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  1. Thanks
    natoed reacted to iben in Epoch Dead?   
    Hello guys,
    @vbawol - and other guys from epoch team ... and guys releasing addons:
    I cannot express how I'm greatfull for your hard work. As a developer I can understand the cost of that work ... you shared your skills, free time, money, heart...
    Let me tell you something:
    Epoch is not dead and never be!
    Why? Because you created something wonderfull for many kids - kids that started coding the most effective way - write some code - see the result immediately - in your favourite game.
    That means, you helped a significant amount of people to start something new and grow as a developer-beginner. And you will never know - someday someone
    asks famous developer - "How did you start coding?" - and he answer - "Well, once I played Epoch mod and ...".
    And there is more what your work means for others... Thank you guys from deep of my heart! You guys are my heroes...
  2. Thanks
    natoed reacted to vbawol in Epoch Dead?   
    Still getting these type of questions at this point seems like just another attempt to detract from what we have done. So, forgive me that I do not get this obsession with wanting to find out if a mod is "dead".  
    Making a mod used to be something that had a start and a finish and it did not consume all of your free time and demand more and more else it be considered "dead". If players moved on the mod would still exist and the only thing that changed was that you just no longer play it.
    I put a lot of work into both projects because I like modding Arma, and it has allowed me to learn and grow as a developer. Yes, some day soon, I do want to go on to make games and work on other projects, not necessarily Epoch related. First and foremost, I want to make sure Epoch is in a good place and those community developers that want to help have what they need.
    I am happy to have been able to work on these Epoch projects for almost 5 years in my spare time but the reality is that I will likely have to find a second job soon. So, sadly I will likely have even less time to spend on the project going forward. While I would love to spend my time coding new ideas for Epoch, all that would do is increase the scope even further requiring, even more, time that I do not have.
    What most seem to ignore is that everyone that has ever worked on Epoch was a volunteer and graciously donated their work.  Epoch is open source (APL-SA) so that others can collaborate, even fork the project to make a something new if they choose.  So as they say if you love something, set it free.
  3. Thanks
    natoed reacted to vbawol in Epoch Dead?   
    That said 1.0.0 is in the works and is going to be feature packed, there is a lot of work going on both experimental GitHub accounts from the community devs. I can say that the changelog is way out of date so if you are curious check out the commits. 

    Client Files:
    Server/Game mode:

    Also, I will touch this quickly. @phm The only build that did have a "Steam ID backdoor" was an early leaked version that was intended only for use by the closed group of server admins we had testing at the time. They all knew about it.  Just as you mentioned the "controversy" you refer to was manufactured just to get attention to drive sales. I.E. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect 

    Gamers are never satisfied for long and if you try to please everyone you will ever finish. While we cannot please everyone when it comes to an Epoch survival game mode we tried to lay the best groundwork we could so that others can leverage our work. So, If you do not like something change it. That is the beauty of modding.
  4. Thanks
    natoed reacted to Drokz in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    Add these lines in @natoed`s HeliCrash.sqf after:
     _fire attachto [_crashObj_final, [0,0,-1]];  
    to make it more easier to find the loot ;)
             _grass1 = "ClutterCutter" createVehicle _crashpos;
            _grass1 attachto [_crashObj_final, [5,5,0]]; 
            _grass2 = "ClutterCutter" createVehicle _crashpos;
            _grass2 attachto [_crashObj_final, [5,-5,0]]; 
            _grass3 = "ClutterCutter" createVehicle _crashpos;
            _grass3 attachto [_crashObj_final, [-5,5,0]]; 
            _grass4 = "ClutterCutter" createVehicle _crashpos;
            _grass4 attachto [_crashObj_final, [-5,-5,0]]; 
  5. Thanks
    natoed got a reaction from vbawol in Epoch Dead?   
    don't worry, you need to be in for the long haul.
    My little 20 slotter has had a grand total of 6 players in 5 days.(4 players are clan members just reminiscing on past glory)
    I'm not hosting for them but me, as I'm chasing my server to have a certain look and feel.
  6. Like
    natoed got a reaction from vbawol in Epoch Dead?   
    well put
  7. Like
    natoed reacted to phm in Epoch Dead?   
