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How to give the zombie gold?

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edit your zombie_generate.sqf

private ["_position","_unitTypes","_radius","_method","_agent"];

_position = _this select 0;
_doLoiter = _this select 1; // wander around
_unitTypes = _this select 2; // class of wanted models
_maxControlledZombies = round(dayz_maxLocalZombies);

_cantSee = {
	private ["_isok"];

	_isok = true;
	_zPos = +(_this select 0);
	if (count _zPos < 3) exitWith {
		diag_log format["%1::_cantSee illegal pos %2", __FILE__, _zPos];
	_zPos = ATLtoASL _zPos;
	_fov = _this select 1; // players half field of view
	_safeDistance = _this select 2; // minimum distance. closer is wrong
	_farDistance = _this select 3; // distance further we won't check
	_zPos set [2, (_zPos select 2) + 1.7];
		_xasl = getPosASL _x;
		if (_xasl distance _zPos < _farDistance) then {
			if (_xasl distance _zPos < _safeDistance) then {
				_isok = false;
			else {
				_eye = eyePos _x; // ASL
				_ed = eyeDirection _x;
				_ed = (_ed select 0) atan2 (_ed select 1);
				_deg = [_xasl, _zPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
				_deg = (_deg - _ed + 720) % 360;
				if (_deg > 180) then { _deg = _deg - 360; };
				if ((abs(_deg) < _fov) && {( // in right angle sector?
						(!(terrainIntersectASL [_zPos, _eye]) // no terrain between?
						&& {(!(lineIntersects [_zPos, _eye]))}) // && no object between?
					)}) then {
					_isok = false;
		if (!_isok) exitWith {false};
	} count playableUnits;


if ((dayz_spawnZombies < _maxControlledZombies) && (dayz_CurrentNearByZombies < dayz_maxNearByZombies) && (dayz_currentGlobalZombies < dayz_maxGlobalZeds)) then {
	if ([_position, dayz_cantseefov, 10, dayz_cantseeDist] call _cantSee) then {
		//Check if anyone close
		_tooClose = {isPlayer _x} count (_position nearEntities ["CAManBase",30]) > 0;
		if (_tooClose) exitwith {
			// diag_log ("Zombie_Generate: was too close to player.");

		//Add zeds if unitTypes equals 0
		if (count _unitTypes == 0) then {
			if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
				_unitTypes = []+ getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
			} else {
				_unitTypes = []+ getArray (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");

		// lets create an agent
		_type = _unitTypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
		_radius = 5;
		_method = "NONE";
		if (_doLoiter) then {
			_radius = 40;
			_method = "CAN_COLLIDE";

		//Check if point is in water
		if (surfaceIsWater _position) exitwith {  };

		_agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, _method];
		sleep 0.001;

		//add to global counter
		dayz_spawnZombies = dayz_spawnZombies + 1;

		//Add some loot
		_loot = "";
		_array = [];
		_rnd = random 1;
		if (_rnd < 0.2) then {
			_lootType = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "zombieLoot";
			if (isText _lootType) then {
				_array = [];
					_array set [count _array, _x select 0]
				} forEach getArray (configFile >> "cfgLoot" >> getText(_lootType));
				if (count _array > 0) then {
					_index = dayz_CLBase find getText(_lootType);
					_weights = dayz_CLChances select _index;
					_loot = _array select (_weights select (floor(random (count _weights))));
					if(!isNil "_array") then {
						_loot_count =	getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _loot >> "count");
						if(_loot_count>1) then {
							_agent addMagazine [_loot, ceil(random _loot_count)];
						} else {
						_agent addMagazine _loot;

		_agent setVariable["agentObject",_agent];

		if (!isNull _agent) then {
			// sometime Z can be seen flying in very high speed while tp. Its altitude is set underground to hide that.
			_agtPos = getPosASL _agent;
			_agtPos set [2, -3];
			_agent setPosASL _agtPos;
			sleep 0.001;
			_agtPos = +(_position);
			_agtPos set [2, -3];
			_agent setPosASL _agtPos;
			sleep 0.001;
			_agent setDir random 360;
			//_agent setPosATL _position;
			sleep 0.001;

			_position = getPosATL _agent;

			_favStance = (
				switch ceil(random(3^0.5)^2) do {
					//case 3: {"DOWN"}; // prone
					case 2: {"Middle"}; // Kneel
					default {"UP"} // stand-up
			_agent setUnitPos _favStance;

			_agent setVariable ["stance", _favStance];
			_agent setVariable ["BaseLocation", _position];
			_agent setVariable ["doLoiter", true]; // true: Z will be wandering, false: stay still
			_agent setVariable ["myDest", _position];
			_agent setVariable ["newDest", _position];

_agent setVariable ["cashMoney", 500]; 

