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    KPABATOK got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Splint/Bandage Question   
    relog now has the opposite effect. If you get to certain damage point but still able to run or sprint just fine (yet sometimes a bit slower) after relog you get broken legs and can only slowly walk. Been there many times.
    Brought back this thread because want to urge developers to create something of an improvised bandage or splint in upcoming patches (sticks already are in game, could be 2 sticks = splint). Because I frequently get broken legs now (like many others too) and since looting now is nerfed a lot, found only one medkit over 10 hours of playtime, splint would sort of solve this issue of Arma 3 new damage system (you hit a grass with a car - get broken legs or die).
    Game certainly needs more crafting as it is, in my opinion, most interesting feature of the mod (this includes building bases too).
  2. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to vbawol in Crashes   
    try removing this flag from your startup parameters: 
    -malloc=system I think this might be the cause for crashing as after Arma 1.48 a lot of people had issues with anything but the stock memory allocator "tbb4malloc_bi" https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Custom_Memory_Allocator
  3. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to He-Man in Is loot spawning working as supposed to?   
    Here a small explanation:
    This following runs every 10 seconds:
    _playerPos = getPosATL vehicle player; _distanceTraveled = EPOCH_lastPlayerPos distance _playerPos; if (_distanceTraveled > 10 && _distanceTraveled < 200) then { So if you run more then 10m and less then 200 meter in 10 seconds, the script goes on...
    _lootDist = 30 + _distanceTraveled; The Loot distance is 30m + the traveled distance away from you.
    _lootLoc = player getRelPos [_lootDist, (random [-180,0,180])]; And this is the important line. The Loot location is in a random direction (-180° to +180°)
    Before the changes it was:
    _playerPos = getPosATL vehicle player; _distanceTraveled = EPOCH_lastPlayerPos distance _playerPos; if (_distanceTraveled > 10 && _distanceTraveled < 200) then { _travelDir = [EPOCH_lastPlayerPos, _playerPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _lootDist = 30 + _distanceTraveled; _xPos = (_playerPos select 0) + (_lootDist * sin(_travelDir)); _yPos = (_playerPos select 1) + (_lootDist * cos(_travelDir)); _lootLoc = [_xPos, _yPos, 0]; _objects = nearestObjects[_lootLoc, ['building'], 40]; You can see, that the loot location was always in your traveling direction.
    So KPABATOK, the loot distance is always between 40m (10+30) and 230m (200+30).
  4. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from rvg?! in Is loot spawning working as supposed to?   
    oh I noticed that now also not all furniture spawns in certain buildings, for instance, in hospital of Kavala, only blue cabinet spawned for me. Before it was whole hallway full of Epoch furniture, including medkit cabinets etc. Maybe it is for the better, though in my opinion the chance of spawning more furniture is too low currently.
    Also wanted to ask how far this 180 degree arc extends? I hope it is not 1000 meters or something? Some towns are pretty big and if you enter at the center and loot starts spawning all around in farthermost (hope it's correct word) buildings it's not much fun running back and forth to check them out everytime. I need to do more testing with smaller towns though when I tried looting Frini, got only one house with loot with over 10 minutes of running back and forth constantly.
    By the way, useless protip - if you have broken legs and slowly walk through town loot spawns more frequently :D I know it's an illusion since you spend more time getting from one place to another, but still. I now constantly have broken legs, thanks to Arma 3 damage system.
  5. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to phm in Is loot spawning working as supposed to?   
    Definitely not fixed in build 440.
  6. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Glitched loot objects   
    On similar topic, Altis map, these trash piles no longer lootable. Or at least I could not manage to loot them when I tried.
  7. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from arc7r7 in Is loot spawning working as supposed to?   
    After trying out new patch I noticed that loot hardly spawns now, my only chance of survival is trashpiles, not furniture anymore. If I am in a town, I find only one house with furniture loot at best, even though I am running around it for almost half an hour, loot just does not spawn or maybe the timer between spawns now is bigger?
    Was there any changes in loot spawning and/or timer? Out of 2 hours of me playing Epoch I found only 3 houses/buildings with furniture and I am pretty sure it hasn't been like this before, loot used to spawn almost instantly once you aproach for instance two houses, one of them usually will have loot and same thing was in tows, almost in every 5th or 6th building loot spawned once you spent some time in the vicinity.
    In this patch, however, it's not the case anymore. Tested on 3 different servers.
    Important note: my internet is currently 3Mb/s download speed (but is literally cheaper than pack of cigarettes so can't complain), but I doubt that this is the problem, since other loot, for example, scripted loot (server specific), spawns instantly and I tried both, low and high ping servers. So maybe it is just Epoch loot which is bugged? Any ideas and similar experience?
