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  1. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to machine6fd in Add a custom image to the spawn box   
    Add a custom image to the spawn box.. You can put what ever image you want in this and make it your own :)
    What mine looks like.

    Add this to your mission.sqm directly above "class Markers"
    class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={1024.3561,5.8548489,2013.7371}; // For Altis us {23600.611,2.8548489,17990.768} azimut=180.4026; offsetY=5; id=1; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""image.jpg""]"; }; }; Save any image,jpg you want in your mission root folder. Make it square or it will stretch or warp. Mine is 800x800px but i'm sure more or less wont hurt, The user texture will not grow or shrink but the image will. 
    *EDIT* Removed set texture not needed per VEMP whom I trust knows what hes talking about :)
    *EDIT #2*
    Alternative method to adding the image to spawn box by: Halvhjearne
    1. Create a file called: Debugpic.sqf
    2. Paste this code inside.
    /* DebugPic script by Halv, idea from machine6fd's mission.sqm version */ //Change to your picture/path below _pic = "custom\problemsolving.jpg"; //======================== Do not touch anything below this point ========================\\ if(isServer)then{ diag_log "[DebugPic]: Waiting for 'Debug_static_F' to be build ..."; waitUntil{count(nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "respawn_west", ["Debug_static_F"], 30]) > 0}; _list = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "respawn_west", ["Debug_static_F"], 30]; _box = _list select 0; _rPos = _box modelToWorld [-0.226563,-9.76563,-5.04319]; _rDir = (getDir _box)+180; _obj = createVehicle ["UserTexture10m_F", _rPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _obj setDir _rDir; _obj setPos _rPos; _obj enableSimulation false; _obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0,_pic]; diag_log format["[DebugPic]: build texture in %1 @ [%2,%3] with texture '%4'",worldName,_rPos,_rDir,_pic]; }; 3. save and upload to mission file.
    4. add image file "custom\problemsolving.jpg" or rename.
    Working on Altis, Chernarus, and Bornholm (confirmed)
    Original post can be found
  2. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to celticwarrior06 in Add a custom image to the spawn box   
    works perfect on Altis thanks for the great work :D
  3. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Sharkking in @MAS weapons Lootspawner script (More weapons!)   
    Hi, i made a completed List of Lootable A3 Buildings for the LSLootBuildings.SQF (Tested on all Altis Buildings). May someone find it Helpful

  4. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Sharkking in @MAS weapons Lootspawner script (More weapons!)   
    if you want to have weapons always spawn with the correct magazines you could add the following:
    in fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.sqf (Line 83)
    _lootholder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_loot, 1]; add:
    //Function to add the right magazine for a weapon. _ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _loot >> "magazines"); _lootholder addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 2))]; //max 2 magazines per weapon //end custom funtion result:

  5. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from LunatikCH in Working Dayz Epoch Headless Client for Zed Spawn and FSM   
    Thanks Donnovan, to be honest, I have had about 4 different attempts at HC for zeds and loot and dropped them for various different reasons in the past. I'm hoping that some of the more clever chaps like you finally crack it and post a new release post... :)
    I have a feeling that when working one gets posted, it will very quickly become the hottest thread on here... 
  6. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to LunatikCH in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0   
    Yes exactly the same.
    You can run a mission with just 1-2 bots and the traders, vehiclespawning, any action any player will do like unlocking cars/doors take ages.
    So i dropped this and chose an old WAI which i had before and every thing is working fine, even with 50ppl online a car takes like 3 seconds to spawn at trader and with this 2.0+ WAI it takes like 1minute with 15 players on. Im running on a Dedi with enough performance to run multiple full servers so its not that this would cause the problem.
  7. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to js2k6 in [Release] MySQL DB backup v1.1.   
    @echo off for /f "tokens=1-7 delims=:/-, " %%i in ('echo exit^|cmd /q /k"prompt $d $t"') do ( for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/-,() skip=1" %%a in ('echo.^|date') do ( set dow=%%i set %%a=%%j set %%b=%%k set %%c=%%l set hh=%%m set min=%%n set ss=%%o ) ) set dumppath="C:\DayZDB" echo %dow% %yy%-%mm%-%dd% @ %hh%:%min%:%ss% cd /d %dumppath% start "" "7za" a -mx9 %yy%-%mm%-%dd%-OverpochDB.7z *.sql timeout 180 del *.sql timeout 30 cls @exit further to an sql dump script. this is a batch file i run once every day. (just run it using windows scheduler)
    it requires 7zip, but it compresses all the sql files from the day into a datestamped.7z archive.
    then it deletes all the sql files.

