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Posts posted by Defent

  1. 1. I put all AIs on RESISTANCE. Most units use that afaik.


    2. Same as above.


    3. Not to my knowledge. They are kept on one side. 


    4. Traders are resistance too I think.



    Be sure to check out the new unit commands for arma 3, some are really nice. 


    Here is a part of my units:

    	_group = createGroup RESISTANCE;
    	_group setBehaviour "AWARE";
    	_group setCombatMode "RED";
    	_soldier = _group createUnit ["I_Soldier_EPOCH", [(DMS_Cords select 0) + 10, DMS_Cords select 1, 0], [], 1, "Form"];
    	removeAllAssignedItems _soldier;
    	removeUniform _soldier;
    	removeHeadgear _soldier;
    	_soldier forceAddUniform  "U_ghillie1_uniform";;
  2. Protected server files ? This is not a debate about whatever you are blabbing on about. The licencing is clear and stated in another thread, go read it..

    This thread is talking about AI Missions, keep trying to drag us into politics and making the thread irrelevant, I will ban you, very simple.. Have you not noticed that i ban for making boring posts, from a developers point of view ?

    If you insist on educating me, let's have a beer at my local..


    I just was asking if you wanted to know which file blocks the AI from damaging players and if I could talk about it without breaking some kind of license, jeez. So many people are on the edge these days. I'm just trying to help and explain why the AI don't work as some expect them too. I suppose I'll keep quiet instead.

    Without further derailing the thread, 

    As someone suggested earlier

    _soldier setVariable ["LASTLOGOUT_EPOCH", diag_tickTime + 14400000, sanna];

    does make the AI stay but it takes a hit on performance as it's not really an intended way to work around it (i hope). Having a counter count from 0 to 4h in seconds can not be very optimized imo..

  3. @Defent, if we add one exception then it opens the floodgate. If you want 100 player servers you can't be bothering the server with client side net code. 


    Once you get used to the transition it's easy..


    The exception is only for the resistance group which is only used for AI (afaik). If people decide to use it and spawn AI's in multitudes then wouldn't that be their own problem for making their server unplayable? 


    What kind of transition are you speak about? From having missions with AI to none at all? I don't think that will be a smooth transition since it's been so prominent of a feature across almost all Arma 2 Dayz Epoch servers and players more or less expect it to be a feature in Arma 3 Epoch.


    Servers at 80 players or so already cave under preassure and that is without AI scripts. Vanilla servers hosted on a dedicated machine only ment for that one server may be able to get 100 slots judging by the CPU usage.

    I believe that once mission systems get back in (which they probably will one way or another), servers might go down to 50-60 slots again. It's not due to how Epoch is made but because Arma is made the way it is.


    Also, AI spawning can be done server side, that wouldnt affect clients would it? I mean, the clean up is made for ai spawned server side. AI spawned using headless clients also cause massive lag afaik, which is kind of is client side spawning.

  4. That's designed for doppelganger disposal, I would expect additions to that so wouldn't make it a basis of a working AI system. You might find AI randomly attacking you, just saying..


    Why dont you just add an exception then? Make it so it doesn't delete units in the RESISTANCE side group for example. That would save a lot of trouble. Unless there is another reason as to why everything gets deleted.

  5. Why run missions server side, we have no problem with people making missions, your own mods added on, so long as our code stays put and not copy and pasted to the addon mod. A lot of thought has been put into making the mod editable and expandable without the need to mess with the core mod code.


    So is there no way to manage the missions state for new players, no way to communicate between different clients? Would make for a pretty dull multi player game if that was the case? 


    The server will clean up any unowned units, work with it rather than against. Performance is king.


    Hint over :)


    Great question. I actually want to run and make a mission script because I enjoy scripting it. I like how it's structured and it's moderatley hard. I helps me learn how to code better. It involves many different tasks such as loops, ifs, whiles etc. 

    I run it server side so that it cuts down on the data that clients need to download basically. It's also for convenience sake, I don't want to repack pbo's everytme I make a change and I don't want to go through sub-directories. I just put the files in the main root folder and edit away. 


