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    RC_Robio got a reaction from HarryNutz in Sapper Sound FX?   
    Sapper sounds are in client files. In the a3_epoch_assets.pbo    But here you go.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8CgDuGKQHaId3NfazVTbmF3ZDg
  2. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Sp4rkY in How to switch weapons since apex ?   
    It is only an experience of some players.
    For me it´s ok also, only one time i had this bug for myself. But they did this change in the options and never had that problem anymore.
  3. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to cring0 in [WIP] Iwagi, Japan   
    Sorry I haven't been up to date with my Navis project.  I've shelved Navis and started working on a smaller terrain, something a little more realistic as a first project.
    I'll keep the post I have over at BI forums updated: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192242-wip-iwagi-japan/
  4. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to raymix in EPOCH IS AT IT AGAIN GRRR   
    Coins is a community script, nothing to do with epoch mod directly. To be fair at this point that coin system has had so many modifications by so many contributors that cause of this could be many things.
    Either way, if this is a new server installation for you, then you just probably missed or messed up code that saves money value in SQL database server side.
  5. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in Antagonist Avoidance   
    I'd delete it instantly ;)
    The new custom zed code is geared more toward real world recognition, I try to avoid 'cheating' when crafting the antagonists brains.
    For example, the sense of smell, this was started with the sapper, but now is refined and works on a configurable distance and uses wind direction.
    The sapper is weighted by the targets position in some circumstances, this gives him an unrealistic awareness of your position.
    At the time we were more concerned with keeping performance levels up over larger numbers of antagonists and wanted to keep the current antagonist 'active'.
    We are about to add some more behaviour for the zeds, making use of the crouching and eating dead bodies and introducing faster zombies.
    Am interested in feedback for the zed behaviour, have tried to make the current slow ones more dangerous in numbers and trying to allow some emergent behaviour based on more simple rules.
    For the zeds, try hiding. Their sight is governed by a newer function in Arma. However they will smell you if the wind changes :)
  6. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    Tanoa is running, Awol has configured the core support and Axle is helping him setup the loot spawns on the new buildings, tedious work :)
    We also have a trader city made, mission system is getting some pre release tweaks and Ryan's support is being tested with some discussions going on about how best to support some decent spawn numbers for zeds.
    Dev servers are currently running the test versions.
  7. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to raymix in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    Brings back memories of good old dayz when we used to run in and out of woods just to lose single zombie :)
    I knew a trick that would let them trip and fall to death over small terrain bumps.
  8. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in Update the Wiki!   
    It could well be time to review the wiki supplier.

  9. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.3.9 Release Changelog   
    Starting on Apex Expansion support with Tanoa map support. New Task based Mission System. Zombies! Simply enable Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 along side @Epoch Mod to get custom Epoch Zombie AI. * Base building and item interaction configs now available to change via mission file. Fixed custom Gestures not working since 1.60 Many other fixes and improvements. Change Log:
    [New] Epoch Mod configs and some community pbo's are now released under APL-SA license here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/EpochCore [Added-WIP] Tanoa map support. [Added] New Task based Mission System. [Added] (Optional) Support for Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 with custom Epoch implementation. [Added] New custom variable EPOCH_playerNuisance that increases based on the type of weapon fired and decreases at a rate of 1 per 10 seconds. This is used to track how active a shooter the player is. [Added] Player option to Morph into a random antagonist (from deathMorphClass) after death. The array 'deathMorphClass' found in CfgEpochClient can be used to specify what antagonists to randomly spawn. [Added] Player option to detonate body after death. Sacrifice yourself by generating a runaway thermal cascade using the nano bots within your body. Nothing left to revive. [Changed] Increased loot bias 10% overall and increased loot density for military and other larger buildings. [Changed] new function Epoch_message, replaces Epoch_dynamicText. [Changed] Object Interaction and EPOCH_client_bitePlayer settings in now config CfgObjectInteractions. [Changed] Moved all Base Building variables to gamemode config CfgBaseBuilding. [Changed] Moved