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Posts posted by natoed

  1. here is what i use for my local-host(testing) saved in a bat file, but everything is under one folder.....

    @echo off
    START "arma3_x64.exe" "arma3server_x64.exe" -serverMod=@EpochHive;@Epoch;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@Chernarus_Redux;@Ravage;@CBA_A3;@A3EAI;@Flying_Saucer;@NATO_Rus_Vehicle;@FAP_Units;@RDS_Civilian_Pack;@Zombies_and_Demons;@Enhanced_Movement;@Advanced_Towing;@Advanced_Sling_Loading;@RealisticUnitsRagdoll; -mod=@Epoch;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@Chernarus_Redux;@Ravage;@CBA_A3;@NATO_Rus_Vehicle;@FAP_Units;@RDS_Civilian_Pack;@Flying_Saucer;@Zombies_and_Demons;@Enhanced_Movement; -config=SC\config.cfg -Port=2307 -profiles=SC -cfg=SC\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoInit


  2. @Tiwaz

    "-mod=@Epoch;" "-serverMod=@EpochHive;" -config=A:\EpochServer\EpochStandard\sc\server.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=sc -cfg=A:\EpochServer\EpochStandard\sc\basic.cfg -name=sc -autoINIT 

    you where almost there but....

    first add @Epoch to the server cause this needs to run on both the client & server

    second change -port=2302 to -port=2307 so it like the below example (server command line)

    -mod=@Epoch;" "-serverMod=@EpochHive;@Epoch;" -config=A:\EpochServer\EpochStandard\sc\server.cfg -port=2307 -profiles=sc -cfg=A:\EpochServer\EpochStandard\sc\basic.cfg -name=sc -autoINIT 

    now you will also need to change the port number in the following files

    @epochhive\EpochServer.ini change port number to 2307 in the [EpochServer] section only

    As server is 64bit -- SC\BattlEye\BEServer_x64.cfg change RConPort 2307

    If server is 32bit -- SC\BattlEye\BEServer.cfg change RConPort to 2307

    I don't think I have forgotten anything but i made silly mistakes too, best way to learn lol

    let me know how you go please.




  3. @reaperxt666

    lol this is an easy fix and yes i have done this as well so don't worry....

    3 hours ago, reaperxt666 said:

    Warning Message: Addon 'epochz' requires addon 'Ryanzombies'

    As the error message is telling you that 'Ryanzombies' is required.

    things that you have to change

    "F:\arma3\arma3server.exe" -mod=@Epoch;@Zombies and Demons; -serverMod=@EpochHive;


    first of rename this mod folder from @Zombies and Demons to @Zombies_and_Demons

    second change server line command to the below

    -mod=@Epoch;@Zombies_and_Demons; -serverMod=@EpochHive;@Epoch;@Zombies_and_Demons;

    the mod have to run on the server and the client also please check the below also

    example: mission file, i use epoch.ChernarusRedux

    please make a backup first


    open with notepad++ and add the four lines shown below to the addons section in your mission.sqm.

    save and repbo your mission file now enjoy being eaten by zombies

    	"Ryanzombiesfaces"  // note: no comma on the last line	


    hope it helps

  4. 6 hours ago, reaperxt666 said:

    just to ask does this also allow for the zombies to throws cars at you?

    Only if settings to allow this are enabled


    line 62 to 71 (settings are here to throw vehicles)

    _Ryanzombieshealth			           = 0.6; 	 // Health, *(initial damage level 0 is no damage 1 is dead)
    _Ryanzombieshealthdemon                = 0.6;	 // Health, *(initial damage level 0 is no damage 1 is dead)
    _Ryanzombiesattackspeed 	           = 0.8;	 // Attack speed, *(Time is seconds between attacks)
    _Ryanzombiesattackdistance 	           = 1.85;	 // Attack distance, *(in meters)
    _Ryanzombiesattackstrenth 	           = 0;	     // Attack strength *(Knockback strength) *(TYPO IS NORMAL)
    _Ryanzombiesdamage 			           = 0.07;   // Attack damage *(% of players life per hit, 1 is 100%)
    _Ryanzombiesdamagecar 		           = 0.02;	 // Attack damage to car *(% of car health per hit, 1 is 100%)
    _Ryanzombiesdamageair 		           = 0.01;	 // Attack damage to air *(% of car health per hit, 1 is 100%)
    _Ryanzombiesdamagetank                 = 0.002;	 // Attack damage to tank *(% of car health per hit, 1 is 100%)
    _Ryanzombiesdamagecarstrenth           = 1.5;	 // Car attack strength *(Knockback strength in M/S)
    _Ryanzombiesdamageairstrenth           = 1;	     // Air attack strength *(Knockback strength M/S)
    _Ryanzombiesdamagetankstrenth          = 0.4;	 // Tank attack strength *(Knockback strength M/S)


    hope this helps

  5. @Tarabas

    As you can't use Antivirus Pills or Antivirus Injector infection has not been enabled.

