0,
		"Destruct", 0
] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;
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Hmm ok because i never was able to do the difficult missions and i would like to do them a few times with a lot of different weapons. Is there any possibility that i could spawn such missions?


You need a mission script there are a selection on this forum, possibly one of the most used is Simple Epoch Missions.


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Face, it looks like you added HC support into the 0.6.0 alpha and I'm super excited about giving it a try.  I seem to have run into a bit of a hiccup and was wondering if you maybe had any suggestions for it.  I've got one HC up and running for another mod, I added a second HC and tested it and I can see it connecting and everything just fine, but when I add the @A3EAI; to the mod line for the new HC it's getting constant boots and the .RPT is spamming with the following

 0:33:23 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #379441818, users.card=1
 0:33:23 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 379441818
 0:33:23 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 379441818 (headlessclient (2))

Have you seen anything like this or have any great ideas for maybe moving forward on this one?  All the research i've done says this message is for dysnc/bad connection, but it's running on the same box, and without the mod param for the HC start up, it works just fine.  Thank in adnvance!



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Face, it looks like you added HC support into the 0.6.0 alpha and I'm super excited about giving it a try.  I seem to have run into a bit of a hiccup and was wondering if you maybe had any suggestions for it.  I've got one HC up and running for another mod, I added a second HC and tested it and I can see it connecting and everything just fine, but when I add the @A3EAI; to the mod line for the new HC it's getting constant boots and the .RPT is spamming with the following

 0:33:23 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #379441818, users.card=1
 0:33:23 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 379441818
 0:33:23 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 379441818 (headlessclient (2))
Have you seen anything like this or have any great ideas for maybe moving forward on this one?  All the research i've done says this message is for dysnc/bad connection, but it's running on the same box, and without the mod param for the HC start up, it works just fine.  Thank in adnvance!



One HC can handle FuMS and A3EAI no problem.

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It doesn't make vehicles disappear, it just stops any new ones of that type spawning as a new vehicle spawn. You could set your hatchback limit to 10 and spawn in 20 with infiSTAR and there would still be those 20 on the map after the server restarted.

If only this were actually true. Maybe it works for you, but I and lots of other server owners have issues with vehicles saved to the DB, and when it goes over cap, they start disappearing. You can find a thread about it in the Bug Reports section.

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If only this were actually true. Maybe it works for you, but I and lots of other server owners have issues with vehicles saved to the DB, and when it goes over cap, they start disappearing. You can find a thread about it in the Bug Reports section.

I have to assume the reason I have never noticed this is down to the fact I clear all traders of vehicles at each restart.
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Hey Face, one minor nitpick.  When it comes to armed vehicles the AI is kinda dumb.  If you disable the tires to tracks all of the AI will jump out and abandon the gun.  The gunner should be staying on the vehicle for over watch and fire support.  The players on my server have been disabling the armored/armed vehicles in this fashion to remove the RCWS weapons from the situation.


Smart on their part; dumb on the AI's part.

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Face, it looks like you added HC support into the 0.6.0 alpha and I'm super excited about giving it a try.  I seem to have run into a bit of a hiccup and was wondering if you maybe had any suggestions for it.  I've got one HC up and running for another mod, I added a second HC and tested it and I can see it connecting and everything just fine, but when I add the @A3EAI; to the mod line for the new HC it's getting constant boots and the .RPT is spamming with the following

 0:33:23 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #379441818, users.card=1
 0:33:23 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 379441818
 0:33:23 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 379441818 (headlessclient (2))

Have you seen anything like this or have any great ideas for maybe moving forward on this one?  All the research i've done says this message is for dysnc/bad connection, but it's running on the same box, and without the mod param for the HC start up, it works just fine.  Thank in adnvance!




Make sure you've followed every step in the HC install PDF guide, especially the part I highlighted in bright yellow. The HC may be kicked if there isn't enough HC slots added to the mission.sqm, or the bisign/bikey files weren't installed properly.

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Hey Face, one minor nitpick.  When it comes to armed vehicles the AI is kinda dumb.  If you disable the tires to tracks all of the AI will jump out and abandon the gun.  The gunner should be staying on the vehicle for over watch and fire support.  The players on my server have been disabling the armored/armed vehicles in this fashion to remove the RCWS weapons from the situation.


