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Server Admins we are looking for your feedback for 1.0.4


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Some extra vehicle and weapons would be nice too, and more skins!


In regard to adding vehicles:


It would be nice if there was a way add custom vehicles , without having their radars & ammo (I delete vehicle ammo of custom vehicles on server restart atm, but i havent figured out a method for removing the radar)

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Add a compiles.sqf and fn_selfactions.sqf to the mission folder, commented out in the init.sqf for vanilla Epoch, a simple un-comment to utilise them for non-vanilla.




  • Most mods use some form of selfaction or custom compile calls for scripts.


  • It would cut down the amount of forum posts from people who cant read install instructions and end up using the wrong selfactions files (e.g. using dayzmod selfactions instead of epoch selfactions) and then come looking for help with a broken server :rolleyes:


I think those 2 files would make people's lives a bit easier.


Although to be fair, I am in agreement with @MGT , If you make peoples lives super easy, they don't learn or understand how to fix things they break :)

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Will this cause GSP's lots of problem's all servers will need to have 2013 redists on there boxes?


If so please could you also release a version compiled in the same version you have now or our Epoch server is going to be down for days whilst they roll out updates.

GSP should be keeping up to date with all the changes and new releases, that's what you pay them for :)

Maybe contact yours now so they're ready ?

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GSP should be keeping up to date with all the changes and new releases, that's what you pay them for :)

Maybe contact yours now so they're ready ?

Maybe so, but you really think that the hosts are reading this, ill pass it to my host but its going to mess with many of the hosts are unaware at the cost of just having updated dll files? Why bother other than to make more work for everyone else.

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Surely the code can be compiled in the 2007 or 2010 just like it was before and it would still be just as efficient. Unless there is something different with the way it compiles the DLL it shouldn't make one bit of difference, the dll only managed network traffic and in no way effects the performance of the box. Just communications between the mysql server and game server.

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Maybe so, but you really think that the hosts are reading this, ill pass it to my host but its going to mess with many of the hosts are unaware at the cost of just having updated dll files? Why bother other than to make more work for everyone else.


Well if there not reading this then, they should not host the server. Why would you host something that you dont know what new. That's like paying Bohemia Interactive to develop games for windows 98 instead of using newer codes that work with windows xp to windows 8.

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Will this cause GSP's lots of problem's all servers will need to have 2013 redists on there boxes?


If so please could you also release a version compiled in the same version you have now or our Epoch server is going to be down for days whilst they roll out updates.

It takes minutes if not seconds to install, what reason do you think that admins will be unable to update?

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It would be really nice if there was some feature to make Epoch modular. As in so you didn't have to copy paste stuff (like indestructible cinder) in when a new patch arrives. Something that loads custom scripts from a location somehow. 


Now I guess since you're focusing on ARMA3 there probably won't be any Epoch-mod for ARMA3 so that might be redundant?

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I'd kill for a new addition to the vehicle spawning system, could you please add something like this to ENHANCE the dynamic vehicle spawn-system?








DZE_coastspawn_min  (Vehicles that spawn near the coast line)

DZE_coastspawn_max (Vehicles that spawn near the coast line)


To allow us to set up vehicles a little .. because as it is now;(for example) if I spawn in 1000 vehicles now; there will be plenty of helicopters and planes to find but after a week or so; the plentora of helicopters and planes will be gone (sold by people/crashed) since the dynamic spawn system

spawns more cars in return rather than keeping it balanced. So by the end of the month; the server will be filled with cars and helicopters/planes will be close to non-excistance. And also 9 out of 10 times; vehicles don't spawn at the coast that often; had a lot of people quit the server at the end of the month simply because there was no transportation.


With my suggestion I truely believe that it would allow us (the server owners) to keep a perfect balance of vehicles being spawned to suit our own needs/wishes.

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It takes minutes if not seconds to install, what reason do you think that admins will be unable to update?

GSP's not admins, i mentioned it to my host and they moaned they would have to roll it out over 200 boxes and didnt see the point/need for using a new redist version as it has only on benifit of windows 8 which in all fairness if someones attually using windows 8 well.....

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The vehicle dynamic spawn script allows you to limit how many of each vehicle will spawn, so you can set it per vehicle type rather than just 10 planes etc


Does not matter; I have everything set up the way I want to; got over 50 helicopters/plane spawns in the vehicle list setup and yet 9 out of 10 times it spawns more cars in return.

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