			[_agent, _position] call zombie_loiter;
		//add to monitor
		//dayz_zedMonitor set [count dayz_zedMonitor, _agent];

		//Disable simulation
		PVDZE_Server_Simulation = [_agent, false];
		publicVariableServer "PVDZE_Server_Simulation";

		//Start behavior
		_id = [_position,_agent] execFSM "\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm";

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edit your zombie_generate.sqf

private ["_position","_unitTypes","_radius","_method","_agent"];

_position = _this select 0;
_doLoiter = _this select 1; // wander around
_unitTypes = _this select 2; // class of wanted models
_maxControlledZombies = round(dayz_maxLocalZombies);

_cantSee = {
	private ["_isok"];

	_isok = true;
	_zPos = +(_this select 0);
	if (count _zPos < 3) exitWith {
		diag_log format["%1::_cantSee illegal pos %2", __FILE__, _zPos];
	_zPos = ATLtoASL _zPos;
	_fov = _this select 1; // players half field of view
	_safeDistance = _this select 2; // minimum distance. closer is wrong
	_farDistance = _this select 3; // distance further we won't check
	_zPos set [2, (_zPos select 2) + 1.7];
		_xasl = getPosASL _x;
		if (_xasl distance _zPos < _farDistance) then {
			if (_xasl distance _zPos < _safeDistance) then {
				_isok = false;
			else {
				_eye = eyePos _x; // ASL
				_ed = eyeDirection _x;
				_ed = (_ed select 0) atan2 (_ed select 1);
				_deg = [_xasl, _zPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
				_deg = (_deg - _ed + 720) % 360;
				if (_deg > 180) then { _deg = _deg - 360; };
				if ((abs(_deg) < _fov) && {( // in right angle sector?
						(!(terrainIntersectASL [_zPos, _eye]) // no terrain between?
						&& {(!(lineIntersects [_zPos, _eye]))}) // && no object between?
					)}) then {
					_isok = false;
		if (!_isok) exitWith {false};
	} count playableUnits;


if ((dayz_spawnZombies < _maxControlledZombies) && (dayz_CurrentNearByZombies < dayz_maxNearByZombies) && (dayz_currentGlobalZombies < dayz_maxGlobalZeds)) then {
	if ([_position, dayz_cantseefov, 10, dayz_cantseeDist] call _cantSee) then {
		//Check if anyone close
		_tooClose = {isPlayer _x} count (_position nearEntities ["CAManBase",30]) > 0;
		if (_tooClose) exitwith {
			// diag_log ("Zombie_Generate: was too close to player.");

		//Add zeds if unitTypes equals 0
		if (count _unitTypes == 0) then {
			if (DZE_MissionLootTable) then {
				_unitTypes = []+ getArray (missionConfigFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
			} else {
				_unitTypes = []+ getArray (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");

		// lets create an agent
		_type = _unitTypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
		_radius = 5;
		_method = "NONE";
		if (_doLoiter) then {
			_radius = 40;
			_method = "CAN_COLLIDE";

		//Check if point is in water
		if (surfaceIsWater _position) exitwith {  };

		_agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, _method];
		sleep 0.001;

		//add to global counter
		dayz_spawnZombies = dayz_spawnZombies + 1;

		//Add some loot
		_loot = "";
		_array = [];
		_rnd = random 1;
		if (_rnd < 0.2) then {
			_lootType = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "zombieLoot";
			if (isText _lootType) then {
				_array = [];
					_array set [count _array, _x select 0]
				} forEach getArray (configFile >> "cfgLoot" >> getText(_lootType));
				if (count _array > 0) then {
					_index = dayz_CLBase find getText(_lootType);
					_weights = dayz_CLChances select _index;
					_loot = _array select (_weights select (floor(random (count _weights))));
					if(!isNil "_array") then {
						_loot_count =	getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _loot >> "count");
						if(_loot_count>1) then {
							_agent addMagazine [_loot, ceil(random _loot_count)];
						} else {
						_agent addMagazine _loot;

		_agent setVariable["agentObject",_agent];

		if (!isNull _agent) then {
			// sometime Z can be seen flying in very high speed while tp. Its altitude is set underground to hide that.
			_agtPos = getPosASL _agent;
			_agtPos set [2, -3];
			_agent setPosASL _agtPos;
			sleep 0.001;
			_agtPos = +(_position);
			_agtPos set [2, -3];
			_agent setPosASL _agtPos;
			sleep 0.001;
			_agent setDir random 360;
			//_agent setPosATL _position;
			sleep 0.001;

			_position = getPosATL _agent;

			_favStance = (
				switch ceil(random(3^0.5)^2) do {
					//case 3: {"DOWN"}; // prone
					case 2: {"Middle"}; // Kneel
					default {"UP"} // stand-up
			_agent setUnitPos _favStance;

