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    TheVampire got a reaction from Turtle in Z free Zone   
    /* Author: Sarge Description: Kills all zombies in a given distance from a given point. Needs 2 parameters: _location = the exact x/y/z location of the center of the area that should be zed free _range = the radius within which zeds get killed //init insert= [[6635.3984, 14262.761,0],2000] execVM "sectorfng\safezoneFNG.sqf"; */ private["_location","_radius","_nuker","_obj_text_string"]; if(!isServer) exitwith{}; _location = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; _nuker = createvehicle ["Sign_sphere25cm_EP1",[_location select 0,_location select 1,1] ,[],0,"NONE"]; _nuker allowDamage false; _obj_text_string = format["#(argb,8,8,3)color(%1,%2,%3,%4,ca)",1,1,0,1]; [nil,nil,rSETOBJECTTEXTURE,_nuker,0,_obj_text_string] call RE; [_nuker,_radius] spawn { private ["_nuker","_radius","_entity_array"]; _nuker = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; while {true} do { _entity_array = (getPos _nuker) nearEntities ["CAManBase",_radius]; { if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then { _x setDamage 1; }; } forEach _entity_array; sleep 2; }; };
  2. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from WEB11 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    If you have a problem with safes and traders thats because your fn_selfActions is an outdated copy. If DZMS is working now, then start a new thread in the correct section. Your issue is unrelated to DZMS.
  3. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Dactyl in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    If you have a problem with safes and traders thats because your fn_selfActions is an outdated copy. If DZMS is working now, then start a new thread in the correct section. Your issue is unrelated to DZMS.
  4. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Mama41 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  5. Like
    TheVampire reacted to gopostal in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Vamp, you are the epitome of patience. Well done sir.
  6. Like
    TheVampire reacted to chipsandcheese in Feature Request Thread   
    Or they can be available at traders for 10 or 20 gold. Thought it might be an interesting way of giving fresh spawns a little fear & mystery, plus the need to do a bit of trading. Or to get back to base or their body for a radio.
  7. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Achmed in Missions happening inside traders   
    Have just had a look at the file.
    Further up the file is a similar block of code
    DZMSStatLocs = [ [0,0,0], [0,0,0] ]; I would set it the same as that
    DZMSBlacklistZones = [ [[0,0,0],50], [[0,0,0],50] ];  
  8. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Deepsniper in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Thanks so much for the missions and everything vamp! Im working on some other stuff for now but when im done ill post my custom missions for you guys!
  9. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Kroenen in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    The ones I found are;
    Weps - DMR_DZ (should be DMR). M249_DZ (M249_EP1_DZ)
    Helis - UH1H_DZ (UH1H_DZE). MI17 (can't remeber this one, but it also has to be changed).
    Hope that helps :)
  10. Like
    TheVampire reacted to -shadow- in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
  11. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from TheReallyBadGuy in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  12. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    DZMS is a logic and useability rewrite of the DayZChernarus Mission System.
    DZMS should be considered as an "updated" DayZChernarus Mission System.

    Why Use DZMS instead of DayZChernarus MS?
    DZMS has a simple Configuration File, no more digging through code No more junk code! (Anyone who has read add_unit_server will understand) Simple Install! DZMS Requires a single line edit. No more server_cleanup confusion! No more messy mission code! DZMS uses functions for most code. DZMS is rewrote with all maps in mind, not just Chernarus. Hence the Generic Rename. DZMS is completely server sided! No marker files needed in the Mission PBO! No more "Novy Sobor Bug"! Plus, many features have been added!
    Option to save vehicles to the database! If Vehicle Saving is off, Users are warned when entering vehicles! Randomized Crate Loot! No more static crate loot! Adjustable Body Despawn Time! Optional: AI Ran Over have no gear! More!  
    The Current Version is v1.2

