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    raymix got a reaction from vbawol in Need ideas for small script pack   
    It is against rules to have script packs, buddy. Plus you can't re-distribute other people's work.
    That aside, what you are trying to do is help, I get it, but at the same time you'll be breeding bunch of shitty server admins... let them learn the process, each script comes with RTFM. If something goes south they'll learn how to fix it and not rely on updates from you.
  2. Like
    raymix reacted to BigEgg in Need ideas for small script pack   
    I see your point and it was the exact thing going through my head when I made this post. I love helping people out and I only wish when I started out (4 months ago) that I had some guidance. I now can install servers and all kinds of mods in very little to no time at all. I think Raymix's point is 100% valid. If I had been given the work without doing any myself and had I not made forum posts asking for help for some of the more complicated things I would be lost when someone requested a feature on my server. However I did lots and lots of Googling, searching, asking, and just tried and tried till it worked. Once I figured something out I redid everything and tried to perfect it even more. My advice for new server scripters would be to use the information you learn off forums and apply that to other things if they aren't working. After 4 months I am writing small scripts and working my way toward big ones. I would have missed out on so much had I just used a server pack. I can now move forward to other games and just extend my knowledge further. 
    PS: Thanks for all you have put out there for the community Raymix. Your Snap building was my first ever script install.
  3. Like
    raymix got a reaction from chi in Looking for help with adding ppeffects to a script.   
    This page got you covered, including variable ranges, ask if any questions.
    btw I strongly suggest that you keep pps inside handles, makes life so much easier. On top of that wet distortion can only work with handle anyway, so might as well go all out.
  4. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Disturbed2015 in Need ideas for small script pack   
    Sheep contacted script authors for permission to repack them (including me), so take that as a hint to stay out of trouble, I guess... :)
    But as far as I remember, epoch team does not like it, probably reason I don't see sheep's post here either.
    Hope that clears stuff up a bit.
  5. Like
    raymix reacted to ElDubya in Mod Classnames?   
    DOH! I got it going now man, thanks for that explanation. 6600 lines of code in my RPT just for vehicles .... Time to make a coffee and have a read :)
    Thanks again Raymix
  6. Like
    raymix got a reaction from ElDubya in Mod Classnames?   
    The code literary outputs every vehicle's display name in game to RPT each in a new line. Should work as is and can be adjusted to other needs you mentioned - skins, weapons etc.
    For PBOs I recommend unRap by kegetys or eliteness when you get to .bin files to make them readable. The problem is that you will be opening a TON of pbos. Very slow and daunting process. Code does it for you in split second, then with some notepad++ macros you can compile nice list in under 10mins.
    An example if you want classnames together with display names then adjust it like this:
    diag_log format ["Vehicle: [%1] Classname: [%2]",getText(_cfg select _i >> "displayName"),_i]; getting the idea?
    edit: as to - what to do with the code, you can literary paste it raw at bottom of your init.sqf on test server, boot it up and it will spit out all the stuff for you as soon as you load into mission. Just remove it when done.
  7. Like
    raymix reacted to Richie in [Request] Call an Admin Script   
    Look forward to getting an email saying 'Admin, I spawned a bike and it has no fuel'
    Seriously, I had that once :lol:
  8. Like
    raymix got a reaction from happydayz in Mission.sqm   
    no, it's name of CfgPatches (the main class)... most of times .pbo file is matching this name. You can find this info inside .bin (use unRap) or .cpp files on very top.
    Btw there's an alternative way to add these if curious:
  9. Like
    raymix reacted to KiloSwiss in Tanoa   
    AFAIK it will be part of an expansion pack (like A2:OA).
  10. Like
    raymix got a reaction from happydayz in Weapon Skins ( AWP Lightning Strike )   
    missionConfigFile does not support cfgWeapons classes or inheritances, not sure if weapons even support hiddenselections, haven't tested yet.
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    raymix got a reaction from ZENITHOVMAN in Weapon Skins ( AWP Lightning Strike )   
    missionConfigFile does not support cfgWeapons classes or inheritances, not sure if weapons even support hiddenselections, haven't tested yet.
  12. Like
    raymix reacted to DirtySanchez in New horizons   
    9 years to get there and 16 months to survey, we will know plenty about Pluto in the coming months.
    should be fantastic.

