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[WIP] ZFM-FairMission System-Dynamic,Modular & Balanced (Alpha release 90% complete, Test builds frequently available) - Actively developed

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i can not wait :D


Getting closer to a release with every passing day. Exams still to complete, however, those will be done soon and the few features left to complete will be done. I've been resisting the urge to create an addon for ARMA3 in order to get ZFM done.. that's how dedicated I am! ;) I am pleased to say that you will enjoy the new bases --I haven't committed anything to GitHub, but the new bases are being worked on and they look good. If a plane crashes next to a building, the base building will be cancelled as the bandits can just secure the house; otherwise, they will clear trees and make nice symmetrical, non-overlapping bases.


Still need German translators! Will you help, freakystyle?

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Please do test! The more feedback and testers I can get for the test builds, the quicker I can fix bugs and the closer we get to the alpha release ^_^


Also, NL translations of these strings would be appreciated:

ZFM_BanditGroup_Names =[
	"well-trained mercenaries",
	"well-trained ex-army soldiers",
	"special forces",
	"opportunistic thieves",
	"gathered low-lives",
	"armed cult members",
	"Chernarussian separatists",
	"cold-blooded murderers",
	"cold-blooded criminals",
	"ruthless killers",
	"trained killers",
	"rogue policemen",
	"corrupted officials",
	"war criminals",
	"escaped prisoners",
	"rugged survivalists",
	"nearby survivors",
	"nearby saboteurs",
	"ruthless reclusives",
	"deadly mercenaries",
	"malicious psychopaths",
	"angry survivors",
	"cold-blooded killers",
	"for-profit bandits",
	"power-hungry bandits",
	"local bandits",
	"devious survivalists",
	"devious bandits",
	"ruthless bandits",
	"greedy bandits",
	"desperate bandits",
	"angry bandits",
	"merciless bandits",
	"well-trained bandits",
	"opportunistic bandits",
	"a group of thugs",
	"a group of ex-gangsters",
	"a group of murderers",
	"escaped convicts"

ZFM_OnTheWayTo =[
	"en route to",
	"in transit to",
	"transporting medical personnel to",
	"on a routine trip to",
	"on a rescue mission to",
	"on a support mission to",
	"on an urgent rescue mission to",
	"on a humanitarian mission to",
	"on its way to rescue survivors from",
	"on a desperate mission to",
	"making a delivery to",
	"making an ammo drop to",
	"making a humanitarian drop to",
	"making its way to"

ZFM_OnTheWayToDeath =[
	"has crashed",
	"was destroyed",
	"was decimated",
	"was annihilated",
	"and looks to have crashed",
	"and looks to be in serious trouble",
	"and looks like it's fucked",
	"and looks like they're not going to make it",
	"and looks like it's crashed",
	"and looks like it's been sabotaged",
	"and looks like its pilot crash landed",
	"has been downed",
	"hit a tree and crashed",
	"suffered a malfunction and crashed",
	"and was sabotaged and crashed",
	"and was damaged and crashed",
	"and was hit and crashed",
	"and lost fuel and crashed",
	"crashed in an apparent suicide",
	"crashed in an apparent suicide pact",
	"crashed after losing radio contact",
	"went silent and is presumed crashed",
	"went off the radar and is presumed destroyed",
	"lost radio contact and is presumed crashed"

The format ZFM makes the mission text in is: A <x> <ZFM_OnTheWayTo> [place name] <ZFM_OnTheWayToDeath>. It is suspected that <ZFM_BanditGroup_Names> have secured the site. So if that could be re-done in Nederlands with the right grammar, etc, then I will release ZFM with NL language support as I speak Intermediate Dutch, too :)

@freakystyle or anyone -- these need translating into German..


Sorry, still busy. Today and tomorrow = exam days.

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Would this be possible on Overpoch, I would like to add this but not 100% sure on where to edit the weapons.


Technically, there isn't anything that would prevent this from working on Overpoch.  To change weapons to spawn with AI, you need to edit the SQF files located in the "Config" directory. However, I would like to remind anyone that this is till pre-alpha and the alpha release (fully working and mirroring features of existing mission systems like DZMS and its spin-off EMS) will be released shortly. If you have features you want (i.e. Overpoch weapons support) please list them here and I will add them to the relevant release.


Overpoch support would be an alpha addition as it's not that big. Asking for new types of missions would go on the Beta. :lol:

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ZFM_BanditGroup_Names =[
	"gut ausgebildeter Söldner",
	"gut ausgebildete Ex-Armeesoldaten",
	"opportunistische Diebe",
	"versammeltes abschaum",
	"bewaffnete Sektenmitglieder",
	"Chernarus Vodka Separatisten",
	"kaltblütige Mörder",
	"kaltblütige Kriminelle",
	"rücksichtslose Mörder",
	"ausgebildete Killer",
	"skrupellose Polizisten",
	"bestechliche Beamte",
	"entflohene Häftlinge",
	"Wilde Überlebenskünstler",
	"Überlebende in der Nähe",
	"Saboteure in der Nähe",
	"rücksichtslose Einsiedler",
	"tödliche Söldner",
	"kranke Psychopathen",
	"wütend Überlebende",
	"kaltblütigen Mörder",
	"kommerzielle Banditen",
	"macht hungrige banditen",
	"lokale Banditen",
	"hinterhältige Überlebenskünstler",
	"hinterhältige Banditen",
	"skrupellose Banditen",
	"gierige banditen",
	"verzweifelte Banditen",
	"verärgerte Banditen",
	"unbarmherzige Banditen",
	"gut ausgebildete Banditen",
	"opportunistische banditen",
	"eine Gruppe von Schlägern",
	"eine Gruppe von Ex-Gangster",
	"eine Gruppe von Mördern",