    I still play Epoch.  I don't think it's dead, but it's not what it used to be in 2015 or so.  There's always been this "mystery" about the admin menu and apparently the consensus is to purchase the infistar admin menu rather than improve the one included with Epoch.  I don't really understand that, but I am aware of the controversy of Steam ID back doors in earlier versions (it's not still there, right?) of the antihack.  I'm not aware that the Epoch team ever formally addressed that controversy.  Perhaps not updating the admin menu (thereby motivating people to purchase the infistar software) is some form of contrition.
    For me, it's not the speed of progress toward a 1.0 release.  I would like to see a better inventory system.  If you've ever moved inventory between uniforms, vests, or packs, you know how painful it is.  I think someone said they destroyed their right mouse button playing Epoch.  I believe it.
    I noticed that in the last few releases, most of the changes/fixes are coming from the community, not the devs.  That, to me, is the biggest indicator that the devs are either distracted or have moved on to something else (or some combination of both).  And that is a harbinger of the demise of Epoch.  I sincerely hope I'm wrong about that.
    Something that isn't usually discussed in this context is the popularity of non-Epoch AI in Epoch servers.  I still haven't seen anything better than A3EAI as far as static patrols in towns/cities.  The popularity of these AI packages (I've used others, none have static patrols like A3EAI) is an indication that Epoch is still incomplete.
    When browsing the Arma 3 server lists, it's obvious that Epoch is becoming an outlier.  If most server admins are disabling all the Epoch antagonists (except for cloaks, but hardly anyone wants to play at night it seems), that should send a message.  In their apparent zeal to not cater to people wanting a "babycore" gameplay experience (I learned that word from this very forum), the devs have made a game that is not interesting (maybe even annoying) to most people wanting to play on an Arma 3 server.
    So while I might count myself among those who still enjoy playing Epoch, I will concede that I have also disabled most of the antagonists.  Because the inventory system is so slow, I just got tired of being killed by a sapper or a drone patrol when moving inventory to a new, bigger vest or backpack.  I know some people like the idea of "anti-camping".  And a vanilla Epoch server instance should more than satisfy those "babycore haters".  But Epoch can satisfy everyone with a little more granularity of antagonist configurability.  Cloaks should be able to be configured to appear in the daylight (yes, I know currently they replace the "standard" sapper at night) or at whatever hours the server admin chooses.  If I want a drone to appear every hour, or two hours (instead of 10 minutes), that should be possible.  I would love sappers again if they only appeared like once every 4 hours or so.  That would make them rare and something to look forward to.  But every ten minutes?  It's too much.
    Haters gonna hate, campers gonna camp, and server admins will cater to what they believe "most people" want.  Now, let me get back to stealing some guns from this base I just found...
  8. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Sneer in Epoch Dead?   
    don't worry, you need to be in for the long haul.
    My little 20 slotter has had a grand total of 6 players in 5 days.(4 players are clan members just reminiscing on past glory)
    I'm not hosting for them but me, as I'm chasing my server to have a certain look and feel.
  9. Like
    natoed reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in Epoch Dead?   
    I have had at least one Epoch server up since its introduction. Despite some ups and downs it remains populated and sometimes even busy. Like all things with servers, our epoch server seems to get busy in waves, but has a loyal following of players, some of whom have been on it for years. If you look on the discord there is new life in the dev team with many great ideas that will add content, much needed features, and continued improvements in the UI. There is an each to his own element of Arma, with many mods, addons, skin packs and so forth to choose from. It is a game for which the major limitation is your imagination. So for me, Epoch is alive and well and looking like the mod to watch for the next year.
  10. Like
    natoed got a reaction from klinGiii in Epoch Dead?   
    well put
  11. Like
    natoed reacted to klinGiii in Epoch Dead?   
    Sorry ... but what ?
    Take a look here : https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/commits/experimental
    Then you`ll see that he cares and some other contributers too. Thx @vbawol + @He-Man btw. and the whole rest of the team for your work.
    Keep in mind that they do it for us in their spare time. And they do it because they want to do it and for nothing else.
    So ... i just wanted to point out , that he cares. But i think the limiting factor is simply the time and the team is not as big as it was 2 years ago. 