    basically it just compresses roughly 70mb of data (4 servers, each sql dump every 30 mins) into a 1-2mb 7z file..
    after that is complete. i have a seperate batch file which then moves the files from C:\dayzdb to my google drive folder so it then syncs on my home pc, my dedi box and of course my google drive
    i've been the victim of hard drive failure on the server box once. if i'm that unlucky again.. i'll be prepared next time
  8. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Atavis in Log Rotator Folder Naming Issue with Regional Settings   
    My code 
    timeout /t 9 @echo off :::::::::::::: CONFIG :::::::::::::::::: :: Set your Arma3 Epoch Base installation directory. LEAVE OFF THE ENDING \ set arma3srvpath=C:\Arma 3 Server :: Set your Default server profile name. This is the name of the directory that stores your server.cfg :: This will be used in the case that you don't launch this script without the server param. :: Example: SC, US6, Chicago13, ect :: DEFAULTPROFILE set srvname=SC :: Delete Original log files after they have been rotated? This keeps your logs more organized and saves space. :: This will not work unless the server is stopped first. This option works best set to 1 when using FireDaemon's Pre/Post Service tab set deloriglogs=0 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: STOP EDITING :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Set Time and Date set now=%TIME:~0,-3% set now=%now::=% set now=%now: =0% set now=%DATE:~-4%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~0,2%_%now% ::copy md "C:\BACKUP\A3_EPOCH\%now%" xcopy "%arma3srvpath%\DB\dump.rdb" "C:\BACKUP\A3_EPOCH\%now%\" del /Q /F "%arma3srvpath%\%servername%\A3Master_*.log" del /Q /F "%arma3srvpath%\%servername%\arma3server_*.rpt" exit
  9. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from celticwarrior06 in IgiLoad Script ( Load-up AI Box Creates, New Vehicle Verification ) [Updated]   
    hey Celtic, sorry I didn't get back to your PM on GoG's World....
    I fixed it by adding those to the normal publicvariable.txt 
    !="IL_SetMass" !="IL_SetScore"  Again, sorry I didn't respond sooner man, been really busy :/
  10. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to MattL in [RELEASE] Recover Skin From Dead Players or AI   
    It won't work for ai. If you read the code it's only designed for the player. Depending on your ai system it wouldnt be hard to throw something similar to this into it.
  11. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to oSoDirty in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0   
    I have noticed when the kill % is 51 or higher it seems to cause some issues for me in both versions
  12. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from ElDubya in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0   
    thanks man. Appreciate the feedback :-)
  13. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to ElDubya in [Release] Wicked AI 2.2.0   
    I switched from 2.1.4 to 2.2.0 and haven't had a "mission doesn't complete error" yet. Got them all the time on 2.1.4.
  14. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Markokil321 in Working Dayz Epoch Headless Client for Zed Spawn and FSM   
    I'm currently having an issue the HC i am trying to set up on my test-server. Seems like this was one of the few "proper" HC threads so might as well post here.
    Whenever he connects he is instantly getting kicked off again. (and then it just keeps retrying)
    Checked the local .RPT and this seems to be whats causing it:
    Exe timestamp: 2014/07/17 03:35:12 Current time:  2014/12/05 08:08:00 Version 1.63.125548 Starting process failed. //further down after Updating base class... Warning Message: Picture dayz_logo_ca.paa not found Warning Message: Files "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\aif_napfobjects.pbo", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\asc_eu_lights.pbo", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\buildings3.pbo", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\csj_gyroac.pbo", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz.pbo", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_anim.pbo", ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys. No real errors in the server .RPT.
    Now i do of-course have the dayz_epoch1051.bikey in the \serverdirectory\keys folder.
    This is the command line i am using to start the HC:
    start "arma2HC" /min arma2oa_be.exe 0 0 -skipintro -nosplash -noPause -client -connect= -port=%ServerPort% -nosound -cpuCount=2 -name=Server -password=123 "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch" And the server is being started with this:
    start "arma2" /min "%ServerExecutable%.exe" -cpuCount=%ServerCores% -maxMem=%MaxMemory% -port=%ServerPort% "-config=%ServerSettings%\config.cfg" "-cfg=%ServerSettings%\basic.cfg" "-profiles=%ServerSettings%" -name=%ServerSettings% "-mod=%ServerMods%" Used this tutorial here to originally set it up: https://github.com/DavidFrendin/epoch-hc
    It's late and I just can't seem to see where I've gone wrong  :rolleyes:, any help would be much appreciated.
    EDIT: FIXED IT - I seemed to have touched @DayZ_Epoch in a way that broke it for the HC, but server still used it fine..
  15. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to RimBlock in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    Ok, to drill down a bit on what appears to be working and what does not.
    Old bases & Old friendly
    Take ownership of base
    Friendly cannot build before server reboot: Y/N
    Friendly cannot build after server reboot: Y/N
    Old bases & New friendly (post A Plot for Life install)
    Take ownership of base
    Friendly cannot build before server reboot: Y/N
    Friendly cannot build after server reboot: Y/N
    New bases (built post A Plot for Life install) & Old friendly
    Take ownership of base
    Friendly cannot build before server reboot: Y/N
    Friendly cannot build after server reboot: Y/N
    New bases (built post A Plot for Life install) & New friendly (post A Plot for Life install)
    Take ownership of base
    Friendly cannot build before server reboot: Y/N