ZFM_OnTheWayTo =[
	"auf dem Weg zu",
	"auf dem Weg nach",
	"Transportieren medizinisches Personal zu",
	"auf einer Routine-Reise nach",
	"auf eine Rettungsmission zu",
	"auf einer Versorgungsmission zu",
	"über eine dringende Rettungsmission zu",
	"auf einer humanitären Mission zu",
	"auf der Rettungsmission von Überlebenden",
	"auf einer Aussichtslosen Mission",
	"überbringen eine lieferung nach",
	"bringen munition nach",
	"bringen Hilfsgüter nach",
	"seinen Weg zu"

ZFM_OnTheWayToDeath =[
	"ist abgestürzt",
	"wurde zerstört",
	"wurde dezimiert",
	"wurde vernichtet",
	"er ist abgestürtzt",
	"und es sieht aus als wer er in ernsthaften Schwierigkeiten",
	"und sieht aus wie gefickt",
	"sieht so aus als ob sie es nicht schaffen würden",
	"und sieht als wer er abgestürzt",
	"und wie es aussieht, wurde sabotiert",
	"und sieht aus wie sein Pilot eine Bruchlandung gemacht hätte",
	"wurde abgeschossen",
	"prallte gegen einen Baum und stürzte ab",
	"erhielt eine Fehlfunktion und ging kaputt",
	"es wurde sabotiert und er stürtzte",
	"und wurde beschädigt oder ging kaputt",
	"wurde stark getroffen und stürzte ab",
	"verlor Treibstoff und ist abgestürzt",
	"stürzte in einem scheinbaren Selbstmord",
	"stürzte in einem scheinbaren Selbstmord-Pakt",
	"zerstört oder Funkkontakt ging verloren",
	"schweigt und wird vermutet, er sei abgestürzt",
	"ist aus der reichweite des radars und vermutlich zerstört",
	"Funkkontakt verloren es wird vermutet, er sei abgestürzt"

German translate.

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Working on finishing off the mission conclusion. It's taken some tweaking, but it's looking good. All my exams are over and all the rest of it, so I will be returning to the ZFM mill now. I am adding in overpoch support for items, will let you know when the next testing build is available.

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By the way, I noticed @freakystyle querying about a safezone. I created one in the client-side files of ZFM a while back.




Just sayin'. Would recommend you not use the ZFM stuff in there, as it is very old. I moved to GitHub and left SVN behind. But, err -- in there, there are 2 features. The ZFSS safezone, which also includes auto-repairing of vehicles (not seen that in other safezone scripts) and "autolock", which was a bit of a test-coding feature I wrote when learning SQF syntax. Also, you need to go into


ZFSS_Initialise.sqf and edit:

// Remove these, or enjoy very rich players.. ;-)
player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";

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Have committed a release to testing, however, it's not complete. It won't contain any useful visible additions for testers yet. I'm committing to it as I am testing it, but it'll probably be tomorrow before there is a testing release you can use and give feedback on. I'm committing this so that it's there to show progress, and so I can pull the code if I need to code elsewhere :) There's a pain in the arse bug which is taking a while to iron out, but it's getting there. Patience is a virtue!

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I would also like to announce that there are some formal roles anyone can apply for on this project:




  • Junior developer -- Any level of experience with SQF scripting is welcome. I have junior jobs which can be created, and which will help you improve your programming skills, which has practical benefits inside & outside of DayZ!


  • Forum / release / update co-ordinators -- Need to co-ordinate releases or other information communicated on this forum into other languages for visitors of other languages.


  • Feature & release coordinators -- Work out what features people would like to see, find out approximately how much work it would be, and put it into the relevant release requests on GitHub-- small additions to what already exists in pre-alpha is Alpha, larger but not too-large are for beta release (i.e. new AI classes), new features like brand new missions and other larger things are post-release.


  • If bugs are raised, and new releases are made, I will need specific bugs to be reproduced. I can't do them all as I have limited time, but if others can raise them and test them, and give me RPT output, it would help greatly. These roles would be formal, and would require more detailed feedback than just screenshots as mentioned above.


Anyone willing to help in these regards must be active and take responsibility for their role into the near future. Anyone also helping will get ZFM pro for free when it comes out in the future. If you want to help, ZFM can get moving quicker! :wub:


Oh, and, I will be making ZFM compatible with ARMA 3 and ARMA 2. So yeah, longevity.

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