    There are ways to communicate via clients actually. One way is to use AI's. I know a few servers who run an antihack that bases itself around this. However, the server despawns the AI instantly so using them would not be that effective. 



    Missions add a degree of teamwork and socialization if I may say so. I personally believe and think of it as dungeons from World of Warcraft. They are ment to be difficult and are ment to need a group of players or a be a strong player in order to clear and loot. It should pose dangers and also bring people together or create conflicts. I believe that mission systems server a greater purpose than just boxes with loot. It gives the players something extra to do, over the regular things like gathering supplies etc.  

  6. To those wondering why AI gets deleted. It's located in the Vehicle_Simulation.fsm file. It deletes anything that's not client side. The AI we usually spawn come server side and get cleaned up. Not because they are AI but in order to stop doppelgangers. Just thought I'd let you know. Making the AI client side helps to stop this but does a hit on performance.

  7. no offense. I have done this and make a working script for donators. but their no way i will give this. I personally believe the people who cant script, should not open a server. Not to be mean or anything. But from what i know so far am one of the few who made it work without the dome.


    Try working on some other things. Cause this takes a lot of skill to make.


    Can you see anything from that high horse of yourse?

  8. /* 
    Finds random spot in radius of center map, bla bla bla marker 
    @FileOverlordCreatorofAllMasterCommanderAlphandtheOmega: Defent
    	private ["_pos","_centerPos"];
    	_centerPos = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition");
    	_pos = [getMarkerPos "center",4000,20000,10,0,25,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    	DMS_Cords = _pos;
    	diag_log format ["DMS: Pos found at: [%1] - markers spawning!",_pos];
    	// wait with script till pos is found
    	waitUntil {_pos};
    	DMS_Main = createMarker ["DMS_Main", DMS_Cords];
    	DMS_Main setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
    	DMS_Main setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    	DMS_Main setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    	DMS_Main setMarkerSize [150,150];
    	diag_log format ["DMS: Mission starting at %1",_pos];
    	sleep 4;
    	publicVariable "DMS_Cords";
    	_aispawn = [DMS_Cords,80,6,6,1] execVM "Scrip\path\to\file.sqf";//AI Guards

    Here is my marker script, it also finds a random spot. If you're interested in how works. I will change this a lot since it's not optimized and it does not have any timers.


    I might share the rest of my (4) files if I feel like it. Who knows when that is.

  9. I was thinking that initializing a file before the Epoch variables and stuff kick in could solve this. The file contains nothing other than a few rules. Such as, units in this list are not considered units of that list etc. I'll see how it works out now. This uses nothing of Epochs own scripts. And using a file to initialize before the Epoch mod initializes can't be disallowed? 

  10. haha.



    You are attempting to compilefinal something that is already compiledfinal by the time you load that. 


    That can be solved though. I have a way to do it. Perhaps not the most gracious though ;)

    It's when you use PBO files. To my knowledge they can init before the rest.


    However, using the EPOCH_localCleanup.sqf file would fall under modifying existing server files wouldn't it?

  11. guess the best bet at this point is to simply stop working on it.


    Try to learn some stuff and use these forums...guess that is a mistake.


    I will probably release my code as well as what I've done and how I've done it but releasing it before it's completed is kind of meaningless since the code will change a lot..

  12. Got ai to spawn, markers to show. The ai now turns, shoots, runs and then gets deleted after ~7 seconds. Thought I had this nailed. Oh well, back to the drawing board. At least a box of loot spawns. However:

    _crate = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Wps_F",[(DMS_Cords select 0) - 1, DMS_Cords select 1,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    clearWeaponCargo _crate;
    clearMagazineCargo _crate;

    Doesn't seem to delete it's content. Perhaps it's the box itself that's designed to contain loot.

  13. EPOCH_TEMPOBJ_PVS = EPOCH_localCleanup.sqf

    with all there ai EPOCH_TEMPOBJ_PVS gets called.

    Time to take the next step and brake into the EpochServer.dll lol GG Epoch Devs :P


    Why would you even need to use the DLL?

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