all Item Interaction to new gamemode config CfgItemInteractions. [Changed] Sapper groan or detonate can be triggered by setting a variable on the target or sapper. [Changed] Server can be asked by a client / server to trigger an antagonist on another client. Antagonist is then run on target PC, independent from caller of function. [Changed] Epoch Unit Spawn code. Now can be called specifying the target of the antagonist. Antagonist will run on target client PC. [Changed] Sapper defaults tweaked to make them more responsive. [Changed] New Sapper antagonist config options: reflexSpeed - Set the loop pause. Defaults have been lowered to make sapper more responsive. nestChance - A percentage chance, at each sapper spawn, that he will create a nest. hideLevel - (Fear Emotion) Set level at which sapper will go into hiding based on fear of armed players, being shot near etc. chargeLevel - (Anger Emotion) Set level at which sapper will trigger 'charge the player' mode. [Changed] New UAV Support Troops antagonist config options: unitTypes - an array of soldier classes to randomly choose from. Custom weapons to-do, use soldiers with default weapon loadout or handle weapons with custom script. maxUnitNum - Maximum number of units to spawn per UAV. minAISkill - Minimum value for any AI skill. maxAimingAccuracy -> maxGeneral - Set the maximum value for each available AI skill. A random number between minAISkill and the value for each will be set as that skill. [Fixed] To prevent A3 dupe issues Epoch Militia Solders when taking uniforms, they no longer have uniforms. [Fixed] To prevent animation glitch with weapon switching on the move and holstering. You now must be standing still to holster your weapon. [Fixed] Custom Epoch Gestures not working since 1.60. [Fixed] Issue with animals not returning raw meat. [Fixed] Getting wet and cold on standing on pier. Thanks to umfufu for the report! http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/41929-getting-10-points-of-wetness/ [Fixed] Missing texture issues with some base building objects since 0.3.8. [Info] A big thanks to Isaac, Axeman's chief tester! **Server Only** [Added] Improved plant spawner by Redbeard Actual and [VB]AWOL. [Added] Allow Epoch Events to accept full file path if 4th variable in the EpochEvents array is set to 0. Default is 1. [Added] Function to effect a players Crypto server side: EPOCH_server_effectCrypto [Added] New experimental PBO packing tool found in Epoch/Tools/PowerShell/ [Added] Server function to allow remote exec of setVariable on client - Allows client to ask another client to set a local variable, via the server. Server can run same function. [Added] Epoch AH: Added ability to kick, instead of just log or ban. [Changed] Reworked vehicle load function and made vehicles immune to damage for 120 seconds after startup. [Changed] cfgpatches check now kicks by default with message a message. [Changed] Vehicle persistence texture configs are now found in server settings pbo. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/CfgEpochVehicles.h [Changed] Use new disableChannels syntax in 1.60 and enable text chat on side chat and not voice. Thanks to @morgoth0 for the heads up! https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues/544 [Changed] ForceRestart option should now restart as soon as all players disconnect and server is locked. [Changed] Epoch Events can now self initialize on server startup (if third events[] array element is 1). Fixes issue with weather not changing till first event run. [Removed] Epoch AH removed whitelisted variable check system. [Removed] STEAMAPI Vac ban check as it needs reworked in the extension. [Fixed] Take into account trader stored per class vehicle limits when spawning new vehicles. [Fixed] Disappearing Mags on login / revive. Thanks to He-Man for the fix: http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/42178-disappearing-mags-on-login-revive-fix/#comment-277194 [Fixed] CUP mods enabled check logic typo. Thanks to @morgoth0 for the report: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues/543 [Fixed] BE kick when player opened stock A3 dialog (Game > Options > Layout). [Fixed] BE kick with Spawn Loot admin panel option. Thanks to @jostster for the report: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues/540 [Updated] Loot position tool: Epoch/Tools/SQF/saveLootPositionsVector.sqf [Updated] World config tool: Epoch/Tools/SQF/getTreesAndTrash.sqf [Info] Changed name of a3_epoch_server.pbo to epoch_server.pbo. Also changed path from \x\addons\a3_epoch_server to \epoch_server [Info] Changed name of a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo to epoch_server_settings.pbo. [Info] RConPort 2306 added to example-beserver.cfg for changes since A3 1.58. [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0390. [Info] Requires Arma 3 1.60 or higher. Additional Notes: 
    * Ryans Zombies support is disabled by default, you must set this variable ( https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgEpochClient.hpp#L28 ) to true and add "Ryanzombies" cfgPatches classname to your missions addOns[] array ( https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/mpmissions/epoch.Tanoa/mission.sqm#L22-L25 ) to prevent players from joining without the mod enabled. 
