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    JasonTM reacted to salival in [RELEASE] Sanford and Son Salvage (new trader)   
    Here's an exerpt from my fn_selfActions.sqf (which is where you do this btw)
    Find this code block in your fn_selfActions.sqf: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/compile/fn_selfActions.sqf#L928-L937
    Replace it with this and modify the humanity values to your liking:
    if ((_traderMenu select 2) == "friendly") then { _humanity_logic = (_humanity < -5000); }; if ((_traderMenu select 2) == "superbandit") then { _low_high = localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HUMANITY_HIGH"; _humanity_logic = (_humanity > -100000); }; if ((_traderMenu select 2) == "bandit") then { _low_high = localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_HUMANITY_HIGH"; _humanity_logic = (_humanity > -5000); }; if ((_traderMenu select 2) == "superhero") then { _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 60000); }; if ((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then { _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000); }; So I have my higher tiers called "superbandit" (-100k humanity) and "superhero" (+60k humanity), you then need to change your server_traders.sqf file to match your new tier traders:
    This example is the hero trader, I just copied that to be another trader (You MUST use a different NPC).
    Here's my example for hero/super hero and bandit/super bandit:
    menu_CDF_Soldier_Officer = [ [["Rockets",750],["Rocket Ammunition",751]], [], "superhero" ]; menu_CDF_Commander = [ [["Attachments",693],["Ammunition",478],["Overwatch Ammo",1006],["Currency and gems",1100],["Clothes",476],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477],["LMG Variants",1008],["Sniper Variants",1001]], [], "hero" ]; // Bandit Traders menu_GUE_Soldier_Scout = [ [["Rockets",651],["Rocket Ammunition",652]], [], "superbandit" ]; menu_GUE_Soldier_MG = [ [["Attachments",693],["Ammunition",577],["Overwatch Ammo",1006],["Currency and gems",1100],["Clothing",575],["Helicopter Armed",512],["Military Armed",569],["Trucks Armed",534],["Weapons",627],["LMG Variants",1008],["Sniper Variants",1001]], [], "bandit" ]; Any new NPC you add needs to be in this array, too: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/system/mission/server_traders/chernarus11.sqf#L2
  2. Haha
    JasonTM got a reaction from nova in Hacked Vehicles   
    The tractor had me rolling.
  3. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from Cyrus in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    Wicked AI 2.2.3
    This release is updated for DayZ Epoch/Overpoch
    >>>Download Here<<<
    The install instructions are in the github readme file for each version.
    Updates for DayZ Epoch (Release 2.2.3)
    Streatman's new attachment system L85 and SVD models. Optional dynamic text mission announcements. ZSC compatible remote message system using a modified version of Salival's remote_message.sqf iBen's mission auto claim addon. Two new options for mission vehicle keys: key in crate & key in vehicle gear. Minor bug fixes with missions. Updates for DayZ Epoch1.0.6.1 (Release 2.2.2)
    Integrated Caveman's mission pack. Optional AI counter in mission marker loops. ZSC check wallet option. Optional mission static spawn points. Updated with 1.0.6+ classnames in weapon arrays and vehicles. Pistol spawning in crates. Credits
    @f3cuk - WAI version 2.2.0
    @ebayShopper - 1.0.6+ updates (release 2.2.1), right click solution for ItemRadio, mod detection method.
    @Caveman - extended mission pack
    @salival - ZSC remote messaging (for dynamic text option), many additional fixes - too numerous to list
    @Zupa - ZSC check wallet
    @theduke - testing and class name updates
    @DAmNRelentless - additional configurable variable and check for ZSC option, dynamic text coding examples
    @iben Auto-claim addon
    @BigEgg Vehicle key in crate solution
    For complete instructions on how to use iben's autoclaim addon see the following topic
  4. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from juandayz in can't create a data base with xampp   
    Check to make sure he didn't pack the wrong dayz_server folder into a PBO. There was one left over by the devs in the download.
  5. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from juandayz in Increase number of animals that spawn   
    There is also this variable
    dayz_maxGlobalAnimals = 50;  
  6. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from juandayz in Dynamic Crate   
    I already told you how to fix that in the WAI release thread. You have to have 5 parameters passed to the dynamic crate function. You are missing the 5th parameter, which is for backpacks. that has to be done in each of those additional missions you added.
