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  1. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from ReDBaroN in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    Started with the normalization / standardisation of WAI.
    Normalized the use of Random throughout, when you want something random, use "Random" and not "Random" or "" Implemented custom_ai_skill throughout. In the future use either "easy", "medium", "hard", "extreme" or "Random" to define a skillset. Numeric skillsets will fallback on "Random" Added IsServer checks on all files that could possibly be used in a harmfull matter (will probably roll this out on more files) Updated the custom_spawns.sqf file with some new descriptions Updated the missions to make proper use of "Random" Updated weapon array names Update heli and vehicle patrol with possibility of random skill Download
  2. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from ReDBaroN in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    Wow thanks for taking the time to really look into it.
    I like the NVG and making them optional (or maybe even check if it's night and add them if true). Will add in a feature release; I'll look into optionally adding the RPG's. I was thinking of spawning tank traps around major missions to prevent the vehicle abuse, but an option to use RPG is not half bad :P The nerfing of 50 cals has been done by changing the static skill array, you can easily revert this to suit your needs; Nice one. This is definately something that we should do. When i was adding stuff to the dynamic item array i was already thinking of splitting it up in Food / Clothes / Medical / Building / etc. so the Ural mission could be made more dynamic in terms of "Bandits have destroyed a _type Ural and are securing the loot, go ambush them and make it yours!".
  3. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from raymix in [WIP] DZEi - Epoch interior (updated 4/07/04)   
    Hmm that is not even half bad. You could actually control how much spawns making the items real gems for players and actually something they could start trading in themselves. Something like this might work. Think you'd be able to simply add this to the modules folder as an event.
    private ["_num_items", "_spawn_locations", "_location", "_loot"]; _num_items = (4 round(random 16); // number of items to spawn _spawn_locations = [[COORD X, COORD Y, COORD Z, 250]] // array with coords + area of locations to spawn these items _items = [] // array of item classnames to spawn { _location = _spawn_locations BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _location = [[_location select 0, _location select 1, _location select 2],5,_location select 2,1,0,2,0] BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // Or if you know a way to get the actual loot coordinates? _item = _items BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _loot = createVehicle [_item,_location,[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; } count _num_items; Then you still need to add some kind of handler that makes the objects spawned loottable, but seeing as they should all have decent classnames that should be doable.
  4. Like
    f3cuk reacted to cen in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    Man that HUD looks amazing :D
  5. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from ReDBaroN in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    So i did quite a bit of work on this yesterday. I've started using proper version control and have decided to continue enhancing it. I'll try to get in contact with the original author to get his approval so that we can use the original name and possibly start a new topic. I'm not the most creative of minds so if you got any ideas on what would be cool to add, please let me know.
    Added possibility to blacklist certain area's (default left, top and stary are blacklisted, check heatmap below for results); Overhaul making missions more dynamic; Equipped more missions with dynamic loot; Updated the dynamic loot arrays with more items; Fixed armed military mission with M2 spawning inside eachoter; Fixed crashed blackhawk with loot crate spawning inside helicopter; Added difficulty levels to mission titles; Re-added custom spawns as per request; General code cleanup including removal of unused private vars; Fixed spawn_group.sqf generating errors. 1.8.x
    Customized loot; Tried to nerve the 50 cals a bit, making them less accurate; Improved weapons (removed all the non-sellable); Improved vehicles; Changed skill settings; Randomized clothes; Fixed some missions; Removed the C130 mission cause i cant seem to fix the glitching; Removed EMS cache cause its the same as Weapon cache; Dynamic loot on Weapon cache missions; Fixed the heli para backpack issue; Fixed the heli para spawning in after the mission has already been done.  
    Mission heatmap
    As you can see from the below image the blacklisting is working properly. No missions spawn on either the left, top or area near stary. Missions spawn all over the map where the ground is not too steep and there is actually some open area to spawn in.

  6. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from ReDBaroN in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    Okay updated the github to included custom spawns.

  7. Like
    f3cuk reacted to Richie in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    NAPF coordinates :

    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;  
    Sauerland coordinates :

    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;  
    Panthera coordinates :

    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  8. Like
    f3cuk reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Since i use the Epoch Hive Tools I just used the map and clicked on a few areas at the edge of the Napf map and made these locations, which could also be done in the editor:
    _heliStart = [[176.000,180.000],[20208.0,244.000],[20272.0,14676.0],[20144.0,20116.0],[432.000,20020.0]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  9. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from fireplace in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Nope all that does is set the crash model to the pre-defined location instead of the location where the helicopter actually went down..


    Release 1.3.1
    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle.