    Friendly cannot build after server reboot: Y/N
    Own bases & New friendly (post A Plot for Life install)
    Already owned base
    Friendly cannot build before server reboot: Y/N
    Friendly cannot build after server reboot: Y/N
    Own bases & Old friendly
    Already owned base
    Friendly cannot build before server reboot: Y/N
    Friendly cannot build after server reboot: Y/N
  16. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in Unified Epoch Project   
    We have always welcomed commits to the gitHub for Dayz Epoch ever since it was released at the end of 2012. I encourage anyone that has made something for DayZ Epoch or using our code to at least attempt to make a commit. You wont know if you don't try.
    I don't know how many times I must say this but 1.0.5 will not be our last patch. We have plans to take DayZ Epoch to 1.1 and beyond provided that the community actually keeps committing fixes and features and I will keep assisting in getting them tested and ready for release. Long term I will likely get back into developing for A2 DayZ Epoch when things calm down related to A3 Epoch Mod.
  17. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Davep122 in [Tutorial] Clickable self-bloodbag with configurable limitations (Updated 02/21/2014)   
    Hi, if you are running Epoch version 1.0.5+, you can turn your script off now as self bloodbag was integrated in vanilla epoch.
    All you need to do is add these lines below to your mission init.sqf in the section that starts with // DayZ Epoch config:
    // DayZ Epoch config DZE_SelfTransfuse = true; DZE_selfTransfuse_Values = [4000, 20, 180]; You can then adjust the values to what you want. 4000 is the amount of blood received from the bloodbag, 20 is the % chance of infection and 180 is the cooldown time in seconds before a player can self BB again.
    Hope this helps :)
  18. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to ToejaM in [Release] Door ESC bug fix   
    I use this to prevent brute forcing but it doesnt work with your fix.
    if (!isDedicated) then { player_unlockDoor = { private ["_ok"]; if (!isNull dayz_selectedDoor) then { _obj = dayz_selectedDoor; _objectCharacterID = _obj getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; if (DZE_Lock_Door == _objectCharacterID) then { [player,"combo_unlock",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; if(_obj animationPhase "Open_hinge" == 0) then { _obj animate ["Open_hinge", 1]; }; if(_obj animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) then { _obj animate ["Open_latch", 1]; }; } else { DZE_Lock_Door = ""; [player,"combo_locked",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; cutText ["WRONG CODE ENTERED - WAIT 30 SECONDS", "PLAIN DOWN"]; if (isNil 'KeyCodeTry') then {KeyCodeTry = true;}; [] spawn {sleep 30;KeyCodeTry = nil;}; [] spawn { while {KeyCodeTry} do { disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; } else { disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; }; }; }; I'm trying a few things but while I do maybe you know how to make it work with this? As I get wrong code entered when I try it with your fix.
    This works:
    if (!isDedicated) then { player_unlockDoor = { private ["_ok"]; if (!isNull dayz_selectedDoor) then { _obj = dayz_selectedDoor; _objectCharacterID = _obj getVariable ["CharacterID","0"]; DZE_Lock_Door = CGG_Lock_Door; if (DZE_Lock_Door == _objectCharacterID) then { [player,"combo_unlock",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; if(_obj animationPhase "Open_hinge" == 0) then { _obj animate ["Open_hinge", 1]; }; if(_obj animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) then { _obj animate ["Open_latch", 1]; }; } else { DZE_Lock_Door = ""; [player,"combo_locked",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak; disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; cutText ["WRONG CODE ENTERED - WAIT 30 SECONDS", "PLAIN DOWN"]; if (isNil 'KeyCodeTry') then {KeyCodeTry = true;}; [] spawn {sleep 30;KeyCodeTry = nil;}; [] spawn { while {KeyCodeTry} do { disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; } else { disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 41144; _display closeDisplay 3000; }; }; };
  19. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in Official Server Files Release Date!   
    Since we are making great strides on the backend development thanks to our newest team member Fank. I feel that we should be ready for a public release of our server files on approximately December 1st. I know there was a thread for those "Trusted Communities" but the demand has been so great that we feel the need to make it public for everyone. Leading up to Dec. 1st, our code developers will all be hard at work adding features and fixing as many bugs as we can. Also, our content developers will be adding more content as it becomes ready.
    The version number will likely be 0.2.5 or 0.3 by this time and not the 0.5 as I stated before. Please keep in mind that we are still very much in Alpha and will be for some time. Running a server is not going to be easy or without problems, errors, and plenty of headaches. 
    After the files are released GSP's may start selling servers and private server hosts can host on there own hardware. I will be getting in touch with each of our current GSP supporters before release to make sure they have had a chance to test and report any bugs so they can be prepared to host when we do release the files.
    Everyone that runs a server must acknowledge that you are not to break BI terms of use http://www.bistudio.com/community/game-content-usage-rulesand that you accept our license:  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Failing to comply with the above terms will result in a Cease and Desist notice and or legal action if necessary.
  20. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to raymix in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Q & A
    Q: Is there a tutorial video showing how to install the addon?
    A: Yes, a youtuber Dayz Playground have uploaded a nice and clean video showing how to install this addon, it is aimed towards GTX gaming servers, but the installation is actually the same everywhere.