    Did you add any of ryan's zombie modules to your mission.sqm in the editor?

    You don't have to, but if you did  check their setting to see if they match that of epochz\init\fn_init.sqf  maybe the issue as ryan's zombie modules settings override epochz

    I take it you did added the below to your addons section in your mission.sqm



    note: no comma on the last line

    if the above is not the answer, try re-download epochz and start again

  6. 1 hour ago, Tarabas said:

    Seems to be nomore giving me an option to "use" when doubleclick on Antivirus Pills or Antivirus Injector.

    epochz\init\fn_init.sqf   check your settings for infection, if the Antivirus Pills or Antivirus Injector  not working you must have disabled _Ryanzombiesinfection  = 1;     // Enable infections *(-1 to disable)

    Here's my settings for infection.

    _Ryanzombiesinfection                  = 1;     // Enable infections *(-1 to disable)
    _ryanzombiesinfectedchance             = 35;    // Precent chances to be infected on hit
    _ryanzombiesinfectedrate               = 0.05;  // Damage per minute when infected (+/- 30 minutes to live)
    _ryanzombiesinfectedsymptoms           = 0.9;   // Symptomes showed when infected 0.9 = Normal 0.7 = Less 0.5 = None
    _ryanzombiesinfecteddeath              = 0.9;   // 0.9 = Scream on death 0.7 = Silent death
    _ryanzombiesantivirusduration          = 900;   // Antivirus duration *(5 minutes)



  7. On 4/2/2018 at 1:58 PM, TheVampire said:


    I'm lov'n the anomalies by ALIAS

    Some editing is required to get them working for epoch and those battle-eye filters can be a bitch at times.

    the custom sounds do bloat my mission file but are worth it, plus I'm using old mate  Suppe's sector B to spawn in IceBreakr Zetaborn at a custom mission.

    yep Alienz  n zombiez plus epoch = fuck yeah

  8. On 4/1/2018 at 1:44 AM, Sneer said:

    Are these settings for the last version or the previous?


    Yes the last version but I get no rpt errors thou I do run it from


    if(hasInterface) then{
    [] spawn {																												
            waituntil {!isNull player};
            waituntil {time > 25};
            waituntil {isPlayer player};
            waituntil {alive player};
            waituntil {getPlayerUID player != ''};
            waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)};
            waituntil {typeof player in ["Epoch_Male_F","Epoch_Female_F"]};
            waituntil {!isNil "Epoch_my_GroupUID"};
            uisleep 2;
    		[] execVM "2dmin\addons\DPRealHealth\settings.sqf";																
    		call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "2dmin\addons\DPRealHealth\DP_Real_Health.sqf";						
    		call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "2dmin\addons\DPRealHealth\DP_Real_Health_Messaging.sqf";



    if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then 
    	waitUntil {alive vehicle player};	
    	waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"};
    	uisleep 15;	
    	[] execVM "2dmin\addons\DPRealHealth\DP_Real_Health_check.sqf";


    if i remember right it was the only way i could get this to run properly, just grab my mission file and help yourself mate.




  9. So I've been using the static Radiation since v1.0 as the random Radiation never worked

    V1.0 no issues worked as it should, now with static Radiation with v1.1

    I notice that it only work when your player is looking in the direction of the static Radiation source

    Look at the static Radiation source the Geiger counter work as it should and debug Radiation stats go up

    look away from the static Radiation source the Geiger counter stop detecting the Radiation and the debug Radiation stats stop going up til the player looks at the static Radiation source again.

    fuck i hope the above make sense



  10. @BenQ

    here's my HALV_takegive_crypto.sqf

    @He-Man posted a fix for this awhile ago mate (see below)

    	by Halv
    _cryptolimit = 250000;
    //he-mans fix
    _player = _this select 0;
    _nr = _this select 1;
    _cIndex = EPOCH_customVars find "Crypto";
    _vars = _player getVariable["VARS", call EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar];
    _current_crypto = _vars select _cIndex;
    _current_cryptoRaw = _current_crypto;
    _playerCryptoLimit = EPOCH_customVarLimits select _cIndex;
    _playerCryptoLimit params ["_playerCryptoLimitMax","_playerCryptoLimitMin"];
    _current_crypto = ((_current_cryptoRaw + _nr) min _playerCryptoLimitMax) max _playerCryptoLimitMin;
    _current_crypto remoteExec ['EPOCH_effectCrypto',(owner _player)];
    _vars set[_cIndex, _current_crypto];
    _player setVariable["VARS", _vars];



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