  8. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to vbawol in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    Work started on Arma 3 Epoch in late 2013, and today there are now AAA game titles and other mods with odd and sometimes striking similarities to Epoch. If we had as much of an impact as it seems we did, I am glad to have had some effect regardless of how insignificant.
    I think what most people don't realize, is just how much time it takes to make something new and creative as well as to support it. When the popularity of a mod increases so does the required workload as do expectations and hype. This often actually demands more time than is possible for any mere hobby. 
    This is where the "Official Servers" thing came from. As I needed a way to deal with the ever growing workload by attempting to isolate a few communities I could more closely engage to find and fix issues faster. Given what happened it actually seemed to work against us.
    More servers does not necessarily equal a healthy mod. Since we don't have a vested interest in the server counts it really makes no difference how many servers there are at any given time. EpochMod.com generates just about enough ad revenue to pay for the web hosting and all donations go towards supporting the project long term and other development costs are currently covered thanks to: (Vilayer, GTX, Survival Servers, and Nitrado) providing us with dedicated servers for free.
    What is needed is, more players. Any game or mod needs a constant influx of new players to be considered healthy. With more and more work going into the project the hope is to attract more players from making the project better. Then when others think the time is right, we need their help to spread the word and by then hopefully the media will do an article about us (cough "PC Gamer"). 
    I have been releasing mods since 2003, starting with Battlefield 1942 series and have spent almost 4 years developing mods for Arma 2 and 3. Over the years I have seen similar patterns repeat in regards to this topic with every game (yes even AAA titles) or mod that has ever been created. Some games or mods "hype train" don't even last two weeks and as they say, everything good must come to an end. I still think we have been a success considering we are just a mod for a game. 
    Hopefully this post will help clear up some questions as this is starting to feel like ground hogs day. 
  9. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to vbawol in [Resolved] Getting 10 points of wetness   
    It is fixed here https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/commit/0e21b77f5d3f4b5a269ca19c276acec88e7cea60 and it will be included as of 0.3.9.
  10. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from mgm in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    Sorry to interrupt, but DayZ will never get released at the pace they are going now. If you are lucky, your grand children will see the Beta version of DayZ. On the other hand, one can have faith in Epoch still despite the fact that only a few developers are actively putting in content and fixing stuff, DayZ has their own company and it took them almost half a year to release a single patch! For an EA game! Don't compare it to DayZ :D it's lost, like tears in rain. I haven't played A3 for couple of months now, haven't played Epoch for about 3 months, just because I had some stuff to do in real life and sort my shit together. Also my PC broke, today I turn it on - it WORKS. Thank goodness it just needed some rest, I suppose, so will try out new Epoch 3.8 patch and maybe play for a while though right now I prefer just following development, very little time for gaming.
  11. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to TheStainlessSteelRat in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    A Certain Crass Group had called all their Epoch servers Overpoch by adding weapons packs and ground spawning loot and having Arma 2 style traders split into categories. Whilst this made finding loot to buy easier it is a pain in the butt selling to six different traders.
    I use the Trader to sell my excess and sometimes buy a new vehicle if required; but I agree it can be a pain to search through a whole inventory at present, but i am honestly not doing that enough for it to be a nuisance. Yes would love to see Ammunition separate from other items and maybe a sell all from vehicle option available in future.
  12. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to mgm in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    DayZ SA release his a myth. Not gonna happen in our lifetime. They're fixing 5 issues every 6 months.
  13. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in [Resolved] Getting 10 points of wetness   
    This is Arma 3 feature and been like this since the beginning. You get wet you stand on a pier (water bellow). Same happens if you build a base over water, you will constantly get wet and eventually die.
  14. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Organize the trader categories   
    Is there any chance that in a future release, the trader's categories will be more neatly organized? I know you can select a "category" right now but it's very broad. It would be nice for there to be exact categories, like magazines only showing weapons magazines, in alphabetical order. I know there's a third party trader system that can be added but I don't like it. I like the idea that traders sell what is sold to them.
  15. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from SzepyCZ in Will this PC Run ARMA 3 EPOCH etc?   
    With colours and audio disabled you should be able to get about 20 FPS in Arma 3 :D
  16. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from Anthrax in Will this PC Run ARMA 3 EPOCH etc?   
    With colours and audio disabled you should be able to get about 20 FPS in Arma 3 :D
  17. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from Sp4rkY in Will this PC Run ARMA 3 EPOCH etc?   
    With colours and audio disabled you should be able to get about 20 FPS in Arma 3 :D
  18. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from raymix in Will this PC Run ARMA 3 EPOCH etc?   
    With colours and audio disabled you should be able to get about 20 FPS in Arma 3 :D
  19. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Will this PC Run ARMA 3 EPOCH etc?   
