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[scarCODE] introCamera by IT07


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I love this, however I can just see someone getting killed when they log in waiting for the camera to come into proper perspective. Have you done anything to manage that in the script?


Honestly this script is meant for servers that do not have to worry about that. So if you do worry about it for your server, then this is probably not the script you are looking for. And where does the need for protection stop? for example: if the player has "god mode" until the camera is done, and someone spots the player whilst waiting for the camera, he/she can just hide, wait until the player moves and then shoot him. And it does not stop there because if you make them have "god mode" for a longer time, then it would be unfair if the player itself can shoot which equals that some sort of shoot protection script needs to come in too. And you know what? It all ends in the same spot: when the player/attacker can kill eachother again.


And that, is the world of PvP for you.

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Honestly this script is meant for servers that do not have to worry about that. So if you do worry about it for your server, then this is probably not the script you are looking for. And where does the need for protection stop? for example: if the player has "god mode" until the camera is done, and someone spots the player whilst waiting for the camera, he/she can just hide, wait until the player moves and then shoot him. And it does not stop there because if you make them have "god mode" for a longer time, then it would be unfair if the player itself can shoot which equals that some sort of shoot protection script needs to come in too. And you know what? It all ends in the same spot: when the player/attacker can kill eachother again.


And that, is the world of PvP for you.


Actually when I asked if there was a way of dealing with this I was referring to the camera doing it's affect before the player is actually rendered into the world for other players. And I don't know how you would define "server's where you don't have to worry about that" since a new player can come on my server anytime. You can't control what "style" of player comes on, unless it's a script enforced PVP server, however even if that were the case I have had AI waiting to gank me the moment my screen went from loading to in.

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Actually when I asked if there was a way of dealing with this I was referring to the camera doing it's affect before the player is actually rendered into the world for other players. And I don't know how you would define "server's where you don't have to worry about that" since a new player can come on my server anytime. You can't control what "style" of player comes on, unless it's a script enforced PVP server, however even if that were the case I have had AI waiting to gank me the moment my screen went from loading to in.


It's called PvE servers and choosing a safe spot to logout.

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just add in a line like this at the start of the script:


// ------------------ this makes the player invincible on spawn

player allowDamage false;






and then at the end add in something like this:


// ------------------ wait 10 seconds or whatever you want it to wait

uisleep 10;

// ------------------ this makes the player able to die again

player allowDamage true;

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  • 11 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Verry nice! Well done! +Rep, Its working like a charm, Loading ingame after the main loading screen can cause some delays, This is because the use of a statusbar, He-Man has posted a smaller status bar wich does increasingly speed up that second de-layyed loading screen.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi anyone can help,   because I've an error at start : 



File mpmissions\_CUR_MP.Altis\description.exe, line 26:

.cfgFunctions: Member already defined.


my description.ext :



// Epoch Survival Gamemode
//v1.01 Status_bar

#include "epoch_config\sandbox_config.hpp"

#include "trader\Halv_defines.hpp"
#include "trader\tradedialog.hpp"
#include "trader\HSPricing.hpp"

class cfgFunctions
    /////// scarCODE functions ///////
    class scarCODE
        tag = "SC";
        class introCredits // Server Intro Credits
            file = "scarCODE\introCredits";
            class initCredits { postInit = 1; };
        class introCamera // Server Intro Camera
            file = "scarCODE\introCam";
            class initCamera { postInit = 1; };
    }; LINE 26 is HERE

class RscTitles
    #include "addons\Status_Bar\statusBar.hpp"



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epoch has it own CfgFunctions, so to run so you might be best to add it there

example below


/*[[[cog from arma_config_tools import *; json_to_arma()]]]*/
    @author = "Aaron Clark - https://EpochMod.com";
    @contributors[] = {};
    @description = "Epoch cfgfunctions";
    @licence = "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike";
    @github = "https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgFunctions.hpp";
class cfgFunctions
    class A3
        tag = "BIS";
        class functions
            class returnVector
                file = "epoch_code\compile\bis_functions\returnVector.sqf";
    class EPOCH
        tag = "EPOCH";
        class functions
            class returnConfigEntryV2
                file = "epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_fn_returnConfigEntryV2.sqf";
            class isAny
                file = "epoch_code\compile\both\EPOCH_isAny.sqf";
            class compiler
                file = "epoch_code\compile\both\EPOCH_compiler.sqf";
        class Client
            class init
                file = "epoch_code\init\fn_init.sqf";
                preInit = 1;
            class postinit
                file = "epoch_code\init\fn_postinit.sqf";
                postInit = 1;
    class scarCODE
        tag = "SC";
        class introCredits // Server Intro Credits
            file = "scarCODE\introCredits";
            class initCredits { postInit = 1; };
        class introCamera // Server Intro Camera
            file = "scarCODE\introCam";
            class initCamera { postInit = 1; };




Also make sure you have listing the correct folder for each of the below


file = "scarCODE\introCredits";

file = "scarCODE\introCam";

that's it enjoy




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