    Was chatting someone up about it the other night and they didn't even know pluto had moons. 5 to be exact.
  13. Like
    raymix got a reaction from DirtySanchez in New horizons   
    Totally unrelated to forum, but I am so hyped up about tomorrow, decided to share this anyway:
    New up close images of Pluto received today:
  14. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Richie in Battle Eyes kicks   
    @syco: thanks for a heads up. Also I think you meant an empty string not an array :)
    Ok, now it starts making sense. Missing "" inside first line literary kicks for everything, then exceptions follows.
    Should start as this:
    //new 5 "" !"PVDZE_" ..... There's a chance your filter is broken due to this line alone, which would explain your first kick, adding empty string should fix it. The full name of PV variable does not matter, because last part is unique and autogenerated then sent to client and defined inside mission namespace there. It does not matter because we can always whitelist prefix which just means we don't have to know full name. This is already done in one of your lines:
    5 "PVAHR_" !"PVAHR_0_" Prefix is defined with exclamation mark and without equal sign. If equal sign is used, then exception must match full name (of Public variable in this case). So all is good here.
    Lets dissect this issue a bit further. Your second kick error simply states that global variable (with string value same as var name) is being sent over network using publicVariable command. It kicks you because first line or as code reads it Line #0 tells it to kick for everything that is not listed in exceptions.
    The code behind this kick looks like this:
    KickedFromAntiHack = "KickedFromAntiHack"; PublicVariable "KickedFromAntiHack"; //could be any variant of PV, doesn't matter  To fix that simply squeeze this PV as exception anywhere in first line:
    !="KickedFromAntiHack" Something like this should work just fine:
    //new 5 "" !="KickedFromAntiHack" !"PVDZE_"
  15. Like
    raymix got a reaction from FPSsean in Quick help? - Modifying a script   
    If you want to affect everything built including bases and  deployables then add this to your init.sqf:
    DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 1; If you only want to affect deployables, then edit line #466 and set limit to 1, but DO NOT add previous code to init.sqf (important).
  16. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KiloSwiss in any rules on charging someone to help setup server?   
    That's the attitude I like to see, Arma has steep learning curve, but it gets more interesting the more you start understanding about it :)
  17. Like
    raymix got a reaction from KiloSwiss in any rules on charging someone to help setup server?   
    Technically you are only selling your time (services) not the content created by others.
    Other than that, the issue with the idea itself is more personal, imo - plaguing game with poor quality servers. Plus if something breaks, they will contact and blame you for every dumb shit they broke themselves, mate.
  18. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Tactical Anders in any rules on charging someone to help setup server?   
    Technically you are only selling your time (services) not the content created by others.
    Other than that, the issue with the idea itself is more personal, imo - plaguing game with poor quality servers. Plus if something breaks, they will contact and blame you for every dumb shit they broke themselves, mate.
  19. Like
    raymix got a reaction from unrealPANDA in [How to] Add custom vehicles and remove weapons   
    Hi again, guys. My apologies if I am posting this in a wrong forum, but I couldn't find a better suited one.
    I would love to share tutorial on how to add custom vehicles, that would normally be overpowered and remove weapons so your players can still enjoy them.
    Idea behind this is mostly for admin events, bandit islands and all other awesome stuff that players have to compete for.
    In this video I am adding F35 and L39 jets to a panthera map, in my scenario, for example, it could be bandit island that rewards people with a jet they can fly around to show off their victory, only difference is - no weapons. Vehicles will reset position on restart.
    What's in it for you?:
    *Add custom vehicles or aircraft to your server using 3D editor
    *Make it so only server spawns these vehicles
    *Editing server side scripts to make these vehicles stay without being deleted instantly
    *Properly whitelisting new vehicles without disabling code that lets hackers spawn vehicles.
    *All code you see in the video is well explained and should give you ability to maintain your own work yourself.
    The downside:
    Hackers will be able to spawn your whitelisted vehicles, if they know what they are doing.

    EDIT: this is old tutorial and was made before I actually had any clue what I am doing, lol
    To do this properly, you need to add your vehicle to DZE_SafeVehicles array in your variables.sqf
    If using infistar, you need to set ObjectID to 0 and ObjectUID to 1 (or any number that is not 0), best case scenario - generate a random number
    _this setVariable ["ObjectID", "0", true]; _this setVariable ["ObjectUID", "100000", true];
  20. Like
    raymix reacted to Hux in Vehicle positions not saving or items in safe   
    nvm = I solved my problem but I'm not going to share...
  21. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Markokil321 in script restriction #20 help   
    That's a very bad suggestion, my friend. All admins should learn how BE filters work and fix them properly instead of opening security holes :)
    //hands over 12$
  22. Like
    raymix got a reaction from DirtySanchez in [ScreenShot]A tribute to the MOD   
    My grammar nazi senses are tingling :D
  23. Like
    raymix reacted to IT07 in [scarCODE] introCamera by IT07   
    introCamera (for ArmA 3 EPOCH)
    by IT07
    This tiny script does a cool movie-like camera intro into the character of the player that logs in.
  24. Like
    raymix got a reaction from pr0dukt in Config : some input after EndOfFile   
    This is the worst copy/paste job i've seen in ages. I honestly felt sorry for that sqm file so decided to repair it for you: http://pastebin.com/pHjEMLMw
    Formatting was gone, not one, but few brackets missing, classname duplicates, items count off.... 
    You gotta realize, this is Arma, it will not forgive a single mistake and error messages are mostly misleading.
    Protip: Use notepad++ and set Language > C > C++ for all .sqm and .ext files
  25. Like
    raymix reacted to Richie in Arma3 New Terrain Launch   
    New screen shots, I still think Asia :unsure: hard to tell though but it does look awesome




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