    Q: Can I add my own snap points or change some of yours and how do I do that?
    A: Yes! Yes you can and here's how:

    Q: Will this work with #n version?
    A: I don't know, tested with 1.62.103718 / only. (Help me update this one).
    flakvest: "I can confirm this is working on 1.63 Overpoch"
    Kixbike: "works perfectly on Epoch , 1.63.112555 "
    Anarior: "We're running Overpoch on 1.63.125548 and no issues at all."
    Logan: "Working perfect Overpoch 112555"
    Q: Will this work with Overpoch?
    A: Yes, it was designed in Epoch and video was shot in Overpoch.
    Q: Wait you removed commanding menus? I liked them!
    A: Not entirely. To reduce compatibility issues I had to separate addon into 2 different repos. If you still prefer commanding menus, please use SnapProCMD repo.
    Q: Anyone else notices fps drop or desync?
    A: Please refer to
    Q: My action menus are dissapearing / My select action menus are being deleted / My infistar AH is broken!!
    A: Make sure to follow AH part very carefully on Installation page, it is important that you understand the changes you make there, don't blindly follow the guide. Variables goes on top, array goes on bottom part. A single typo will break the whole antihack!
    Q: Will this work with "X" script?
    A: If it uses custom player_build then no, but you can merge differences of my code with yours to get it to work, as I did not do much editing on original player_build.sqf file intentionally. It should be easy to port.
    Watch this video, it explains in detail how code works (snap_build code part is a bit outdated, but it does cover full basics and shows How's and Why's, it also covers how player_build works)
    Q: Can you fix my "Y" script? Can you make it work with "Z" script?
    A: Probably no, as I've things to do, please stay on topic, if it's help on code you are seeking, post it away, but don't raise expectations, maybe  I will help, maybe someone else will, as I've much work to do with other bigger sorry.
    Q:  I can turn snap on but when I hit "F" nothing happens despite 2 matching green dots.
    A: Something is overwriting your dayz_spaceinterrupt.sqf file, check all your custom compiles and read
    Q: Will this work with ""?
    A: Maybe, check out for a code. EDIT: RimBlock is ?p=101271 of the issue, expect an update soon.
    Q: Will this work with Admin Fast Build?
    A: Yes. KamikazeXeX released guide how to make it compatible:
    Q: It says object limit reached (or something along these lines), but I can still build without snap enabled?
    A: You will need to either increase object limit inside of your init.sqf file OR you can exclude spheres from nearestObjects check in player_build.sqf
    Q: I am getting BE: Script restriction #17 kicks
    A: You are using latest BE filters by Infistar, remove line #19 (double check readme file on github)
    Q: Have you encountered a problem when placing plotpole it spawns, and seems to put the entire radius of the plotpole where the plotpole is placed, MASS desync then ensues
    A: Yes, it was related to Infistar AH, Chris is aware of an issue, see if new update fixes it and report back please.
    Q: players on my server build very large bases with hundreds of objects. They reported me about massive fps-drops while using the snap function. So some players can't use it because of older hardware etc.  Any Idea how to reduce the amount of objects or improve the performance
    A: Yeah, download the version 1.3 (or up). It lets you adjust ranges, negative values will reduce detection range effectively reducing snap point amount and giving more performance, add/adjust this to your init.sqf:
    DZE_snapExtraRange = 0; Q:  I had issues with not being able to return to the players lobby by pressing ESC after installing Snap Pro.
    A: You are probably running, comment out
    Positive/Negative Feedback from live servers:
    STENCHOVDETH: "I've had this working on all my servers for about a week now and the players just go nuts for it."
    Tricks: "This is very true, have it on my server and my players love it!"
    Anarior: "Other than a few issues with people finding it quite complex to start with, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from users."