    @Richie: How far are you with the coordinates for the other maps?
  10. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from ComatoseBadger in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  11. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from koriaba in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  12. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from unrealPANDA in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  13. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from Donnovan in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  14. Like
    f3cuk reacted to PryMary in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    I love you guys & this forum... Everyone is so helpful :) *2 x thumbs up*
  15. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from PryMary in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Yeah that would be awesome. I'll add them to the OP when done :)
  16. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from PryMary in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  17. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from Zupa in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  18. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from psychosis in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  19. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from sinanc in [Fixed] Animated Crash Spawner 1051   
    Current release 1.3.2

    Issue where marker would only be set once; Issue where sometimes plane would instantly crash; MiscIntensified fire/smoke. ---
    Release 1.3.1

    Marker cleanup after the first person has secured the crashsite; Added a "Survivors have secured the crash site" message; Added vehicle start damage to planes (will cause them to smoke); Ability to hide or show marker; Ability to hide or show crahsname. FixedCorrected marker placement (it always spawned on pre-defined crash site, even if taken down or crashed somewhere else); Fixed issue where you would sometimes see the pilot bailing and getting deleted as soon as landed; Set the correct facing direction on the crash model; Crashing into sea stops loot from spawning at the bottom of the ocean, does not display a marker and show a message that the helicopter or plane has crashed into the ocean. MiscChanged the starting positions for Chernarus (with help of Richie); Lowered the speed of planes; Lowered the altitude of planes; Enhanced damage models; Enhanced loot tables per vehicle. How to installAdd a animated_crash_spawner.sqf to your dayz_server/modules folder Edit your EpochEvents array in init.sqf to include animated_crash_spawner E.g.
    EpochEvents = [ ["any","any","any","any",0,"animated_crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",10,"crate_military"], ["any","any","any","any",20,"crate_supply_items"], ["any","any","any","any",30,"crash_spawner"], ["any","any","any","any",40,"crate_construction"], ["any","any","any","any",50,"supply_drop"] ];Download animated_crash_spawner.sqf
    version 1.3.2

    Can i safely add this to other maps then Chernarus?

    Yes you can, Richie and BetterDeadThanZed have been so kind to make a set of starting coordinates for all of the below mentioned maps. Simply replace the _heliStart line with one of the following. Your map not included? Ask (nicely) and you'll probably get served.

    Taviana (Origins)

    _heliStart = [[7637.1768, 4182.0859],[2154.2883, 17062.283],[8839.4092, 10396.975],[8821.5313, 19403.178],[15097.905, 15839.728],[17291.035, 7203.6821],[18815.258, 2757.0435],[13402.826, 12238.75],[12001.367, 15047.333],[5200.9824, 8429.251],[9564.2949, 5238.4321]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Taviana 2.0
    _heliStart = [[11558.516, -56.829834],[7787.207, 3972.2046],[2279.2651, 6822.7891],[5548.9434, 8449.1914],[9465.4697, 7223.2925],[17441.467, 5454.5791],[13474.444, 11853.039],[8848.6611, 18823.994],[16224.908, 13310.733],[15171.845, 7629.0879]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Napf
    _heliStart = [[3458.7625, 2924.917],[11147.994, 1516.9348],[14464.443, 2533.0981],[18155.545, 1416.5674],[16951.584, 5436.3516],[16140.807, 12714.08],[14576.426, 14440.467],[8341.2383, 15756.525],[2070.4771, 8910.4111],[16316.533, 17309.357]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Sauerland
    _heliStart = [[3143.7053, 519.72656],[14047.064, 736.25336],[19551.301, 1638.9634],[22871.928, 3194.9937],[3216.1506, 8066.9844],[15430.821, 7462.8496],[22722.418, 8578.207],[3399.9622, 13945.776],[16220.508, 14363.767],[10220.176, 18679.586]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Panthera
    _heliStart = [[2354.8118, 2898.7732],[6441.2544, 604.39148],[5837.6265, 3852.1699],[3434.9966, 7324.9521],[1250.1727, 8301.4199],[6353.0869, 5563.6592],[3011.1584, 4440.96],[4967.9551, 6376.479],[8340.8125, 4563.1436],[4582.7534, 2080.5737]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Namalsk
    _heliStart = [[5046.9678, 5943.2656],[6360.792, 6582.0723],[3544.4153, 6451.7793],[7504.9102, 5786.3271],[7752.436, 7067.6895],[3920.3354, 7530.4941],[6448.9805, 8406.374],[6098.7876, 10094.43],[4745.8853, 10273.457],[8271.7441, 10356.828]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Takistan
    _heliStart = [[2877.6855, 703.94592],[7118.8374, 10659.661],[7281.5488, 690.51361],[9251.5283, 2722.7166],[3742.7253, 3439.4333],[1300.1748, 3303.4463],[6000.7114, 5670.394],[9339.2139, 6650.0625],[11687.854, 9396.415],[3025.9387, 9983.293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;Lingor
    _heliStart = [[862.89911, 816.75781],[2884.9204, 1093.1793],[3923.7927, 1078.5016],[6571.9326, 1575.0684],[3046.9241, 2413.4119],[5652.1348, 2944.7871],[1866.0063, 4954.5566],[3748.3994, 5456.0498],[6348.8232, 4448.1694],[8368.7148, 7673.5293]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  20. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from RimBlock in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    Found it.

