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Creating a 1.0.6 Epoch server.


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Thank you for checking out my post.

I purchased a server a few days ago and if i got it up and running, i would love to make my own Dayz Epoch server. (1.0.6)

But i have no idea where to start, and if there are pacific files i need to download.

I hope you guys could help me out!


Thank you for your time.

With kind regards,

- EditedSnowHD



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You need the 1.0.6 client and server files from here


Install the correct VisualC++files (the latest one for 1.0.6)

You need to install arma and arma OA using steam or steamcmd. Then plop the server and client files in, follow the steps in the link below as to what to copy and where

Create a MySQL database, set up the tables using the sql file from the serverfiles downloaded earlier.

Edit the Hiveext.ini to point to the database  and the confid file for the ports and and thats about it.

Youll need to port foward the sql port 3306 and whatever ports you put the game on also.

This post details the steps, and whilst some of the steps are a bit out of date, the general outline is there. I would however use MYsql workbench and server instead of xammp and heidy sql, but its personal preference.


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