  10. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to TheStainlessSteelRat in Trader menu suggestions   
    Distinct and clear categories. Rifles; pistols; lmg; snipers and their corresponding ammo are clear distinct filters in trade menu. Of course this should be same for food and drink; being separate from building materials and crafted building items; with ore and metals and gems also being discrete filters as well.
    The design of the UI in my opinion works, it is the functionality of it that needs major overhaul with a clearer filter system as discussed above, but know that with the work you have already done in overhauling other parts of UI that it will be an improvement.
  11. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to raymix in Trader menu suggestions   
    Hey folks
    I'm currently working on 3 other smaller-ish projects, but before I get to the new trader menu revamp, which is quite large project, I'd like to hear what you guys actually want in it. Any idea is worth considering.
    Please tell me about the stuff you like or dislike in current system, too.
    Thank you
  12. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in Make DayZ Mod Great Again!   
    Not a bad idea on the 'Classic' section of the forum, I'll raise the idea with the rest of the team..
    We're in for the long haul and hope that once Epoch 3 matures some of the players might come back. It is a bit dis-heartening when you spend hours working on an antagonist and the first question you're asked is how to switch them off because they are killing people. Duh, that's how we designed them :)
  13. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Richie in Zombies   
    Ryan's zombies + Axemans skillz = awesome
  14. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in Zombies   
    Yes, I said the Z word, what we've all been waiting for, including me :)
    With Ryan's blessing we are officially supporting his excellent Zombies and Demons mod. This will be a plug in, if Zombies and Demons is installed (server and client) the Epoch additions will automatically kick in and provide a unique support.
    This has been started in Experimental.
    Currently it requires a few tweaks to the built in code to be able to merge the two mods, in short we are creating an 'Epoch Ryan's Zombie', amongst other surprises.
    What this thread is for is as a place to request features for the zombies. How will our recently deceased think and react, what skills will they have etc. ? That said, the thread is open to all opinions and thoughts. What do you want to see ?
    We have a raft of ideas and have been testing some unique ideas. We're currently basing the 'zombie brain' on the sapper code, in that he / she can think for itself, can smell the target and has some base emotions that drives its behaviour.
    To cover some of the already built in behaviour we have :
    Attack: pretty self explanatory, it will attack when in range. Hide: if Attacked or shot near, fear will build up to a point where the few remaining brain cells sends our antagonist to a safe spot, for later.. Stalk: if you've been snuck up on by a Sapper this is why. They can gauge your average direction and aim for your blind spot. My personal favourite. Loiter: Sappers wander a bit in the same area, am thinking this could translate to a static behaviour where the life challenged hibernate and wait for input. Groan : pretty random to be honest. Smell: using wind direction, there is some weighting done on how aware the antagonist is of its target. Fear: being aware of groups of armed players, being shot (or shot at) increases fear . Anger: just seeing the happy survivors going about their life angers our antagonist, shooting at them just upsets them more. There is more emergent AI behaviour being worked on for a future release.
    Ultimately, we want to honour Ryan's work and keep the existing behaviour and enhance / emulate it for Epoch, they are great Zombies after all.
    Thoughts anyone ?
  15. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to vbawol in Tanoa out on dev version   
    Nice! Will get a dev server running it soon as I can.
  16. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to Richie in Tanoa out on dev version   
    Nothing else to say just now but

    For now though it has a license issue, it won't launch and Arma will ask to purchase, it won't hopefully take long to fix </hype>
    Launch issues resolved, happy hunting
  17. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to mgm in Can we change the respawn time ?   
    are you serious with this? I checked the date, it's not April 1st!! how can server stop allowing loot?
  18. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in Building/Crafting Ideas for future development   
    Vehicle towing / lifting is debatable, as mentioned above its difficult without a vehicle to, well get anywhere, particularly on servers where established groups are out to get everyone. 
    Adding further vehicle hogging ability is just going to add to that and put off new starters.
    For me, this is the biggest problem, people love the concept, join a busy server then get endlessly shot on sight (or sniped from afar) until they get fed up and try another mod / game.