    MatthewK: "Had this on my server for the past 24 hours and my players are spending so much time building stuff, they aren't even bothering to kill each other any more."
    |Changelog----------------------------------|Date---------------|Version----| |Rare bug fix  -----------------------------|30/08/2014---------|1.4.1------| |ASL based player/snap_build, fixes, extras |21/08/2014---------|1.4--------| |Full support for water bases --------------|09/08/2014---------|1.3.1------| |Fixed defines, adjustable snap ranges -----|09/08/2014---------|1.3--------| |Anti-grief temporarily removed ------------|23/07/2014---------|1.2.1------| |CMD menus removed and pushed to a new repo-|21/07/2014---------|1.2.0------| |Snap point radius is now config based------|18/07/2014---------|1.1.6------| |Build range and anti-grief fix-------------|16/07/2014---------|1.1.5------| |Missing stairs with support in config------|14/07/2014---------|1.1.4------| |Code optimization, vault points added------|12/07/2014---------|1.1.3------| |Ghost fix for metal floor (GenCamoUGL)-----|10/07/2014---------|1.1.2------| |CMD/Action menu toggle---------------------|09/07/2014---------|1.1.1------| |CMD menu added (mudzerelli)----------------|09/07/2014---------|1.1.0------| |Missing objects added----------------------|07/07/2014---------|1.0.1------| |SBP release--------------------------------|06/07/2014---------|1.0.0------|
  21. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to raymix in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Download files, updates and Installation instructions on:
    HQ Screenshot of an in-game Tutorial dialog
    Ever wanted to run hardcore server with 3rd person cam disabled? Now's your chance.
    Credits and Contributors:
    Awol - player_build.sqf, Epoch and permission to modify script.
    Mudzereli - Commanding menus
    Rimblock - with modular build (github)
    PryMary - with Plot for Life
    KamikazeXeX - Support for
    striker - using snap pro as a base for
    Github contributors - mattispro, Mikeeeyy
    You can use/modify/redistribute this file as long as it complies with License. You can not use this script to promote donations or shops.
    This script is open source, you are allowed to add it to your @mods as long as appropriate credits and terms of license are met.
  22. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Rotzloch in [How To] Setup A DayZ Epoch server (out of date) being revised!   
    Thanks for this Tutorial,
    but there is something missing.
    You have a link to "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013" but you need also "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2010".
    I have setup our Server completly new and this was missing after all your information. 
    Perhaps you can add this also, that new Admins have no Problems with "Missing msvcr100.dll" Message.
    Kind Regards
    I have packed following Files to one 7z File:
    Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2010 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 .Net Framework 4 Steam Xampp uTorrent Notepad++ HeidiSQL DayZCommander PBOManager Here is the Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!uc9E0SgK!pZxZflTVTSs2jgYuBM6tUmBsYksAC4DtUeitSgmRfTU
  23. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from cikez in Humanity Doubling - Help Needed   
    hmm, no thanks! No rage quitters returning on your server then...! :)
    I used to do that but, upset too many folk..too many complaints...so I prefer mine.
  24. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to nightmare in Web Based Tools ( PrivateHiveTools )   
    PrivateHiveTools  2.0
    - Manage Players /Objects / Vehicles
    - Livemap with Tracker ( Chernarus, ChernarusPlus, Lingor, Namalsk, Ovaron Panthera2, Utes, Altis, Stratis, Sauerland, Takistan, Zargabad, Napf )
    - Telport Players & Vehicles
    - Rcon, kick, ban, banlist edit, restart, lock, unlock
    - Trader Shop Editor
    and more...
    NORMAL DOWNLOAD  ( PHP files only)
    READY2GO DOWNLOAD ( with Apache2 WebServer from  xampp-portable-win32-1.8.3-4-VC11 build )
    **Special thanks to bFe, for Norwegian translation.
    !   Reality & Lite Hive schemas will not be Supported anymore for version 2.0  !

