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    natoed reacted to Brian Soanes in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    Just pushed something to GitHub, there was an extra semi-colon in GMS_fnc_mainThread.sqf
    Just below [] call blck_fnc_spawnPendingMissions;
  2. Like
    natoed reacted to DirtySanchez in Debug Menu Inaccurate 1.0   
    Epoch 1.0 made changes to Karma and was moved to the new Community Stats system
    This allows for long term usage as a persistent value.:cough: humanity is dead, long live Karma :cough:

    I have done a few tests regarding this and am seeing Karma changing in both debug and redis.

    By any chance what are you as a player using/doing to trip a Karma value change?
  3. Like
    natoed reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Recommended Game Service Provider   
    I also recommend GTX. Their Steam Workshop downloader is da bomb! Their support staff is a bit snooty and condescending, but other that that they are good.
  4. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in Recommended Game Service Provider   
    If you don't want to get a full dedi with remote console access then GTX is your friend. They now have a workshop downloader on their TCAdmin which allows you to put in the steam AppID and destination folder. Really convenient and useful addition. Use them for two of my servers. Do recommend them
    Ps. Rather than using armaholic just upload the mod from your own steam workshop to cut the time of manual uploads if that's your only option btw
  5. Like
    natoed reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in BDTZ's POI's   
    I've finished Bash and I've added it to the Githuib link. Here's more screenshots of the finished area.

  6. Thanks
    natoed reacted to vbawol in Epoch 1.0 Release Changelog   
    Arma 3 Epoch 1.0 has been released!
    Client Files:
    http://epochmod.com/ - HTTP mirrors, Steam workshop, Play with Six, ModDB, Armaholic

    Server Files:
    File Changes:
  7. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Sneer in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    lol and i through it was something I did....
    thx again @Ghostrider-DbD-
  8. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    lol and i through it was something I did....
    thx again @Ghostrider-DbD-
  9. Like
    natoed reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    Hmm, I would check in custom_server\compiles\blck_variables.sqf to be sure that
    blck_debugLevel = 0;
    It looks like I forgot to set these debug settings to the OFF position which would cause the behavior you describe.
    I will update the github accordingly.
  10. Like
    natoed reacted to Dango in Sarge AI   
    So far I can confirm that bandit kills are no longer reducing Karma so that is a huge step in the right direction. Thanks for pointing this out @Grahame
  11. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in Sarge AI   
    Uh, those variables do not exist in Epoch so if they are used in the code it would have some effect...
    You may want to check the rest of the code too... it's full of Exile variables... i.e. in fn_AI_guards.sqf:
    _authorizedUID = _flagPole getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []]; Would be good to have a working A3/Epoch Sarge AI...
  12. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Dango in Sarge AI   
    thx @Dango
  13. Like
    natoed reacted to Dango in Sarge AI   
    Good call. It appears I forgot how to use my git client lol. The files should be good now.
  14. Like
    natoed reacted to Dango in Sarge AI   
    Disclaimer: This is the initial release for Epoch. This addon is not meant to be mod specific but some issues may arise. Please also note that I am not the original author of Sarge AI but I have been supporting it since version 1.5 in Arma 2.
    This is an AI system that is intended to simulate real players roaming the map, scavenging, looting and engaging in combat. Unlike other AI systems Sarge AI designates two factions as friendly and only one faction as hostile. This approach provides a simulated pvp/pve environment that changes depending on how players react to the AI. If a player fires and hits a friendly unit the entire group will become hostile and return fire. AI groups will perceive a player that has fired and hit one of it's members as hostile until the group is dead or the player is dead. AI are configured to treat any player with a specific amount of respect one of two ways. If the player has respect below the threshold they will be considered hostile and treated as an enemy by all AI. If the player has respect above the threshold they will be considered friendly only by the friendly factions of AI. If a player shoots or kills any AI the player's respect will be changed in one of two ways. If the AI target is from a friendly faction the player will lose respect for each shot and kill. If the AI target is from a hostile faction the player will be rewarded respect for each shot and kill. There are three (3) factions of AI within this feature:
    The Survivors
    Fighting for survival as most of us are; These AI do not wish to start unnecessary conflict as they intend on living as much as any player. These AI will assume every player is friendly unless they are given reason to think otherwise. They often wear toned down military apparel and civilian clothing and should be easy to spot as to not frighten unaware players. The Military
    As the dominant force in a wasteland of fugitives and other life threatening obstacles the military takes no chance when it comes to combat. Dressed in high level military apparel and the weapons to back it up these NPCs will roam about the area they spawn in and neutralize any threat they encounter. Don't be a threat ;) The Bandits
    With no apparent loyalty to anyone but the small group of others they travel with these NPCs will roam the map surviving any way they are able to. These AI will steal any loot they encounter and attempt to kill any player they encounter. Outfitted with respectable weapons and head wraps to protect their identities from the authorities these AI make for a formidable enemy. AI can be static or dynamic based on a grid overlay. AI can be bound to the block they spawned in or allowed to freely roam (experimental). AI vehicles are static and are being worked into a dynamic option. Vehicles will patrol within a marker and will not leave the marker unless in combat.
    Known Issues
    All AI are hostile. This is not intended and I am still working out how best to configure what determines if a player should be considered hostile or not.  
    Download Sarge AI
  15. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in experimental now or wait?   
    I have three running 1.0 atm, but even if you wait you should be prepared. Lots of changes. There is a reason that this release is not 0.55 or 0.6 - it is such a great update. Features, functionality, fixes! Great job by all the crew of Epoch devs Lord @vbawol  and his crew of @He-Man, @DirtySanchez, @raymix, @Helion4 among others  and I know that there is even more coming in 1.1, they just did not want to make you wait longer for this Epoch goodness! Seriously! 
    PS: Yep, been out drinking tonight... but I am prepared for 1.0, ARE YOU? 
  16. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Sneer in experimental now or wait?   
    its been said the 26th for release, second last comment
  17. Like
    natoed reacted to Babelfish in (Resolved) DB Question.. her we go again   
    After some time tinkering with Exile, I thought of setting up a Epoch server. I have installed a server (rented full machine on nfoservers.com) 
    Followed the setup guide, but the DB does not seem to load anything . Like many other post i have found with same problem, I cant seem to get mine to work. 
    It looks like it starting up, and state that it is ready to accept connections. No dump file no logs nothing. When i log in game, I get to a black screen, can open inventory, but clearly no DB entry made.
    My RPT https://pastebin.com/sEvg4qzA  doesent seem to have anything that can point me in the right direction. 
    I have read countless post in here with similar problem without any result that help. Google is not my friend either in this matter.
    I have open'd port in firewall, open'd Redist server in firewall. Password match in conf and epochive ini file. 
    I see in taskmanager that service is running (redist) 
    Sooo.... anyone can slap me and tell me what the heck I do wrong here? 
    EDIT: Array in admin menu was not correct enclosed. now I got it running. 
  18. Like
    natoed reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in BDTZ's POI's   
    Some updated screenshots of the east end of Gorka (opposite from the above screenshots)