Smart on their part; dumb on the AI's part.


Thanks for reporting this, it will be fixed in an upcoming update along with some other odd behaviors.

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Hi all. I am trying to set up my first headless client using A3EAI and the HC keeps getting kicked with the following error:


Player headlessclient: Wrong signature for file C:\STEAM\common\ARMA3S~1\@Epoch\addons\a3_epoch_code.pbo


Here's my Server/HC launch parameters:


-mod=@Epoch;@epochhive;@A3EAI; -config=config.cfg -port=2302 -cfg=basic.cfg -name=SC -profiles=SC -bepath=BattlEye



-client -mod=@Epoch;


Both server and HC are running from the same location. I have copied and renamed the server EXE for the HC and start the HC with that EXE.


Am I missing an important parameter, need to update the client files, or something else?

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Thanks, but the parameters aren't the issue at this point...


(that means I tried it with the parameters mentioned in your instructions, but the wrong signature error always comes up   ;) )


EDIT: Since this seems to be more of a headless client issue and not A3EAI, I'll ask this question again in a general HC thread. Thanks.

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Hey Face, would adding launchers and their ammo to the machine gun array in loots.h interact poorly with A3EAI?  I keep trying to add launchers to my server's loot table but every time I do it breaks the server and it won't boot.  Trying to track down the issue.


Here's a link to the post containing the two arrays I edited:  

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@Cavadus That would cause AI to be equipped with launchers instead of machine guns, if the chance roll selects for machine gun weapons. Your error is because you've specified CfgLootTable for both weapon and magazine. "CfgLootTable" is used as a reference to another table, not as a reference to an item. So you're basically adding in a dead end to a table that doesn't exist.


Once you replace CfgLootTable with either "weapon" or "magazine" (as appropriate), you can add the launcher classnames to the dynamic weapon blacklist in the A3EAI config file, so that the launchers are ignored, and you can use machine guns for AI as normal. You don't need to do any blacklisting with the ammo classnames since A3EAI only uses the weapon classnames.

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Hmmm, I added those commas and updated that linked post but it still didn't work.  I'm giving up on it for now.  It's been kicking my ass all week.


Another quick question on A3EAI, I see how to install the client addon stuff on the server but what exactly gets installed on the client?

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The client addon is simply to relay text messages (AI radio chatter during pursuits) from the server/HC to player client. Due to how often antihacks interfere with client-sided scripts, I don't include very many features into the client addon.

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Two more questions for ya, Face :)


1.  Is there a way to stop the launchers from being deleted on the AI?  I have launchers on my server and am cool with my players looting them and the rockets.


2.  One thing I really liked about the Andre Convoy Patrol is that the vehicles can be taken and used by players and persist until restart.  Any plans to offer an option like that?  It's always bugged me that my players or I take out the crew of vehicle X but can't repair it and start using it at least temporarily.



Oh, one more thing.  Here's your readme for the client addon folder:

A3EAI Client Optional Addon

1. How to install
The A3EAI client optional addon is used by A3EAI to run client-side commands. To install:
1. Unpack your mission pbo file (example: epoch.Altis.pbo) and copy the A3EAI_Client folder into the extracted folder.
2. Edit your extracted mission folder's init.sqf (or create one if none exists) and insert this:

	#include "A3EAI_Client\A3EAI_initclient.sqf";

3. Repack your mission pbo file.
4. In your server's A3EAI_config.sqf, you may now enable features supported by the A3EAI Client Addon:
	A3EAI_radioMsgs: 		Enables text message warnings to players with radios (Radio Quartz) when they are under pursuit by AI.
	A3EAI_deathMessages: 	Enables death messages for killing AI units. Messages are displayed to player who killed the AI unit. 
							If the player is in a vehicle, all crew members are notified if at least one crew member has a Radio in their inventory.

2. How to configure
Edit A3EAI_client_config.sqf to change settings and enable/disable features. By default, all features are enabled.

Did you mean int.sqf or descriptopn.ext?  I thought #includes always go in description.ext?  And if it does go in the description.ext I assume the trailing semicolon isn't actually necessary, right?

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