  7. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from BigEgg in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    Wicked AI 2.2.3
    This release is updated for DayZ Epoch/Overpoch
    >>>Download Here<<<
    The install instructions are in the github readme file for each version.
    Updates for DayZ Epoch (Release 2.2.3)
    Streatman's new attachment system L85 and SVD models. Optional dynamic text mission announcements. ZSC compatible remote message system using a modified version of Salival's remote_message.sqf iBen's mission auto claim addon. Two new options for mission vehicle keys: key in crate & key in vehicle gear. Minor bug fixes with missions. Updates for DayZ Epoch1.0.6.1 (Release 2.2.2)
    Integrated Caveman's mission pack. Optional AI counter in mission marker loops. ZSC check wallet option. Optional mission static spawn points. Updated with 1.0.6+ classnames in weapon arrays and vehicles. Pistol spawning in crates. Credits
    @f3cuk - WAI version 2.2.0
    @ebayShopper - 1.0.6+ updates (release 2.2.1), right click solution for ItemRadio, mod detection method.
    @Caveman - extended mission pack
    @salival - ZSC remote messaging (for dynamic text option), many additional fixes - too numerous to list
    @Zupa - ZSC check wallet
    @theduke - testing and class name updates
    @DAmNRelentless - additional configurable variable and check for ZSC option, dynamic text coding examples
    @iben Auto-claim addon
    @BigEgg Vehicle key in crate solution
    For complete instructions on how to use iben's autoclaim addon see the following topic
  8. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from salival in Call Car   
    Find this line
    _vehDriver = _vehGroup createUnit [_driverModel, _vehTarget, [], 0,"LIEUTENANT"]; Place these lines below it
    removeAllWeapons _vehDriver; removeAllItems _vehDriver; Let me know if that works.
  9. Like
    JasonTM reacted to salival in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    This bug has been around for years, I found the simplest way to fix it was to remove those files except for these lines:
    I have been running this fix on my server for about a year and a half, no difference at all.
    Can't get RPT errors if you remove the code causing RPT errors :)
    private ["_group"]; _group = _this select 0; _group setCombatMode ai_bandit_combatmode; _group setBehaviour ai_bandit_behaviour; hero_behaviour.sqf:
    private ["_group"]; _group = _this select 0; _group setCombatMode ai_hero_combatmode; _group setBehaviour ai_hero_behaviour;  
  10. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from ReDBaroN in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    Usually when we see that error it means that you are missing one of the Visual C++ redistributables. Check that first.
  11. Like
    JasonTM reacted to salival in [Release] Virtual Garage [Updated for 1.0.7]   
    Hi guys,
    Fixed an issue with vehicles not getting the correct eventhandler set on them for handling damage on vehicle spawn.
    Thanks to @kingpapawawa
  12. Like
    JasonTM reacted to salival in [Outdated] ZSC for Epoch (And OverWatch 0.25)   
    so is your problem that global banking is not showing up?
    I will PM you my email address so you can send me your dayz_server.pbo and your mission.pbo
  13. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from Thug in [Outdated] ZSC for Epoch (And OverWatch 0.25)   
    Replace the fn_selfActions.sqf with the one included in the global_banking folder. It is in this directory in the download: global_banking/dayz_code/compile/
  14. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from theduke in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    Since f3cuk has merged the pull request from @ebayShopper, he has updated the version to 2.2.1. I changed the title of this thread to a release for version 2.2.1.
    I forked f3cuk's github and added the updates, options, and features I have made for the overpoch version. The current download link for epoch is pointing to my github repo.
    I also added some additional weapon classnames to the epoch version such as: UK59, L110, the ghillie versions of M14/DMR, Mosin, etc.
    I moved the ZSC ai coin option to on_kill.sqf in both versions. Credit @salival
    The updates and download links are listed in the first post.
    I am not exempt from making mistakes. Please let me know if anything is wrong or missing. Thanks.
  15. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from salival in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    Since f3cuk has merged the pull request from @ebayShopper, he has updated the version to 2.2.1. I changed the title of this thread to a release for version 2.2.1.
    I forked f3cuk's github and added the updates, options, and features I have made for the overpoch version. The current download link for epoch is pointing to my github repo.
    I also added some additional weapon classnames to the epoch version such as: UK59, L110, the ghillie versions of M14/DMR, Mosin, etc.