			_agent setVariable ["stance", _favStance];
			_agent setVariable ["BaseLocation", _position];
			_agent setVariable ["doLoiter", true]; // true: Z will be wandering, false: stay still
			_agent setVariable ["myDest", _position];
			_agent setVariable ["newDest", _position];

_agent setVariable ["cashMoney", 500]; 

			[_agent, _position] call zombie_loiter;
		//add to monitor
		//dayz_zedMonitor set [count dayz_zedMonitor, _agent];

		//Disable simulation
		PVDZE_Server_Simulation = [_agent, false];
		publicVariableServer "PVDZE_Server_Simulation";

		//Start behavior
		_id = [_position,_agent] execFSM "\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm";

Unable to use

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Insta award for zombie killing?


edit local_eventKill.sqf


private ["_zed","_killer","_kills","_array","_type","_humanity"];
_array =  _this select 0;
_zed =  _array select 0;
_killer =  _array select 1;
_type =  _this select 1;
if (local _zed) then {
_kills = _killer getVariable[_type,0];
_killer setVariable[_type,(_kills + 1),true];
//increase players humanity when zed killed
_humanity = _killer getVariable["humanity",0];
_humanity = _humanity + 5;
_killer setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true];
//Zombie kill award
_killCash = _killer getVariable["cashMoney",0];
_killer setVariable["cashMoney",(_killCash + 20),true];
//                                                                         ^
//                                                 Change value to what you want.

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It does.



change this:

_killer = setVariable["cashMoney",(_killCash + 20),true];

remove the "=" so it looks like:

_killer setVariable["cashMoney",(_killCash + 20),true];


Ah, Thanks. I should read what i type x]

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  • 3 weeks later...

the Insta award for zombie killing doesn't work for me is this coded for 1.1 2.0 or 3.0?


Never mind I got it fixed. For the people that use it the way its put. if it doesn't work change the lowercase c to an uppercase C

was the only issue lol took me 12 hours to figure it out. lame.


_killCash = _killer getVariable["cashMoney",0];
_killer setVariable["cashMoney",(_killCash + 20),true];
_killCash = _killer getVariable["CashMoney",0];
_killer setVariable["CashMoney",(_killCash + 20),true];
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  • 5 months later...

change the study body check to allow Zeds to :) in selfactions.


Comon guys ^^ some logical thinking!! 


I won't be always here to aswer these things

Can you show how to add this to the self actions please? Thanks in advance!! 

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Anyone ever get this working? I can't get the wallet to show up. Seems like zombies are already added to the study body in fn_selfactions.


*****************I figured it out.




if (_isMan && !_isZombie && !_isAnimal) then {


to this


if ((_isMan || _isZombie) && !_isAnimal) then {

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  • 5 months later...

What peipo set but explained abt more in detail.

When u spawn the ai object thens et the variable:

// _aiObject is the ai guy.

_aiObject setVariable["CashMoney",5000];

I think you can get some the coin code to the ai loadouts should work i done this be for work time to time but no errors shown 

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/3/2014 at 3:24 PM, escortrally said:

It does.



change this:

_killer = setVariable["cashMoney",(_killCash + 20),true];

remove the "=" so it looks like:

_killer setVariable["cashMoney",(_killCash + 20),true];

I am unable to get this to work. here is the error I get.

 8:25:13 Error in expression <"humanity",_humanity,true];

_killCash _killer getVariable["CashMoney",0];
 8:25:13   Error position: <_killer getVariable["CashMoney",0];
 8:25:13   Error Missing ;
 8:25:13 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.napf\custom\local_eventKill.sqf, line 21

I have all the ; in there? this line here,  private ["_zed","_killer","_kills","_array","_type","_humanity"]; Do you need to add "_killCash" to it?

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16 minutes ago, DAKA said:

So I have tried the other method and can't get that to work either. Not sure what I am doing wrong, 

Ok, So I got this to work finally, here is what my line looks like,

if (_isMan && _isZombie && !_isAnimal) then {

I took out the ! in front of isZombie and it worked just fine.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

how would you add animals to this? it works on zeds but was wondering for hunter kill payout for hunting each type of wild animals


private ["_zed","_killer","_kills","_array","_type","_humanity"];
_array =  _this select 0;
_zed =  _array select 0;
_killer =  _array select 1;
_type =  _this select 1;
if (local _zed) then {
_kills = _killer getVariable[_type,0];
_killer setVariable[_type,(_kills + 1),true];
//increase players humanity when zed killed
_humanity = _killer getVariable["humanity",0];
_humanity = _humanity + 1;
_killer setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true];
//Zombie kill award
_killCash = _killer getVariable["cashMoney",0];
_killer setVariable["cashMoney",(_killCash + 100),true];
 "Zombie Bounty Reward $100" call dayz_rollingMessages;
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