  19. Like
    natoed reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in BDTZ's POI's   
    Some screenshots of what I've done today:

  20. Like
    natoed reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in BDTZ's POI's   
    Then what? You copy and paste that code and what do you do with it?
    Is this more to your liking?

    Also, Moderators: I can only upload 167kb of images apparently. I guess in my 4k+ posts I've used up my allowed space?
  21. Haha
    natoed reacted to Grahame in BDTZ's POI's   
    Nice job! You should export to Terrain Builder and send Redux the files if you are so inclined (though they probably want more ivy ).
  22. Like
    natoed reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in BDTZ's POI's   
    ** 26 October 2017 ** I've completed the POI. If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know!
    You can get this from here: https://github.com/BetterDeadThanZed/EpochAddons
    Just put the .pbo file in your @epochhive/addons folder. If you already have a pbo with server addons, you can place the gorka_military.sqf file in the proper place and load it in your existing fn_init.sqf.
    Since I'm getting back into Epoch, I thought I'd make some POI's for Chernarus Redux. I've begun to design one now and will work on it as I have time. When I feel it's at a place that I like it, I'll release it.
    The first POI is a militarized Gorka. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

  23. Like
    natoed reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    @Grahame mentioned this also elsewhere in discussions with the Devs. I guess I am waiting to see what happens next and if I need to make any changes or add a workaround. The next version supports HC and adds some new functionalities for mission makers: spawn AI and vehicle patrols in specific locations. I will be uploading it as an experimental branch blck_version = "6.72 Build 87" shortly and merging with the main branch it it continues to run error free.  Please note that in this version I switched methods for calling the client from sending a public variable to using remoteExec so you need to update blckClient.sqf in the debug folder of your mission.pbo for the messages to be recieved client-side.
  24. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    Hey bloke I just updated files for the new global marker sets and map upgrade for epoch experimental
    from here https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/commit/b2cf56a7b687948be355003c7423b9ee8259d85e
    they look sensational  btw however they effect the the mission marks only the arrow and mission name visible
    your mission markers worked fine before the update btw
    heres pic add
    hope it helps
  25. Like
    natoed got a reaction from lesvieuxcrevards in Altis Addons   
    from  memory there where issues with player loading time and i was lazy and add them to the mission.sqm as a quick work around and it worked well.
    here is the last version i used when i had my little alits server
    depbo and go through all files in the a3_epoch_custom\mapcontent and check a3_epoch_custom\init\fn_init.sqf
    here is the last mission file used (some good shit in there btw)
    depbo and go through it, enjoy
    also a much older version (outdated) here  https://github.com/natoed
    BTW I dont have any of the editor mission.sqm i crated any more as arma  deleted the when i changed my player name
    Need a hand sing out, i hope i remember it all....
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