    I moved the ZSC ai coin option to on_kill.sqf in both versions. Credit @salival
    The updates and download links are listed in the first post.
    I am not exempt from making mistakes. Please let me know if anything is wrong or missing. Thanks.
  16. Thanks
    JasonTM got a reaction from Petite in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    I am working on finalizing the release for version 2.2.1. I am adding the features that I added for the Overpoch version to the Epoch version. I hope to be done with it by tomorrow.
  17. Thanks
    JasonTM got a reaction from Petite in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    [_crate,5,5,10,2] call dynamic_crate; The numbers are long guns, toolbelt items, general items, backpacks.
    Make sure you have this array in config.sqf. Looks like it is missing.
    crate_items_crop_raider = ["ItemKiloHemp"];  
  18. Like
    JasonTM reacted to lwbuk in Admin Tools by NoxSicarius1   
    Have you replaced all the battleye filters as per the install instructions? 
  19. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from Cherdenko in Please help with this LAN project   
    First of all, don't leave your backups with your working PBOs. Put them somewhere else.
    Second, don't use $PBOPREFIX$. Go back into the downloaded files and grab the original PBO. It should have a file in there called $PREFIX$ and when you open it, the only thing that is in there is this.
    z\addons\dayz_server I think you have merged files somehow.
    The only thing that should be in that server side addons folder is the working server PBO. No backups or other stuff.
    Third, don't install any scripts on your server until you have a good install with error free RPTs.
  20. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from theduke in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.3 [1.0.6+]   
    This is how to add an ai counter to your mission markers.
    During my testing, it counts all ai except helicopter crew.

    Unpack your server PBO and open file dayz_server/WAI/compile/mission_init.sqf
    Find this line
    private["_position","_color","_name","_running","_mission","_type","_marker","_dot"]; and replace with this line
    private["_position","_color","_name","_running","_mission","_type","_marker","_dot","_text","_airemain"]; Find this line
    type = (wai_mission_data select _mission) select 1; Place this below it
    _airemain = (wai_mission_data select _mission) select 0; _text = format["%1 [%2 Remaining]",_name,_airemain]; Find this line
    _marker setMarkerText _name; Replace with this
    _marker setMarkerText _text; Find this line
    _dot setMarkerText _name; Replace with this
    _dot setMarkerText _text; The new block of code should look like this
    Save the file and repack your server PBO.
    I am going to add this as a toggleable option to my github repo later, but this is how you can add it to an existing server.
  21. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from theduke in virtual garage   
    Well, at least it's free. Survival servers is predatory and apparently retarded.
  22. Like
    JasonTM reacted to lwbuk in Please help with this LAN project   
    Check that your folder structure is correct in the@dayz_epoch_server folder and the dayz_server. pbo. For some reason the download is wrong if you use the un pbo'd folder then pbo it after
    When you un pbo it should be dayz_server folder only then inside that, the comile and init folders etc.
    If you un PBO it and its got a structure like z\dayz_server\addons or any other variation then its wrong and wont work.
  23. Like
    JasonTM reacted to BigEgg in [HOW-TO] DankHax Prevention   
    Hey everyone,
    I just figured I would drop a line and save everyone some head-aches for a while at least.
    Step 1:
    Remove infistars trash scripts.txt
    Step 2:
    Create a new scripts.txt and add the following to it:
    //new2 4 dedicatedServerInterface 4 openDSInterface !="a _lbindex;\n};\n\nif (_lbselected == \"DSInterface\") then {openDSInterface;};\nif (isMultiplayer) then {player createDiarySubject [\"" 5 reRunCheck  
    This will prevent people from using the server control panel in game, and will block the dankhax injector entirely.
    This variable could obviously be changed by them, so to be even safer, you could also filter for execVM.
    Hope it helps :)
  24. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from salival in UPDATE 2/14/2018 Loot "Still have problem"   
    Are you using custom loot tables?
    I noticed this error when I was making my Overpoch loot tables. I was missing a comma behind the center number in one of the entries.
    So this
    {Loot_WEAPON, 5, RH_Deagleg}, looked like this
    {Loot_WEAPON, 5 RH_Deagleg}, It gave the same errors you are getting, not a "missing comma" error.
  25. Like
    JasonTM got a reaction from [Z]EnDoh in Hacker in my server   
    There is your problem
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