    I have felt this on a 'popular server in the UK', played for nearly two weeks with my lad and we almost had enough gear to build a jammer.
    Granted we did make some newbie mistakes, parking a found chopper near the central trader and spending many lives keeping it locked and trying to repair it only to be taken out every time by a patient (with a local base) sniper, so they could take it and sell it.
    We managed to get most of the way across the island, up north. Investigating a base from our boat and being taken out by someone well armed again was the final straw.
    I think what i am getting at is there needs to be a leveling of the playing field before giving more advantages to the established players / groups. In my opinion.
    Something that doesn't involve crawling across Altis in prone and hiding in ditches.
    I know there are going to be cries of 'go play Minecraft', from the established and people able to spend all day and night keeping that foothold. They are all salty tears to my ears :)
  19. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to rvg?! in Building/Crafting Ideas for future development   
    Loot suggestion:
    Randomly spawned apples, salad under trees.
    Started modelling with Blender the last weekend but currently the apples look more like a eggplant. Guess i have to practice a bit more..
  20. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to axeman in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    AWOL is as busy as always. I am back a bit lately. Have just released an add-on to the player death that adds a bit of fun, is currently on experimental servers.
    I have a task / mission system that is being finished off for release very soon. The idea is to add some stories and mini game play along with the classic shoot AI / hunt the box type missions. This will replace the trader missions, or can be triggered by an event, and allows for editing / creating your own tasks and stories / missions via the config. The missions will be persistent over logging off/on but not currently over server restarts. I expect restart persistence will be required, at some point, for longer missions.
    There are a couple of AI characters also in the pipeline, mainly support characters that interact with you in game and either help out or act as part of the story lines, one guy is an antagonist of sorts, the crazy looter is his working title, naturally his weapon of choice is a hatchet.
    They are currently able to follow you around, react to the environment, interact with vehicles as you get in and out, follow you, loot (WIP), react to combat situations etc.
    I have experimented with an AI character and building, very crude at the moment but some of the 'structures' are interesting, even artistic on one or two cases :)
    My main aim at the moment is to get the task system finished and create some story lines. Also tested out generating several antagonists on a group of three or four, the firefight was intense so expect that to be an aspect of at least one of the missions.
  21. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    awol releases updates several times a week. I can't even keep up with his updates. Also, his updates can be put on your server right away, unlike Exile, which you need to wait for the next release. Exile became too much of a "get rich quick - give me everything now" experience for me, which is why I came back to Epoch and it's also why I haven't added much to my server. 
  22. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to 82ndAB_Bravo17 in resetting quantities in trader inventories   
    Try the files here (use at your own risk, but we have been using them without incident for some time now)
    To run them you need python 2.7.x installed, then just run the .bat files after editing the location of your python.exe in the bat files, and your database info in the py files.
    The cleanup program creates a txt file with the results, so you can see if it is worth running the remove vehicle file, and also removes any traders that have spawned without inventory.
  23. Like
    RC_Robio reacted to rvg?! in Whats happened to EPOCH ??   
    Ok i am over it.
    To say exile is "probably" the best, just reflects your own subjective opinion. And if i read your last 6 posts here on the forums i get confirmed by that. (Exile Merchandise Contract?)
    Doesnt mean exile is bad, but as KPABATOK some time ago said:
    And it is exactly what it is. A lot of players nowadays dont want any challenge e.g. looting and so on. If they cant build a base within 40 mins they are pretty much "pissed" and flame around what a shit mod it is and where the hell is the "autorun key"?!
    Epoch is a survival mod. And hopefully it will stay like that!
    The Epoch community has the problem (my opinion), that a lot of good scripters and knowledge left.
    In Exile is a lot of stuff premade from the devs. So easy going with the mod for the serveradmins.
    Anyway, enough good Epoch servers with decent admins and players out there.
  24. Like
    RC_Robio got a reaction from axeman in epoch experimental   
    Navigate to your workshop directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410
    Delete Folder 455221958
    Then to your Arma 3 root: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3
    Delete @ EpochExperimental
    --steam should start a fresh download of Experimental when you go to start Arma again.
  25. Like
    RC_Robio got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Update the Wiki!   
    Best practice is make sure it is correct. And not sure how gamepedia works. But I would assume that the original author would have to actually approve the content before it could be committed live. Not sure on that though. 
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