    ( 30.3.2014 - UPDATED TO 0.0.3 )
    the map package contains following maps:
    Chernarus, ChernarusPlus, Lingor, Namalsk, Ovaron
    Panthera2, Utes, Altis, Stratis, Sauerland, Takistan
    Zargabad, Napf
    ************* SPECIAL THANKS ****************
    EPOCH - Community  & vbawol
    Open DayZ - Community
    Bohemia Interactive
    all tools powered by nightmare @

  25. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to f3cuk in Sometimes character stops updating after skin change   
    Sorry mate, kinda got sidetracked tonight by a friend tonight. Really tired right now so I'll do a quick writeup which should fix the issues. (@ebaydayz: Like you i feel this is a workaround, but it is a decent working one and debugging the backpack drove me crazy).
    1.) In your server pbo open server_playersync.sqf
    if (_characterID == "0") exitWith {     diag_log ("ERROR: Cannot Sync Character " + (_name) + " as no characterID"); }; Add below
    if (_inTransit) exitWith { diag_log ("NOTICE: Cannot update " + (_name) + ", player is in transit"); }; Find
    _humanity             = 0; Add below
    _inTransit             = _character getVariable ["inTransit",false]; 2.) Get player_wearClothes.sqf, player_switchModel.sqf and player_humanityMorph.sqf to your custom compiles and link them inside (if they are not already there)

    3.) In player_wearClothes.sqf

    [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph; Replace with
    [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] call player_humanityMorph; 4.) In player_switchModel.sqf

    private ["_weapons","_backpackWpn","_backpackMag","_currentWpn","_isWeapon","_backpackWpnTypes","_backpackWpnQtys","_countr","_class","_position","_dir","_currentAnim","_tagSetting","_playerUID","_countMags","_magazines","_primweapon","_secweapon","_newBackpackType","_muzzles","_oldUnit","_group","_newUnit","_playerObjName","_wpnType","_ismelee"]; Replace with
    private ["_charID","_weapons","_backpackWpn","_backpackMag","_currentWpn","_isWeapon","_backpackWpnTypes","_backpackWpnQtys","_countr","_class","_position","_dir","_currentAnim","_tagSetting","_playerUID","_countMags","_magazines","_primweapon","_secweapon","_newBackpackType","_muzzles","_oldUnit","_group","_newUnit","_playerObjName","_wpnType","_ismelee"]; Find
    _oldUnit = player; Add below
    _charID = player getVariable["CharacterID",0]; Find
    _newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,dayz_spawnPos,[],0,"NONE"]; Add below
    _newUnit setVariable["CharacterID",_charID,true]; 5.) Open player_humanityMorph.sqf
    _old = player; Add above
    player setVariable["inTransit",true,true]; Find
    player setVariable["tagList",_tagList,true]; Add below
    player setVariable["inTransit",false,true]; 6.) Done, although additionally you may want to take out the _charID stuff inside player_humanityMorph.sqf which has kinda been rendered useless now.


    Our solution is a bit different then the one above but that mainly because I'm neurotic when it comes to cleaning up code. For anyone interested. vv

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