    Download Instructions: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem
    Project Tracking: https://github.com/SMVampire/DZMS-DayZMissionSystem/projects
    (Note: I have given The Fuchs permission to use DZMS as the base for EMS.)
  13. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Chewy in want some info on RPT   
  14. Like
    TheVampire reacted to vbawol in Exchange Silver to gold   
    Added a "Combine Bars" button for 1.0.5 that will allow combining your bars to the highest denomination via a trader.
  15. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Syrical in Feature Request Thread   
    Convoy Missions are going to be experimented on in version 1.2.
    This is planned to happen soon, as people are finding static vehicles stale.
    I should probably work on making the loot easier to customize. I won't be combining them though.
  16. Like
    TheVampire reacted to LancerSolurus in Survivor Companions   
    I have been working on companions for the players in the Dayz & Epoch mods. Had a few in Fallout, made me want them on DayZ as well. It is nearly working perfectly, survivors can be be recruited and once recruited can not be taken over by another player. They will kill zeds and bandits. All spawning of the survivors is server side so they will be available even when the first player logs in. Currently they aren't saved to the database so all will be available to players at every restart. I may add purchasable AI in a later update but this version is to simply to get them working properly. 
    Looking for some feedback as to what you would want from them. Remember these are regular DayZ AI so that limits it to what they can do by default. Once you recruit them you can use (~,Alt ~, Backspace & numpad .) to control them.
    Now for the release of this addon Version 0.1
    DB Groups for Epoch by Digital Brilliance Software All of these instructions are for Epoch only   ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** You will find the dbgroups folder in the the same folder you opened this file in.   Copy 'dbgroups' to your MPMissions\Dayz_Epoch_version.map folder, mine is DayZ_Epoch_17.Chernarus   Edits to your init.sqf   above this line startLoadingScreen ["","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];   add this DBGroupsStarted = false; DBMaxSurvivors = 50; // change this to the number of survivors you want, the more you add the lower your server and client FPS   In this section before the };, this is to initialize the public variables... if (isServer) then {   add this DBPV_SrvrUnits = []; publicVariable "DBPV_SrvrUnits"; DBCurSurvivors = 0; publicVariable "DBCurSurvivors"; DBSGroups = false; publicVariable "DBSGroups"; DBUpdClient = false; publicVariable "DBUpdClient";   And then after the }; add this so the server and client initialize it properly (between }; and if (!isDedicated) then {)   [] execVM "dbgroups\init.sqf";   In this section before the }; if (!isDedicated) then {   add this [] execVM "dbgroups\scripts\scp_srvractions.sqf"; [] execVM "dbgroups\scripts\scp_adjustrating.sqf"; DBUpdClient = true; // update survivor variables publicVariable "DBUpdClient";   Now if you want the zeds to be killed by the survivors you will need to create a custom zombie_generate.sqf file and add a single line to it near the very end of the script, there are plenty of examples of how to edit your compiles script to point to a new file This is the compiles.sqf line you need to make point to your new file zombie_generate = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\zombie_generate.sqf";   At the bottom of zombie_generate.sqf right above //Start behavior _id = [_position,_agent] execFSM "\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm";   add this _agent addRating -1000000;   Thats it, enjoy your new companions   Lancer Solurus http://www.galaxyempire.com/   Add this to mission.sqm, needed for spawning, adjust the numbers if you already have additional markers class Item18 { position[]={8319.0,6.0942454,12763.0}; name="S1"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item19 { position[]={1000.0,5.8799777,2860.0}; name="S2"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item20 { position[]={4400.0,6.1736083,3960.0}; name="S3"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item21 { position[]={6500.0,6,4660.0}; name="S4"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item22 { position[]={8400.0,6.0013299,6660.0}; name="S5"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item23 { position[]={10400.0,5.8035483,8860.0}; name="S6"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item24 { position[]={10700.0,6.0,10860.0}; name="S7"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item25 { position[]={12900.0,5.66116,10160.0}; name="S8"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item26 { position[]={12300.0,5.990002,12560.0}; name="S9"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item27 { position[]={4900.0,5.9533463,9960.0}; name="S10"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item28 { position[]={1600.0,2.34526,7860.0}; name="S11"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; }; class Item29 { position[]={2700.0,5.99689,5460.0}; name="S12"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBrown"; };   Make sure your item count is correct, mine is class Markers { items=30;   You can change the type to "empty" if you don't wan't it to show on the map.   Download it from here http://galaxyempire.com/dl/epoch/DBGroups0_1.zip   Additional notes... ************************************************************************************************************************ Sukkaed For battleye kicks add these in first line of publicvariable.txt
    !"DBUpdClient" !"DBPV_PubUnit"   fr1nk
    type fix for hiding markers
  17. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Sandbird in Share global variable from server to client   
    Just re-read, i'm not sure you can do side. I think you can do dialog though with Say or rSay.
  18. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from WEB11 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    How I did it is place a flagpole on NWAF, then place the mission objects around it, and then ATVs to mark AI spawn points.
    Then you need to go through the code and do the math to get the object positions in relation to the flag pole.
    Static M2's are planned for v1.2. The current version does have RPGs though.
  19. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Shadow{}Wolf in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    I think you're right. I've adjusted that ant it seems to be working now.
  20. Like
    TheVampire reacted to robin in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Just a note that since I use DZMS in conjunction with WAI , I use different colour markers for the missions. So major DZMS colour is red, minor is yellow and WAI missions are blue. My players seem to like the idea of tiered difficulty missions and this kinda makes it easier to notice other than the radius size of the ellipses.
    Great work though it's giving my lot plenty to do ;D 
    Thank you
  21. Like
    TheVampire reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in DZMS mission spawn points for Napf   
    This is for the DZMS and the Napf map: 
    If you use DZMS on Napf, you know that most of the missions are spawning in the south side of the map, in the mountains. The best way to fix this is with static spawn points for the missions. I opened the map in the editor and went around the map, placing units any place that it seemed to make sense for a mission to spawn. Any place that was steep, or very inaccessible by ground, I did not place a unit. I did place a unit on some of the islands.
    So, to use these new spawn points, change the DZMSStaticPlc to True:
  22. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Skaronator in [Request] Guitar Model and Animations   
    I would like to have a Guitar and Animations added to Epoch for it. I think it could let some programmers add a lot more character to their traders, or other locations.
    The mod is old, so I don't know if you will be able to get ahold of the developer or not.
    Here's a video. There's no music included with the mod except in the demo mission.

    And here's the page:
  23. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Axe Cop in How to interact with players located nearby   
    you can simply use the crew command: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/crew
    _playersInVehicle = crew vehicle player; and then you have an array with all players in the vehicle where the "player" (or whatever other player you specify) is sitting in.
  24. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Sukkaed in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Lines needs to be like this:
    [[8246.3184,15485.867,0],300] You're missing --> [  from the front of your lines, just like Vampire pointed out before.
  25. Like
    TheVampire reacted to WEB11 in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    Love this. Thank you! I sent you some suggestions via PM.
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