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[REQUEST] Base Kits



Hi there,


I want to be able to create a base kit for our admins to fool around and build a base. Anyone know how to create a base kit? I know on Mel's server one of the admins informed me they had base kits for their admins to spawn in, but I don't think they will share the code. Anyone else?

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im sure they used infistar....



Hi there,


I want to be able to create a base kit for our admins to fool around and build a base. Anyone know how to create a base kit? I know on Mel's server one of the admins informed me they had base kits for their admins to spawn in, but I don't think they will share the code. Anyone else?


Server admins can already spawn items in game from our spawn menu. Also, our soon to be released web based admin panel also has features like this plus tons more.

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I'm sorry but what's an Epoch box for...?

An Epoch Box is so that if someone donates to your server or you are feeling generous you can give them a box of building materials or whatever you want so that you dont have to go through the admin menu and pick it all out.  The problem with have a box right now is that as an admin you would have to sit there and wait for them to take all the stuff out of the box and delete it. It is easier to tell the player to get in the spot they want the items to be spawned and spawn the items on target. The Epoch devs are doing an awesome job with their admin menu even better than that thief from infistar.de.

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An Epoch Box is so that if someone donates to your server or you are feeling generous you can give them a box of building materials or whatever you want so that you dont have to go through the admin menu and pick it all out.  The problem with have a box right now is that as an admin you would have to sit there and wait for them to take all the stuff out of the box and delete it. It is easier to tell the player to get in the spot they want the items to be spawned and spawn the items on target. The Epoch devs are doing an awesome job with their admin menu even better than that thief from infistar.de.




Not to piss on anyones parade here, but they arent doing a better job of their menu compared to the other fellow. A half wit with a single brain cell could see that ;) I wish they were, but they really arent ;)


But you can keep on using they buzz words of thiefs, like you know whats going on and all the fanboys will love you.......Pat yourself on the back now :D

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I just wish we could ALL get along. This game would progress even further if certain devs and ah devs would work together. They all have skill and a love for this game. I don't know the whole story, only what was told here, so I won't cause any controversy. I just want to be able to spawn a base kit for admin events or for players that have been with us since the beginning.

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I just wish we could ALL get along. This game would progress even further if certain devs and ah devs would work together. They all have skill and a love for this game. I don't know the whole story, only what was told here, so I won't cause any controversy. I just want to be able to spawn a base kit for admin events or for players that have been with us since the beginning.



Only in a perfect world can we all get along!


The Epoch devs have given us some basic out of the box admins tools (note that they didn't have to do this). If they spend there time making the game better over making the admin tools better I'm all for it.


So where does that leave the hosters?


Nut up or shut up

Build your own tool

Use a third parties addon (one that has been used in Arma for many years)!


It may sound like I'm being mean but I'm not! Think about where the game is right now... There are better things the Devs can and are be working on.


FYI he who shall not be named admin tools have the ability to create custom support boxes (but I guess you already know that).

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The Epoch devs have given us some basic out of the box admins tools for free(note that they didn't have to do this).



The Epoch devs have given us some basic out of the box admins tools so that we don't have to pay other people for some additional code when we're not even being charged for the mod itself(note that they didn't have to do this).

*fixed again

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You get what you pay for :)

And sometimes you get something that you haven't paid for..


So what are you getting exactly that isn't already included with Epoch's AH or won't in the future if they're allowed to test and improve it?  I'm honestly asking because, while I've read most of what everyone else has, I'm no coder by any means.


Either way, I'm not touching infiSTAR with a ten foot pole after what's happened, even if that means I can't run a successful server.. which I'm pretty sure is a priority for the Epoch devs.  But, I'm interested to know why everyone seems to be running infiSTAR.


PS:  Sorry for hijacking your thread.

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  • A much more robust admin menu
  • Updates very frequently (sometimes multiple a day :D)
  • Someone who's been in the "business" quite a while, and on both sides
  • A low one-time cost that protects your servers from the most recent hacks
  • Can be used on any of your servers for the same one-time cost
  • Listens to your feedback and fixes bugs quickly

I've ran it since day one on all my A2 servers, and from day one on my A3 servers.


Easily the best money you can spend.

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It’s likely that this post will get me banned but I’m going to say it anyway. Frankly I’m tired of reading about this ridiculous feud between the Epoch Devs and he who shall not be named! Our laws say innocent until proven guilty, and the proof is at circumstantial best. What’s more ever fucking time his name is mentioned people feel the need to come to his or the devs rescue! STOP IT! Locking, blocking and banning people with an opinion in my view is unconstitutional. STOP IT!


If I or anyone wants to pay for a mod, feature or shit in a bag regardless of its origins, that’s up the individual. If said purchase is illegal or against EULA or any licence agreement that is a different story, CURRENTLY this has not been PROVEN (proven being the operative word). If you say it, it doesn’t make it so!


So all of you/us for the love of god stop with this shit now!


Back to the topic at hand. He who shall not be named tools allows users to create custom spawn boxes, I know this 100%, epoch’s built in does not (YET). Outside of that someone will have to design a mod for admins.


End of fucking topic! Sorry for the bad language! 

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I have to say I agree with your whole statement. We are talking about a video game. Granted you and I will likely get banned for voiceing an opinion. I have heard what Infistar did from the Epoch side. I would love to hear the other side of the coin. I waited a long time before I bought his tools. It is hard enough to run a server. It is harder to do when you have a built in Anti-Hack that you have to shut down or your players get Auto-Banned by it. Now I know the Epoch Devs have a lot going on.....I post this simply to show my support in what they are doing. I know if someone stole my work I would not like it either. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. Think about this guys. We need to hear the other side of the story then as a community if this guy did something wrong we can band together and boycott him if that is what is needed.

I would never have bought his tools reading what I had hear. At the same time though I have only heard one side. I really want to hear the side Infistar tells. I dont see a man that has made so much money with his product shooting himself in the foot.

If the Devs thought about it. They should have brought him into the project and made his tools the standard tools in the game. Even if we had to pay at our hosting company to have them installed.

Well it did not work that way so nothing that can be done. However we need to stop fighting among each other. Learn the other side of the story then pass judgement.


Now I know I have mentioned Infistar serveral times. Come on though does that matter. I am 40yrs old I am not into high school games. I want to enjoy Epoch and all the community brings to the game.



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We like to run admin events, sometimes they last over an hour. As reward we offer a base kit to the winner, having custom boxes makes things easier. Also having a custom gun box of pistols or hatchets makes handing out weapons for an admin event a lot easier too. Can't wait to see the new panel, is there an expected release date?

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I just wish we could ALL get along. This game would progress even further if certain devs and ah devs would work together. They all have skill and a love for this game. I don't know the whole story, only what was told here, so I won't cause any controversy. I just want to be able to spawn a base kit for admin events or for players that have been with us since the beginning.

I've got something for you - I'll priv message the pastebin since I am not sure if I am allowed to link my pastebin here



well I can't

"The member Tricks cannot receive any new messages"

You should priv message me your Email address then

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