  12. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Hux in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    Hey Hux
    you need to edit HS_playertraderequest.sqf regarding the vehicle slot check  to be able to sell the vehicles to the black market trader.
    hope it helps
  13. Like
    natoed reacted to Thug in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    @Grahame Iknow.  I did say "It is the place to come and share."  Was just having a bad day. When I saw that I just lashed out.  I'm better now   
  14. Like
    natoed reacted to He-Man in Disable Radar (Sonsors of Vehicles)   
    If somebody is also looking for a script function to disable the Radar of Vehicles:
    { _sensor = _x; if (_sensor isequaltype []) then { if (count _sensor > 0) then { _sensor = _x select 0; }; }; _vehicle enableVehicleSensor [_sensor,false]; } foreach (listVehicleSensors _vehicle);  
  15. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Thug in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    A3 epoch is a niche mod now-days, more than happy to share with everyone, sing out if you need anything.
  16. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Grahame in Dayz style heli crash sites   
    soz for the late reply
    try mine if ya want,
    note: setup for altis , change loots to suit your need also using rvg?! & TheStainlessSteelRat rewrite
  17. Like
    natoed got a reaction from Grahame in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    A3 epoch is a niche mod now-days, more than happy to share with everyone, sing out if you need anything.
  18. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in [Release] Lootspawner, configurable building loot system   
    That was written in 2015 @Thug There was a lot going on back in 2015 that caused some of the attitude you saw in that post.
    I think most people in the community today are very, very sharing. I personally have learned many things from others here and received a lot of help on fixing problems and adding functionality.
  19. Like
    natoed reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239   
    There is no built-in method to spawn them but there is no reason not to take one of the mission templates, modify it to suit the needs of s static mission and spawn it.
    I have been using A3EAI plus objects spawned in as map-addons for static missions and that works quite nicely for us. I have a strategy for supporting static missions but have not gotten around to scripting or testing it.
  20. Like
    natoed reacted to Grahame in A3EAI - Roaming/Vehicle AI Patrols - Discontinued   
    @natoedI've seen that. When it's happened a soft log usually fixes.
  21. Like
    natoed reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
    I believe that there is a place you can blacklist items you do not wish to be sold, possibly in the init. I will try to dig out the info for you if need be.
  22. Like
    natoed reacted to DirtySanchez in UAV "Spotted noise" missing?   
    The above video for UAV's updated sounds has been approved.
    Video for round 2 of updates
  23. Like
    natoed reacted to He-Man in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
    Change it to:
        _vars = _player getVariable['VARS', call EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
    and also change:
        [['effectCrypto',_newcrypt],(owner _player)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient;
      _newcrypt remoteExec ['EPOCH_effectCrypto',(owner _player)];
  24. Like
    natoed reacted to Karma_UK in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
    It is very simple to fix.
    Open tradedialog.hpp
    Got to line 123.  Assuming you have the default file, the few lines above this should read :
    class HS_trader_tree: HALV_CT_TREE
                idc = 9997;
                text = "";
                x = 0.458763 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
                y = 0.225069 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
                w = 0.247423 * safezoneW;
                h = 0.549862 * safezoneH;
                onTreeDblClick = "_this call HS_additemtolb;false";
                onTreeSelChanged = "_this call Halv_onlbtreeselected;false";
    If not, then the end of this block of code is where you want to be, BEFORE the curly bracket that closes off the section. Cut and paste the following to that location:
                colorPicture[] = {0,0,0,0};
                colorPictureSelected[] = {0,8,0,0,8};
                colorPictureDisabled[] = {0,8,0,0,8};
                colorPictureRight[] = {0,8,0,0,8};
                colorPictureRightSelected[] = {0,8,0,0,8};
               colorPictureRightDisabled[] = {0,8,0,0,8};
    All you are doing is defining colours for items as called for by the script. The (0,8,0,0,8} can be changed to any colour you wish but for now I suggest you check that it works before you start changing it. 
    Hope that is clear enough. Shout if you have any questions. 
    PS I only just read back through the thread and saw you asked these questions before. Wish I had said something sooner. Sorry to leave you hanging like that bro. Hope you get it sorted now anyway
  25. Like
    natoed reacted to He-Man in Respawn at Base   
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