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No Cultist


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Unless I am missing something in the changelogs, there is no mention of the removal of the cultist, yet we have not seen one since updating the server.

We are getting plenty of sappers, and drones but no cultists.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


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[/Rant on] What is slightly annoying me is trying to build and having two drones, and the sappers exploding when I am trying to position cinder walls. If I have read it correctly the influx of drones/antags happen because of an anti camping feature. This is all well and good but, when trying to base build, you are classed as camping. [/rant off]


That said, Still no sign of Cultists, we are missing them, adds that extra spookyness to night times.

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Increase their spawn chance in loots.h could be an option. Dial down the others minus phantoms to zero while ur at it too to slightly decrease the other antagonists spawning in - wont remove them entirely though as the anti camper spawn will still spawn them in.

where would i find loots.h ?

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Their chance should be equal to other antagonists, except they do only spawn at night. Also notice they seem rarer, am wondering if there are any addons that may be causing issues. Do you have any additional scripts running on your server? 


Sappers and uav should not be spawning if the trigger / target player is in a jammer radius now. They will roam the area and can be led into a base by a player if triggered outside.

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Their chance should be equal to other antagonists, except they do only spawn at night. Also notice they seem rarer, am wondering if there are any addons that may be causing issues. Do you have any additional scripts running on your server? 


Sappers and uav should not be spawning if the trigger / target player is in a jammer radius now. They will roam the area and can be led into a base by a player if triggered outside.

Me thinks Axeman might need to read the latest files.. you can define spawn ratios now:)..I downed the uav's and upped the phantoms.. because i like being scared at night:)..


In the loot.h file.. in case you are wondering:)

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:) I know you don't have a vanilla server, you get cultists tho. I have made it so you are safer in jammer range and safe zones so even the 'not an anti camper' routine should not trigger 'lethal' antagonists, phantom and cultists aren't included in that category currently. I never read the instructions ;)

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We've actually gone hunting for cultists(demented...yeah...I know) at night...different towns...looting like rabid fiends to trigger them...nothing but drones and sappers.

Guess we all have a special place in our hearts for the "Oh no's, just pooped myself!" creepiness!

More please!!!

I'll try upping antagonist spawn chance from default, see if that does anything...but sure to get complaints on too many drones and sappers.

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Attempting to adjust spawn settings.


uav reduced to 25

cloak increased to 50


see if this will make a difference!



Guess we all have a special place in our hearts for the "Oh no's, just pooped myself!" creepiness!


here here!

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Their chance should be equal to other antagonists, except they do only spawn at night. Also notice they seem rarer, am wondering if there are any addons that may be causing issues. Do you have any additional scripts running on your server? 


Sappers and uav should not be spawning if the trigger / target player is in a jammer radius now. They will roam the area and can be led into a base by a player if triggered outside.


The only things running are A3EAI and a statusbar. The exact same config as before, they were showing up before with the same ai and statbar, same settings.

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