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[WIP] ZFM-FairMission System-Dynamic,Modular & Balanced (Alpha release 90% complete, Test builds frequently available) - Actively developed

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Ok makes total sense man just figured it wouldn't hurt asking (and it didn't lol) again thanks for your time and help to me and the community. I think for the most part we all understand work and life before projects. Again thanks a million for the support your showing the community and it definatly doesn't go unnoticed. Keep up the great work mate!

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  On 7/21/2014 at 12:46 PM, AG.Ndogg97 said:

Ok makes total sense man just figured it wouldn't hurt asking (and it didn't lol) again thanks for your time and help to me and the community. I think for the most part we all understand work and life before projects. Again thanks a million for the support your showing the community and it definatly doesn't go unnoticed. Keep up the great work mate!


No problem. Will likely be resuming development this weekend, paid work permitting :)

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  On 7/24/2014 at 5:58 PM, Kimzer said:

Will it work on regular dayz/overwatch or is it just epoch? :)


Will work on any. It doesn't use any mod-specific variables or files. I'm fun like that.


Oh, and I will be resuming development for a few days, then going back to doing the final bits of paid work :)

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Aren't they pretty? They are now filled up completely based on a minimum-quota. In this example, I gave the function two types - pistols and machineguns.

ZFM_Loot_To_Add = ["EASY",["MACHINEGUNS","PISTOLS"]] call ZFM_Loot_Get_Contents;
["USVehicleBox_EP1",[4600,10160,0],ZFM_Loot_To_Add] call ZFM_Loot_Create_Loot_Object;


This is what happens if the container doesn't have enough room..



Official development song ;-)

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  On 7/29/2014 at 9:54 PM, itsatrap said:

Think it's time for an GitHub update :)


Patience ^_^  When I get paid work in, unfortunately, ZFM development stops. At the moment I am working with a client until tomorrow, and then ZFM development resumes. A pre-release testing-release is due soon, the wait will be worth it ^_^

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i'm using your test build now.

I run it with EMS 0.3 on a Epoch / 125548 Vilayer server.

First of all, it's working. I got the already knowed bugs:

-missions don't get cleared

-mission markers just visible when you'r ingame when the mission start

-AI kill counter doesn't work right 



and here's my RPT with a lot of errors.

I hope i could help you / you could help me =)


waiting for your stable build =)

and nice work!

ZFM Errors in RPT .txt

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Been loving the new system, players are telling me it much more dynamic in comparison to others in use. I am getting reports though that the loots crates will only fill up with 4 or 5 items, cans of pop and bandages. I also noticed when I log out and log back in mission markers are gone!

Other than that I love how the ai respond. I had 3 of them push almost 300m out to where I was prone and try to flank me!!!

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  On 8/4/2014 at 8:28 PM, justcametomind said:

Been loving the new system, players are telling me it much more dynamic in comparison to others in use. I am getting reports though that the loots crates will only fill up with 4 or 5 items, cans of pop and bandages. I also noticed when I log out and log back in mission markers are gone!

Other than that I love how the ai respond. I had 3 of them push almost 300m out to where I was prone and try to flank me!!!


Thanks :) I appreciate the kind comments, keep your eyes out for the release. It's my wife's birthday today, so I won't be doing any ZFM work for a few days or so. But fear not, keep looking on this forum, and I'll make a new topic called "ZFM Alpha Testing Release", and you can all go nuts :D Or donate $9999 and maybe my wife will let me code for ZFM on her birthday weekend ;)

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Still working on paid work at the moment, sadly. Not long to go, but keep an eye out for some extra goodies. I have some scripts I have developed for a friend a while ago, which require zero modifications outside init.sqf:


  • Self-bloodbag
  • Build restriction system (Prevent building near high-value loot spawns, in specific cities, in specific co-ordinates)
  • Clothing-retrieval (Requires no unnecessary modification of which clothes can be retrieved, just uses Cfg files to find and generate appropriate clothing)

This is what "ZFS Clientside" will contain -- everything like this and more; copy one folder, insert one line into init.sqf and you're done. They're already made, so not taking time away from ZFM before you ask  :-P


Thanks for your patience, you know I love y'all <3

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