    In fn_damageActions.sqf


    _playerUID = getPlayerUID _player;Replace with 

    _targetUID = getPlayerUID _unit;Find

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_playerUID in _friendlies)) then {Replace with

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_targetUID in _friendlies)) then {
  21. Like
    f3cuk reacted to Mist in Flying into some trouble   
  22. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from Cinjun in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    Found it.

    In fn_damageActions.sqf


    _playerUID = getPlayerUID _player;Replace with 

    _targetUID = getPlayerUID _unit;Find

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_playerUID in _friendlies)) then {Replace with

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_targetUID in _friendlies)) then {
  23. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from js2k6 in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    Found it.

    In fn_damageActions.sqf


    _playerUID = getPlayerUID _player;Replace with 

    _targetUID = getPlayerUID _unit;Find

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_playerUID in _friendlies)) then {Replace with

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_targetUID in _friendlies)) then {
  24. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from YuriLowell in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    Found it.

    In fn_damageActions.sqf


    _playerUID = getPlayerUID _player;Replace with 

    _targetUID = getPlayerUID _unit;Find

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_playerUID in _friendlies)) then {Replace with

    if ((isPlayer _unit) && !(_targetUID in _friendlies)) then {
  25. Like
    f3cuk got a reaction from MasterHiggins in [Howto] Refresh dynamic vehicles on restart   
    What this does
    Remove all server spawned - or force unlocked - vehicles that have no gear in them and haven't been updated in the last hour on restart.
    Why you might want this
    It makes room for fresh vehicles to spawn so there are actually new vehicles on the coast each restart. Plus it helps cleanup vehicles that are never found / used.
    Why the no gear and update exclusion

    You can take them out if you want. But its mainly to ensure people dont get fucked over. You don't want your precious gear to get deleted on restart and neither do you want your vehicle you were just driving before restart to dissapear on you, leaving you all alone in the wilderness :P.
    First things first
    1.) Okay you gonna wanna start by running this query to check if it selects the right objects for you.
    SELECT    * FROM     `object_data` WHERE     `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR) AND     `CharacterID` = 0 AND (     `Inventory` = '[]'     OR     `Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]'  ) This query will not transform anything but just check to see if it finds any matches. Depending on your settings it should find quite a few vehicles, our server is pretty new. We got maxvehicles @ 350 and it finds about ~250 vehicles. After running this query you will have to go through the results and see if it didnt select any vehicles you don't want to get deleted.
    2.) If all goes well and you are satisfied with the selected vehicles, it's safe to assume the query is working for you and we can go ahead by implementing it. (There's is probably al lot ways to do this, i chose to do it in my restart.bat file, just after backing up the database.)

    My restart.bat
    @echo off cd C:\path\to\zombieland echo Stopping server start /wait zombieland_stop.bat echo Backing up database start /wait zombieland_backup.bat echo Refresh vehicles start /wait refresh_vehicles.bat echo Starting BEC cd C:\path\to\bec start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg echo Starting server cd C:\path\to\zombieland start "arma2" /min /affinity 3 "arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@hive;" -maxMem=2047 ping -n 5 >NUL Notice the "start /wait zombieland_refresh.bat", that's where the magic happens. The /wait ensures it waits to finish.
    3.) Create a file called refresh_vehicles.sql and save it in your server folder. Add below code
    {database_name} with the name of your database. USE {database_name}; DELETE FROM     `object_data` WHERE     `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR) AND     `CharacterID` = 0 AND (     `Inventory` = '[]'     OR     `Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]'  ) 4.) Create a file called refresh_vehicles.bat and add below code
    {username} with you database username {password} with your database password {path_to_mysql_bin_folder} with the path to your mysql bin folder (e.g. C:\xampp\mysql\bin) {path_to_refresh_vehicles} with the path to your refresh_vehicles.sql (e.g. C:\servername\ @echo off cd {path_to_mysql_bin_folder} mysql.exe -u {username} -p{password} < {path_to_refresh_vehicles}refresh_vehicles.sql exit 5.) You are now done and set for restart!
    6.) Optionally lower the MaxVehicleDamage in your init.sqf to ensure less broken vehicles.
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