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Server: Network message XXXXXX is pending



Since the server moved to mod the arma2oaserver.RPT spawned with those error 
and getting constant come and go yellow and red chain
What's the problem and what to do for fixing this?
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94b1 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94d8 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94d9 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94da is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94db is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94dc is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94dd is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94de is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94df is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e0 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e1 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e2 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e3 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e4 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e5 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e6 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e7 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e8 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e8 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e8 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94e9 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94ea is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94eb is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94ec is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94ed is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94ed is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94ee is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94ef is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f0 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f1 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f2 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f3 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f4 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f5 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f6 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f7 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f8 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94f9 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94fa is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94fa is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94fa is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94fb is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94fc is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94fd is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94fe is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d94ff is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9500 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9501 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9502 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9503 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9504 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9505 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9505 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9506 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9507 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9508 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9509 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d950a is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d950b is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d950c is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d950d is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d950e is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d950f is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9510 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9511 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9512 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9513 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9514 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9515 is pending
14:07:51 Server: Network message 8d9516 is pending
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Thats one of the more typical messages of desync. Have you checked the internet usage of the server?

You can either have players that tank the speed or you can have problems with the server_monitor.sqf - I've noticed people saying the new one caused desync when a server was at max players.

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Our server is a small one ( 30 slots) and those messages apparing what ever the number of player online.


I'm sure this latence and rpt spawn come from the new epoch patch.


My provider didnt updated the server file so i dont have any solution to solve it so far.

I checked many same error message on forum and no one get a fix for it.


I hope to found something on epoch forum

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I've had the same thing on 2 different servers from 2 different providers stretching back farther than 1.0.3. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it can be caused by a single player with a poor connection, so when the server tries to synch with that player, it affects everyone as messages get queued up.


I could be way off here though...

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Anyways the server go down for long hours, getting a rpt of 32mgb ( all are about spawning this error then server crahs)

I updated the server test with epoch 1.0.4 with all the same scrip and everything is runing fine now...


It seems it's the only solution i found  so far to get a stable server again.


i wait to get the original server back and i will update it back to 1.0.4

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Ditto here, on both servers.Same "feel" that I'm reading in the previous posts. It comes and goes, seemingly unrelated to anything in the game so it's damned near impossible to replicate at will. You just start to see it, know it's happening, and wait for it to stop. And yeah it does increase with uptime.

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MGT mentioned on the github that reducing his MaxMsgSend to 256 in the basic.cfg is working better for his servers running

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After nearly all my players got kicked off the server, I checked the logs to find an enormous amount of these error messages. Checked my settings and it was already at 256;

class sockets
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still no real world results if you didnt make everyone change over to the new hize everyone would of had less problems.

abwol is now in panic mode

no real solutions for the mess of changes you made server optimization my ass


Are you still bitching about this mod you get for free? Go away already.

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After nearly all my players got kicked off the server, I checked the logs to find an enormous amount of these error messages. Checked my settings and it was already at 256;

class sockets



Try the following:


Remove MaxBandwidth (ARMA will figure this out itself quite fine)

Increase MaxSizeGauranteed to 768


You can also remove the whole class sockets { maxPacketSize=1400; }; - 1400 is the default anyway, and should work perfectly fine for 99.9% of users. If particular users are getting kicked/timed out constantly, tell them to look at their routers MTU setting.


In regards to your current settings, you are allowing each client to send 256 messages PER CYCLE, with maximum sizes of 128 and 256 respectively. So if you have 40 players, there is going to be ~10,000 messages trying to be sent per server cycle, and with your current MaxSizeGauranteed setting, you are most likely capping this out (or getting close, and choking on CPU) - which is why messages are pending. You want non guaranteed messages to be smaller (as they contain position changes etc, so you need these to go out ASAP), however guaranteed messages are not as time sensitive and can be aggregated into larger packets. Essentially you are sending lots of small guaranteed messages, which in turn has a higher overhead.


In terms of further tweaking, you can try reduce MaxMsgSend to 128/192, and keep slighting increasing MaxSizeGauranteed (don't got over 1400, I'd say a max of 1024). If you are seeing visible desync (e.g. vehicles careering over/off the road while a passenger) you can slightly decrease MaxSizeNongauranteed and even look at moving MinErrorToSendNear up a little.


(Anyone feel free to correct me on anything above)


still no real world results if you didnt make everyone change over to the new hize everyone would of had less problems.

abwol is now in panic mode

no real solutions for the mess of changes you made server optimization my ass


Get real, this has nothing to do with the "new hize" (I think you meant hive) - it's related to ARMA's network configuration and the amount of data being streamed to the connected clients. 


You will probably find most of the people having this issue are either limited by hardware or bandwidth because they are hosting with providers who are either overselling on CPU, or throughput. That or they have simply copy/pasted a basic.cfg from somewhere else without understanding the values.


Either way, not a very nice way to talk to/about developers who are working so hard for free as BetterDeadThanZed has mentioned.

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still no real world results if you didnt make everyone change over to the new hize everyone would of had less problems.

abwol is now in panic mode

no real solutions for the mess of changes you made server optimization my ass


:huh: Wow.. You are real asset to this community!

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Remove MaxBandwidth (ARMA will figure this out itself quite fine)

Increase MaxSizeGauranteed to 768


You can also remove the whole class sockets { maxPacketSize=1400; }; - 1400 is the default anyway, and should work perfectly fine for 99.9% of users. If particular users are getting kicked/timed out constantly, tell them to look at their routers MTU setting.


In regards to your current settings, you are allowing each client to send 256 messages PER CYCLE, with maximum sizes of 128 and 256 respectively. So if you have 40 players, there is going to be ~10,000 messages trying to be sent per server cycle, and with your current MaxSizeGauranteed setting, you are most likely capping this out (or getting close, and choking on CPU) - which is why messages are pending. You want non guaranteed messages to be smaller (as they contain position changes etc, so you need these to go out ASAP), however guaranteed messages are not as time sensitive and can be aggregated into larger packets. Essentially you are sending lots of small guaranteed messages, which in turn has a higher overhead.


In terms of further tweaking, you can try reduce MaxMsgSend to 128/192, and keep slighting increasing MaxSizeGauranteed (don't got over 1400, I'd say a max of 1024). If you are seeing visible desync (e.g. vehicles careering over/off the road while a passenger) you can slightly decrease MaxSizeNongauranteed and even look at moving MinErrorToSendNear up a little.

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Thanks for the suggestions Shizweak, I'll certainly give it a try. However, and this is the real kicker...these problems were not (as) evident before, and they start to happen as soon as the server is restarted, and with only one or 2 players online. I can appreciate my server has additional mods going on such as AI and missions, but that configuration hasn't changed, and I wasn't getting this many errors a month ago.

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