    With colours and audio disabled you should be able to get about 20 FPS in Arma 3 :D
  20. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Laptop Specification for EPOCH (HELP)   
    GPU no idea, but CPU should be enough to run Arma 3 on  min-medium settings (not including draw distance, of course). I think Arma 3 is decently optimized and runs well on potato too. Just do not expect over 30 FPS or anything like that.
  21. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to vbawol in 0.3.8 Release Changelog (Build 439)   
    Notable Changes (TLDR):
    CUP Weapons and Vehicle mod support added. Server will detect the mods and enable separate loot tables and vehicle spawn tables automatically. CBA mod compatibility added. License change for epoch sandbox survival gamemode to open source APL-SA  Full gamemode and configs now in mission file. Starting with the release of 0.3.8* everyone can make use of the work found here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch to build your own gamemode and scripts as long as you provide credits, share sources (GitHub, etc.) and keep the same license (APL-SA). The Epoch name or logos may not be used without permission and your work should not appear to be officially endorsed by the Epoch Mod Team. 
    While the grander goal for Epoch mod still exists, the involvement of the team has been limited due to lack of time and the fact is to make anything worth while takes time. This is a small point of frustration for me as we are basically only able to do this as a hobby and while I would like to say that the Team could rally our efforts and work 40 hours a week to get to 1.0 faster that is quite simply not possible currently.
    The plan is to get the community more involved in further refining the Epoch survival gamemode so that we can then focus on the long term goal of taking Epoch Mod to 1.0 by adding additional new custom vehicles, weapons and an American themed map and much more.
    Full 0.3.8 Changelogs:
    [Changed] Trash looting is now done by interaction system only. Hold Space Bar and choose Examine. [New] Split gamemode from main assets, all epoch client gamemode code and configs are now found in the mission file under APL-SA license. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch [Added] Support for CUP Vehicles and Weapons. [Added] Display temperatures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. [Added] Fully reworked loot object spawn system. [Added] Headers added to all gamemode files that include: Author, Description, Github Source link, Usage and Examples. [Added] All text based feedback now use new EPOCH_dynamicText function. [Added] Show current build number on debug monitor. [Added] Player Karma stat is now effected by Arma 3 rating system via Event Handler. More TBA. [Added] Players can now harvest Hemp from maps that it grows wild. [Changed] Can now over heat if fatigued and air temperature is greater than 100F or 37C [Changed] Crafting now supports Water sources from 'CfgWorldInteractions' configs. [Changed] Moved Cultist and Sapper permanently to enemy side. [Changed] Disabled remote sensors on server and client as all AI Epoch is locally controlled. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableRemoteSensors [Changed] Repacked all pbo's to make use of the new 32-bit P3D binarization process. https://dev.arma3.com/post/techrep-00026 [Changed] Massive code overhaul to make use of many new SQF commands instead of slower SQF logic. [Changed] Increased the amount of Krypto a player can hold from 25k to 250k. [Changed] Further improve loot positions in existing maps and add more missing positions for CUP maps. [Changed] General cleanup and reorganizing of files. [Fixed] Temporary direction and angle placement issues when base building. [Fixed] Force player to lobby if the player did not tapout after timer runs out. [Info] Required Arma 3 version is now 1.56 or higher. **Server** [Added] Support for Napf by Momo and ANixon http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=635780806. [Added] Batch files to rebuild server and mission pbo's can be found in Github Root/Tools/Build folder. [Added] Updated version redis-server.exe to latest build (2.8.2400) and added full Redis config examples. [Added] limit to number of plant sites that can spawn. Can be controlled with "plantLimit" inside (CfgEpoch >> worldName). [Added] Support for Eden editor mission files (version 51) and attributes. [Added] Battleye filter updates for CUP Weapons and CBA. [Changed] Moved vehicle spawn limit configs to per map configs found in server settings pbo (CfgEpoch > WorldName > allowedVehiclesList). [Changed] Use BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler for onEachFrame, onPlayerConnected, onPlayerDisconnected to increase compatibility with other mods like CBA. [Changed] Lower disconnect timeout to 10 seconds with disconnectTimeout set via config.cfg. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg [Changed] Mission system can now use missionConfigFile configs. [Changed] publicVariableClient calls changed to use remoteExec. This should provide better performance and reliability as PVC's can be unreliable under heavy use and can also bottleneck the games netcode. [Changed] CfgClientFunctions is now able to be overridden via description.ext. [Changed] Fully removed BIS MP init override and added remoteExec BE filter rule for initPlayerServer.sqf usage. (Still must be whitelisted in remoteExec configs to use) [Fixed] Incorrect scope on some magazine items prevented them from showing in the admin spawn menu. [Fixed] Reworked player login, fixes issues with players logging in without gear (when one or more players are logging in at the same time, IE. server startup) [Removed] Old BEC plugin as its not needed anymore. [Info] RConPort 2303 added to example-beserver.cfg for changes since A3 1.58. [Info] epochAH.hpp updated "antihack_checkFiles" for new file paths. [Info] Some AI Scripts Mods may not work with disableRemoteSensors enabled. You can disable with "disableRemoteSensors = false;" in CfgEpochClient. [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0380. Build: 439 [Added] FastNights Epoch Event. http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/41949-accelerated-time/?do=findComment&comment=275310 [Added] Install batch for all CUP mods and CBA. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/master/Tools/Install [Changed] The function EPOCH_fnc_addItemOverflow now supports spawning items and weapons types given a count. [Changed] Moved the secure storage config variable 'returnOnPack' from cfgvehicles config to CfgBaseBuilding. [Changed] Make use of new getOutMan EH for vehicle epoch anti wall glitch checks. [Changed] Change last few uses of hintSilent to Epoch_dynamicText. Now only the debug monitor uses hintSilent. [Changed] 1.58 Difficulty Overhaul changes to enable 3rd person. Thanks to klinGiii on the forum: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41922-158-difficulty-overhaul [Changed] Epoch AH reworked displayAddEventHandler checks to use CfgEpochClient configs. [Changed] Increased range for vehicle interactions to fix issues with access to larger vehicles. Thanks to Grahame for the report: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41894-cannot-unlock-large-vehicles/ [Changed] Preloading sapper by spawning one on the map at server start. [Changed] Change to github markdown for credits and license. [Fixed] suppress loot spawning at main traders. Thanks to Ghostrider-DbD- for the report. http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/41954-loot-spawning-at-traders/ [Fixed] BE kick since 1.58 hotfix. http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/41961-rscdebugconsole_watch-battleye-kick/?do=findComment&comment=275456 [Fixed] Use object as input for remoteExec instead of owner. http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/41959-be-carefull-with-remoteexec-and-owner/ [Fixed] Attempt fix issues with temporary angle and rotation issues with base building. [Fixed] Check for base kit item is in players inventory before spawning ghost. [Fixed] Prevent empty group menu display. Thanks to He-Man! for the fix. [Fixed] Group system marked player as "Dead Player" if moderator status was change while player offline. Thanks to He-Man! for the fix. [Fixed] Group system invite and kick from group options not working. Thanks to He-Man for the fixes: http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/41893-group-menu-broken-kick-invite-for-admin-not-possible/#comment-275429 [Fixed] Rewrote deleteVehicle.txt BE filter to correct filter syntax to fix false kicks. Thanks to BetterDeadThanZed for the report http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41933-players-kicked-for-moving-safes/#comment-275297 [Fixed] Fixed Arma install batch script not closing after update. [Fixed] Mission loot payout not working. Thanks to @He-Man for the fix: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41892-payout-trader-mission-broken/ [Fixed] Crafting recipe for Vehicle Repair Kit had wrong part in usedIn array. Thanks to LeBarbare for the report: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41896-wrong-recipe-place/ [Fixed] Green Marked traders unable to be accessed. Thanks to @He-Man for the report: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41887-radom-unexpected-script-failure-with-traders-ai_slot/ [Fixed] Trailing commas in CfgLootTable. [Fixed] Disallow building inside of vehicles. [Fixed] Incorrectly enabled CUP vehicles and weapons support if only Core and Maps where enabled. [Fixed] remoteExec Battleye kick fixed. [Fixed] Player getting stuck waiting for inventory to load. [Fixed] Delete base object if over limit. [Info] Defined proper settings in full redis-example.conf [Info] Requires Arma 3 1.58 or higher. Test servers can be found here: 

  22. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from KS__ in Suggestion: adding timer for packing up safe/lockbox   
    I think it would be wise to add the timer because it is just too easy to pack safe lockbox by accident. Them trying to put gazillion of items back inside safe. :) Removing building parts has timers, so that nobody would remove them by accident (maybe not the only reason but still). I think the same should be with safes and lockboxes.
  23. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to RC_Robio in Is metal upgraded floor even destructable?   
    They make it easier to destroy then people complain, they make it harder to destroy people complain, they go somewhere in between, people complain. 
  24. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to MrWhite in Karma   
    I guess it will tell others if you are a bad or good guy. Also i can think of special prices when you got more kamra then normals have and the way around.
  25. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from FiddyB in Building Items Sometimes Snap Out Of Place   
    Have you tried waiting longer? After doing it 10-15 seconds passed and it reverts back into correct position. Tried only once though so far.
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